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<br /> :�:,;� If Lander exercises this option,Lender ehell �ive Borrower notica otacceleration.'fhe notice shai! provido a period of
<br /> •K •not les:;thnn 30 duys tram the data the notice is delivared�r mailed within which Borrower must pay all surne�securrd by
<br /> chi5 Security Instrument.If liorrowar faile to pay theso r�ume prior to theexpirnti�n of this period,I.endermny imnke any
<br /> � ��� r�medics�x:rmitted by this S�curity Instrumant without furthcr notice or demand un Horrower.
<br /> ' :v� � IR. I.iarrower'R Rijbt t� Roinqt�te. 1f Horrower mr�ts certain conditicros, Horrower ahall havn thn right tu havn
<br /> : �'; entnrcnmanc i►f thiA Ser.urity 1nAtrumgnt diecantinued et any tima prior�u the earlier of:(a)S daye(or such athar(kri�xf as
<br />� _:,�.� appHcHblo Inw may epeci�y far reinstatdmnnt) ix:fore�le ot thn Yropc;rty pureuant to uny �wdr nf cu+l�eonteined in thie
<br /> Security Inetrum�nt;or (b)entry of a ji�dgment nnforoing thie Security InHtrument."fhose amditiunH are that Hnrruwer:
<br /> t� (n) pny9 I.Pndrr ell aumR which then woulcl ba dun�mder this Security In:�trument and th� Nute Us i� nn acceleration had
<br /> •_,�� accurrrd; (h) cures eny defe►dt ��t uny uther cuvenants or egreements; (c) pay� nll nx�nscs incurrecl in rnf��rcing this
<br /> _��,;_�-- Security inetrumrnt, including, but nc�t limited to, reasonabla attornej•a' fc�;und (d) tek�such acti�►n a.g l.ander may
<br /> ..�.,,;,.,� rea�nahly reyuire to as.gure that the lien of this Security lnatrurnent,I..ender's righte in the !'roperty und Hormwer'N
<br /> -.�. ohligaticm to psy tha auma cecured by 4hid Securtty Inatrument sh�ll continua unchanged. Upon reinatatement by
<br /> ��—' Eiorrcnv�r, thiF Security Instrument and the obligatiane se�u�ed hereby ahal l remain iully effective as if no acceleratian hnd
<br /> �-� occuered.Hawvver,this right to reinstaw shall not apply in the cese oF aweleration under paragraph 17.
<br /> 19.5alo of Note; ChanEe of Lom Sorvicer.The Note or a partiel inter�t in the Nots(together�vith this Security
<br />��•5� Instrumant)may be sold ona or more times without prior notice to Borrower.A sale may result in a chenge in the entity
<br />'•-���" (known as the "Loan Servicer") that collecte monthly payments due under the Not.�and this Security Instrument.Thera
<br /> ��=•' also mny be one or more changes of the Loan Sarvtcer unrela�ed to a sale of the Note. If there is a chenge o�tDe Laan
<br />'��Y� � Servicer, Borro�ver wlll be given written natica of the change in accordance with parngraph 14 above and applicable law.
<br />°"4'"� Thd notice will state the name and address of tha new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made.
<br /> - Th�notice will also contain any other information required by applicable laiv.
<br /> ' 20.Hazaxdous Subatances.Borrower ehall not cause or permit the presenca,use,disposal,storage,or release of any
<br /> "-.�.� Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone elce to do,anything affecting the
<br />_.,;��„�� Property that is in violntIon of any Environmental Law.Tha precedingtwo sentences shell not apply to the presence,usa,
<br />�::_�� or storage on the Property of small quentities of Hazardous Substancesthat are generaUy recognized to ba appropriate w
<br />-�''"� narmsl residentiel uses and to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> ----- Borrarver shall promptly givo I.ender writtan notice of any investigation,claim,demand,lawsuit or othcr actian by
<br /> `��'�-�i any governmental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any Hazardous Su�sstance or
<br /> -- Environmental Law of which Borrower has actual knowledge.If Borrower learns,or ie notified by any governmental or
<br /> regulatory authority, that any removal or other remediation of any Y-Iazardous Substance affecting tha Property is
<br />-- necessary,Borrower al.all promptly takeall necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmentel Laa.
<br /> As used in this paragraph 2Q, Eiazerdous Substences"are those eubstances defined es toxic or hazardous substances by
<br /> - Environmental Law and the following substances:gasolino,kerosene. ather flammable or toxic petroleum products,toaic
<br /> _ , �tl�-;�1PC eod herbicides;volatile solvents,materisls containing asbesws or formaldehyde,and radioactive materiala. As
<br /> us�d in thia paragraph 20, "Environmental I.aw" meana faderal laws and lawa of the jurisdiction whera the Propercy is
<br /> located that relate to health,safety or environmental protection. .
<br /> "'� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Bonower and Lender iurthec covenant ax►d agtee as folloRS:
<br /> - 21. Acceleration; Aomedies. Lender shall Yive notico to Borrower prior to acceler�tion followinj
<br /> � Bonoxer's breach of say covea�at or aEreemeat in this Security Ynstrumant (but not rior to acceler�tloQ
<br /> under par�Praph 17 ualess applicablo law provides othorwise). The notice shall specify: (a�the def�ult; (b)the
<br /> actton required to cure the def�ult; (c) a date, not less th�n 30 daya from the d�te the notice is riven to
<br /> Borrower, by which the default must be cured; and (d) that fatluro to cure the default on or bCtore tha date
<br /> mpecified ia tho notico may rasult in acceleratloa oi the sums seoured by this Security Instrument and sale ot
<br /> the Property.Thc natice shall further iniorm Borrower of the ritht tv relnstate aiter accelerattoa and the ri=ht
<br /> to briag a court action to sssert the non-ezistence of a default ortay other detaasa oi Borrower to�cceleration
<br /> snd sale. If the defsult is not cured on�r before the date specitiad in tho aotice� Laader, at its option� may
<br /> require immediate paymeat in iull of ail a�uma secured by this Secatity Iastrumeat wtthout further dem�ad
<br /> and rnay invoke the power oi salo and any other remedies permitted by applicnble l�w.Lender ahall be eatltied
<br /> to collect sll expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this paragr�ph 21. including, but aot
<br /> limited to,reasonabla attorneys' fees and costs oi title ovidence.
<br /> Ii the power oi sale is invok�d,Trustee sh�ll record�natice ox defauit tn each county in whic6 aay part ot
<br /> t6c Property is located aad ahall m�il copies of such notice ia the manner prescrebed by ippltcablo laR to
<br /> Borro�ver and to the other persoas prescrib�d by�pplicable 1��. After the time required by appl�cable law,
<br /> 'I'rustee sball�ive public notice of sile to tho paraons and in tho manner prescrtbed by appltcabla law.Tru�steo,
<br /> without domand an Borrower,shall setl tha Property at public auction to the hithest btdder at the time and
<br /> Puge 6 of 6 Poem S02t 9190
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