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8/28/2012 8:09:10 AM
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8/28/2012 8:09:10 AM
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201207� <br />for the repairs and restorarion in a single payment or in a series of progress payments as the work is <br />completed. If the inc��rance or condemnarion proceeds are not sufficient to repair or restare the Property, <br />Borrower is not relieved of Borrower's abIigarion for the completion of such repair or restorarion. <br />Lendes or its agent may make reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property. If it has reasonable <br />cause, Lender Ynay inspe�t the interior af the imgrovements on the Property. Lender shail give Borrower <br />aotiee aE the tYme o� or priar to such an interior inspection specifying such reasonable cause. <br />8. Bov�o�r�r's loar� A�Crcatiare. Bcrrro�rrer shall; be in c�efault if, during the Loan application process, <br />Borrow+er or any persctns �s entities a�g at the direcrion of Borrower or witit Borrower's knowledge or <br />co�st gave x�teriaS�y fatse, �isleading, or i�accurate information os stateFnents to �.ernier (Qr failed to <br />provide LeII�er wit�i material informatic►a) ia cc�nnection with the �.oan. 1V�aterial representations i�iude, but <br />are not Iimi� to, repr�tatioffi coa�g Borrower's occupancy of the Preperty as Borrower's principal <br />resicYeIICe. . <br />9. Pvertection of E.�et�'er's tnterest ire tBee Pr��sty and FiigRts Flr�c�r this Se�rity [r�tru�rrertt. Tf (a) <br />Ba�v�es fails �o perform�, the c�vena�rts aac� agteements contaiEtec� ia t�is Sectuity �nstr.vmen�, f 6} there is a <br />Ieg�: Pro�ing ti�t �sight sigai.fic�tl�r aff�t �.en�er's interest ua tS�e Froperty aac�/�r rights under tfiis <br />Security F� (sr� � a gr�g ia baukruptcy, probate, for co�cdemnation or forfeiture, for <br />enforcemeni af � Ii� a+hicl� m�� at�aia gri�rity aver this Security I� or ta enforce Iaws or <br />reg�taEions), or (c} Bcyyrrawer �cas abanda�ed the Property, the� L.ealder may do z� pay for whate�rer is <br />reasoaabie oF apgragsi�e � gro� �'s iuterest in the Progerty aac� rigFtts under this Security <br />Tmtiv�meat ir�Yu�g grat� a�t'�r assessing the va�zze of t�e Prog�tty, an� secu�:ng anc�/or rePairing <br />tlie Frop�tjr. fl�'s a6ti.� c�n ir�eSucYe, but are aot limitect to: (a} I�,Yiag any sums sec�red by �. I.ien <br />whic� I� privrity �vrer t�iis �r.Fi�r F�t; (b) aPPe�ring 'r.�, co�rt; a�d (c1 P$Yffig reasouabl$ attcrraeys' <br />f� tv prot� its intezest in the Propea�r �cT/�F rights under this �ity ��t, iacludistg its sec�ec� <br />position ia a ba�tcY Fra�ing. �ing the Property includes, but is nQt Iimited to, euteriag the <br />Frog�ty to m�e re�sa�ics, cban�e focks, aegl� or boazct up dovrs a�fi vviIIdov�rs, draiII water frorn gipes, <br />etiminate b�d�ag or o�hh� c�e vieta�i�as os ciaicgerous conditioas, � have utilities t�me� oa Qs aff. <br />Althougl� begc�es �p tat� action uuc�er this Section 9, Lender does IIot ha:ve to do so aad is rnit uncier any <br />duty crr obtigatioa t� do so. It is agreec� that LeIIder incurs no liability far not taking any ar aII actco� <br />autho� u� t�s �etion. 9. <br />tTny awounts disburs� by �,ender unc� t�iis SecriQn 9 s3�aII became additional debt of �rrower �ured hy <br />this Security I�. �hese �nauats s�all b�r interest at the Note rate from the date of disburse�nt <br />and shall be payable, vNith such int�rest, u}�on �tice from Leader to Borrower re9.���� PaY�t- <br />If this Se�vrit�C T�ertt is ox� a I�old, Borrower shall comgly with aII tl�e grovisions of the Iease. If <br />Borrower acquires fee title to the Property, the leasehold and the fee title shatl not merge unless I.ender <br />agrees to the merger i� writing. <br />10. Mortgage fnsuranee. If L,ender required Mortgage Insurance as a condition of making the Loan, Borrower <br />shall pay the premivms required to maintain the Mortgage Insurance in effect. If, for any reason, the <br />1V�ortgage Insurance caverage required by Lender ceases to be available from the mortgage insurer that <br />previously provided sucfi insurance and �rrower was required to make separately designated payments <br />towazd the premiums for Mortgage Insu.rance, Bonower sha11 pay the premiums required to obtain coverage <br />substantially equivalent to the Mortgage Insurance previously in effect, at a cost substantially equivalent to <br />the cost to Borrower of the Mortgage Insurance previously in effect, from an altemate mortgage insurer <br />selected by Lender. If substantially equivalent Mortgage Insurance coverage is not available, Bonower shall <br />NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fannie Mae/Freddfe Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Form 3028 1/01 <br />VMP p VMPB(NE) (1105) <br />Wolters Kluwer Financial Services Page 8 of 17 <br />
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