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<br /> , ; • (d) a writ o1 exocutlon or ettaahment of any almllar procasR ahall be entered sgalnst Trustor whlch sheN
<br /> �. �,
<br /> procosa of judgment ernot r e leas e d,b c n d e d�e a t stled,vecat�d or eta yed withln aCixty(80)days aftor its o try or I�vy; �'.
<br /> �.:I ar --
<br /> �'� (e) there has occurred a breach of or default undor any term,covenant,agreement,conditlon,provfsla�,
<br /> :� representatfon ar wa��anty contafned In any prlor deed of trust or mortgage eNecting tho Trust Estate.
<br /> �� 10. ACCEI.ERATIONS UPON DEFAULT;ADDITIONAL REMEDIE3. If an event oi defautt xcura,Bgneflclary rney �
<br /> ,;.,..,�� declare the Indebtedness secured hereby to be due and payaWe and the sama shatl thereupon become�Jue and payable
<br /> � � without any presentment,demand,protest or notice of any klnd. Thereaiter,Beneficiary mey:
<br /> �.,,r�� efther Inpe rson or by agent, with or without bringing any action or proceedtng,or by a recelver
<br />'"'"� appointed by a court and wrthout regard to the adequacy ot fts security,enter upon and take possesslon of the Tn�t
<br /> � , Estato,or any paR thereaf,In fts own name or In the name of Trustee,and do any acts whlch ft deema necessar'y ur
<br /> ...�• desiraWe to presenre the value, marketabllity ar rentabflfty of the Trust Estate, or pa►t therc3of a IMerest thare6i,
<br /> increase the Income therefrom or protect the sacuriry hereof end, wfth or wfthout taking possesaton of the T►uat
<br /> Estate, sue for or otherw(se cdlect the rents, issues snd proflts thereof, including those past due and unpaki, a�d
<br /> � apply the same, less costs and expenses of operatton and cdlectton Including sttomey's fees, � �
<br /> � triciebtedness secured hereby, ail in such order as Beneflclary may determine. The entering upon
<br /> possession of the Tmst Estt�te, the cdlectlon of such rents, Issues and proflte and the applk;ation thereof as
<br /> � � aforesaki shall not cure or waive any default or notice of detault hereunder or lnvalldate any act done in responseto
<br /> such deiault or pursusnt to such notice of defautt and, notwilhstanding the coMinuance tn posseaslon of the Trust
<br /> • Eetate or the c�tlflction, recelpt and applicaNan of rents. Issues ar profits,Trustee or Beneflclary shall be er�ided to
<br />_�.':�,',�;s�_ ' exercise every rlght provided for tn any of the Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence of any ever�of default.
<br /> � • ':�. Including the rtgM to exercise the pnwer of sale;
<br /> ' `�''��'� • pi) commence ara actlon to foreclose thts DeQCI of Trust as a moRgage,appoint a recel�er or s�ecft3�ally
<br /> �:'•!`✓¢f;::��.
<br /> ' ;�; f ';; � enforce any M the c4nvenants hereof;
<br />��`';f`° `�• pii) delNer to Trustee a w�tten dedaration of default and demand tor sale and a written notice d detauft
<br />,_�,::••�• .
<br /> �. fortl ��d�/n the approprtateroffices ot the CouMy!n whlch he Trust Estate Is�ocated;or�s����use tv be ddy fi
<br /> -,t;.�:,
<br /> ;wr;��-.�. .
<br /> ��y�,; � (iv) exercise eucte othot�igMs at remed�es at law or in equity.
<br /> :'`��,�'.� . :
<br /> - t t. FORECLOSURE BY POWER(DF S�1lE• If Beneflcl�ry a�ects to toreclose by exerciso af the Power ag Sal�
<br /> -���i here�n cor�ta3ned, Beneflciary shail notity Truatee and si�ail deposii wii��Tzi�iss ii�s °.s�cr�!Qtwd oY Tn�.-�t� any rate
<br /> °•_-�• evtdencing the Indebtedness and such receipts and evidence of expenditurea made and secured hereby as Tnastee mny
<br /> - - requlre.
<br /> Upon recetpt of such notice irom Beneflclary, Trustee shell cauae to be recorded, publlshed end
<br /> delNer d to Truator auch Not(ce of Detault and Not�e d Sale ss then requked by lew and by this Second Daed v�
<br /> T�uat. Truatee si�all without demand on TNator,after auch time aa may then be�equlred by law and aRer recadedon
<br /> d euch Notlr.e ol Oelsutt end eRer Notice of Sala havin�been�Ive�ea required by lew. eell theTn�at Eat�te atthe
<br /> time and place of sde fbced by ft In such Notke af Sale�elther as a whde�or In aepenits lots or pa�cels or It�u aa
<br /> Trustee shaN deem e�cpedlent�and In euch order aa�mey determine,etpublia euction to the hiph�st bldderior ash
<br /> M IAwh�l moneY d the Unked Statea payabie at the tkne o1 aNe. Tn�atee ehsll dNivK to wch purch�sa or
<br /> putchasere thefeof Re yood and sufficlent deed or deeds comreyln0 the P►openl►sa edd�but wkhout eny cover�rit
<br /> or werrenty expreseed or implied. The reclrnla in such deed of any mettero or tacts ehell be ca�dushn P�t euch
<br /> tnithiulneas thereof. My paraon� Indudinp without Ifmitatbn Tnrstor,Tn�atee or BeneHckry�maY P��
<br /> sale.
<br /> qs rr�ay be pstmiKed by law,atter deductin�all costs,fees and e�enaea of Tn�atea and of t�a Tn�aR,
<br /> Includj nb�� co�s of evfdence of tide tn connection with sale,Tntstee sheil e�the proceeda of s�le to payn�ent af(q
<br /> the Indebtednesa (H)all other sums then secured hereby, end p�j the rerrw nder, if a�Y,to the per+�on or Parans .
<br /> lepelty eMided thereto.
<br /> (c) Trustee may In the mannBr provWed by Iaw postpo►�e sale d all or any pottbn of the Tn�at Estate.
<br /> 12. REMEDIES NOT EXCLU3IVE. Tnistee and Benef�tary� and each of them, shail be entkted to enforce
<br /> paYment and ep r(ormance of any indebtedness or obligations secured hereby and to exercke all righte and po�we►s uider
<br /> thls Second Deed d Tn�st or unde� any Loan Inst�ument or o�ther egreement or any lawa now or hereefter b face�
<br /> notwkhstandtnp,some ar ell d the such Indebtedness and obllgatbna eecured hereby n'�ay na+�►a'hereeiter be atha�xrAse
<br /> secured.whether by rtwrt�a�e�deed of trust,p�ed9e�Ilen�assl�►ment or othervrlae. Nekher the acceplance of thb Second
<br /> Deed of 7rusi not fts entorcement, whether by court action or pursua��s ri�M t�rreall�zes upon a er�force�aey aNser
<br /> coMaUed, ahell preJudice or In any manner affact Tn�stee's or Ber�e�ic
<br /> _._.___ _ �be entltle�d t entorce ths S yecors�Deed ot T�e�en�se�urRy�now a h reafter held by��8er e�le�ry �tl�n*n�
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