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<br /> �• •. � • , ' 17.Transt�r al th� Prop�rtyr or� B�n�ilcld Int�rest In Borrow�r. N all or any part ot the Properry o►
<br /> eny Interest In ft la eotd o►tnnelerred (or It �beneflctal Intereat In Bonower Is sold or tr�nsterred end Bortower Is nol s n�lural
<br /> � per,en)svNnnut 1 emder'e prinr wdtton cnns�nl,lender rrwy,at ile aptlon,reaulre Immedute peyrnent fn tul! 01 eli eums secured by
<br /> thla Securlty Inatrum�nt. However, this aption et�eY nol be exerclaed by Lender II exerGse Is prahlb�ted by ioderal iaw ac, of the �
<br /> ., date of Ihls Security Insirumenl.
<br /> If Lender�xercl�es lhla optlon, Lende► e�all gYve Bortowa nolice o1 accdenlion. The notice shell provide a perlod ot not
<br /> lesa then 30 d�ya hom lhe date the nolice Is deliv�red or maYed wlthln whieh Borrower must psy ell sums aecured by thls
<br /> . % Security Insirument. If Borrowar IaHe to p�y Ihaae aum� prfor to the expN�lion ol tin:�perfod, lender may Invoka eny remedie.,
<br /> permlKed by thls Secu�ity Instrument without Nrther notice or demand on Borrower.
<br /> 'f�� 18, Borrower'� RIqM to ��InslK�. If eorrower meets certau� cand!t�ons, eorrower ahaH have Ihe right to havo �-
<br /> .__ enforeement ol thla Security Instrument discont�nued at �ny time pHor to Ihe eaNe►ot: (e) 5 daya (or such otha perlad as W
<br /> � eppNcable law may speGly for relns!atement�before ede o}the Property pureuant to Ny power of sele conteined In this Security �
<br /> � InsWment: or(b) entry o1 e Judyment entordng thls &ecurity Instrument.Those condilbns ere that Borrower. (a) psya Lender all �
<br /> �• sums whleh then would be due under thls Securily Insirument�nd the Note ea N no teceteraUon had occurred: (b) cures any
<br /> dateutt o1 any otha covar��nt or egreemEnts;(c)pays dl expenses Incuned in entorchg ihis Securiry Instrument. Including.but
<br /> not limited ta.reaeonn6le nttomeys'(eea;r�d(ci)t�kes auch ection as Lender m�y reesonably requlre to assure that the Ilen of �
<br /> this Security Inatrumenl, lender'e rights In Ihe Property and Borrower's obAgallon lo pey the sums secured by this Security �
<br /> Insirument sh�M continue unchanged. Upon reinstatemmt by Bor�uwer, thls Securtly Instrumetit and the obligations secured
<br /> , � hereby shell remain htly eHectNe as N no saelentlon had occurted. However,lhis �ght to reinstate shall not apply in the case �
<br /> • of nceeleration under paragnph 17.
<br /> , 7 9. S�I� of NOt�; Ch�ny� of los�n S�NiC�►. The Noto or a e parlial interest In the Note (together w(th this �
<br />�'; Security Instrument)may be sold one or mae times wHhout pdor notice to Borrower.A sale rt►ay resuft(n a change in the entity
<br />= � (knowo es the'Lo�n Servicer')that coMects monthly paymbnta due under the Nola and this Securily Instrumen� There also may
<br />' • � be one or mare changes o} the loen Servker unrelated to s saie of the Note. II there is a change of the Loan Servicsr,
<br /> '.R'.•..�?`;;'+�' Bortower wiN be given wdtten notice of the change in accordance with pangraph 14 sbove and appNcable law. The notice wili
<br /> stete !he name and address ot the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payme�ta should be mado. The noUce wiq also
<br />��. i` a, contain�ny other IntomaUon requked by appYcable(sw.
<br /> �. ..f::.
<br /> 20. Hua�dous Substsnc�s.Bortower shnll not eause or permit the presenee, use. disposal, storage. or rNease ot
<br />, . eny Haurdous Subst�ncea on or in the PropeYty. 8orrower shail not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anything aftecting the
<br /> Property that la In v�otatlon ot any Envkonmtt►!d Law. The preceding two sentences she8 not apply to the presence, use, or
<br />� ' ar storage on the Property oi smaN quantilles of Htzardous Substances that ere genenMy recognixed to be eppropriate to normal
<br /> •� • •� resldenUel uaes and to mahtenence oi the Property.
<br />��� •• �'• Bortower sheN prompty gNe Lende► wdttm noUca ot eny investlgnQon. claim demand, Iewsuit or other action by eny
<br /> =�''�ir„ _ govemmmtsl or regulatory agency or prNate parry involving the PropeRy and any Harardous Substence or Emlronmental Uw of
<br />�.:i.fa.
<br /> t»�•-' �'� ygMrFs Hnrmwer h�� actual knowiedge. If Borrower leams. or Is notifled by any qovemmer►tal or regulatory authority, thet any
<br />�-;:-'y�x+�`
<br /> 4.• removal or other remediation of any Hezardoua Substance �ttecting Property Is necessary. Borrowe► ahall prompUy t�ke aM
<br />��'�s.� 3,:
<br /> - �• 'c?• neces�ry remedi8 actlons In accordance wdh Envlronmentd Uw.
<br /> '._.-_m� As used In thts paragraph 20, 'Hazardous SubsUnces' aro those substances deflned as toxlc or hazardous substances by
<br /> =v='=`� Environmental Law end tho following subriances: gasollne, keroaene, oth�r flanunabla or toxle petroleum products, toxlc
<br /> -=��'�---���� peatleldes and herbtctdes,volatile soNents,matedals contdning asbestos or fomrldehyde,and ndioacthre msterials. As used in
<br />_-__•_ - pantgr�ph 20. 'Envkonmental Lew" meens 1Meral laws end Iews of the Judsdkibn where the Properly Is located lhat relate to
<br /> c�=T-� haRh,aatety or environmentel protectlon.
<br />---- NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bortower tnd Lende►turther covemnt and egee�s fWows:
<br /> �.,�„��_� 21. Accelsratlon; Rvm�dl�s. L�nd�r shall glvo nottce to Borrowsr prior to accslorrtlon
<br />--='�� tollowing Borrow�r'R breaoh of �ny cov�nant or agnom�nt In this SeQUrHy Instrum�nt (but n�ot
<br /> � - — prlor 40 �cc�l�ratton u�dor puagraph 17 unl�ss �ppltc�bl� IRw providss oth�rwls�). Th� notic�
<br /> shall�p�cffy: (a) tho d�fiult; (b)the �ation roqulr�d to cur�th�d�ult; (a) a dab, not Isss thsn
<br /> __��� 30 d�ys from th� d�t� th� notic�Is glv�n to Barow�r, by which 4h� d�hult must b� cur�d; �nd
<br /> (d) that fallure to cur� ths default on or bsfan th� d�t� ap�cfFi�d In th� nottc� may r�suk in
<br /> ° acc�l�rstlan of the sums seoured by thls S�cu►ity Instrum�nt and a�le of th� Prop�rtyl.Th� notice
<br /> -- shalt furth�r Uform Borrow�r of the rlght to rdnsta4� ait�r�ccdentlon and th� rlght to bring �
<br /> — court action ta ass�rt th� nonixiltshc� af � d�tauR or any oth�r d�hns� of Borrowsr to
<br /> --"" — accel�ration �nd aale. If the def�uR is not cund on or bofor�th� dst� spscifi�d In ths notice,
<br /> �'°'r`�`'�' tand�r at its apilon may r�qulr�Irnmedlats payment tn full of dl auma secur�d by thls Sscurity
<br /> Instrum�nt without fuKhs� d�nw�nd And may Invok� th� powar ot ealo �nd �ny oth�r r�mediss
<br />_-_�'T,ssr:s;�7I�D�
<br />�_�,a..,�, p�rmitt�d by appllcable I�w. Lendar shall be entitl�d to catl�ct dl �xponses Incurred In purau ng
<br /> =— ths r�m�dl�s provld�d in thle pnagraph 21. Inct�ding, but not Ilmitsd to, reasonabls attorneys'
<br /> ��=r�'�� fssa s�nd costs of title evidenc�.
<br />�°o�,:°����. If the p�owef of aale ts inwokod, Truste� ahsll record � ndlce of d�fault In each county in
<br /> -=- " ��;r which any p�►t o4 th� Proporty Is locatad and shall m�ll copl�s of such notias tn the m�nner
<br />��j;����:�.�_,. prvacribad by appllcable law to Borrower and to the oth�r persons.pr�scribsd by opplicabl� law.
<br />;�r.. _., Yt,,,� Aft�r the tlme required by appliable Iaw, Trustss shall give publia natics of aale to the persons
<br /> and In tha manner p�escribed by appltcabl� law. Truato�, wfthaut dsmand on Bort�ow�r. shall sell
<br /> - � tha Praperty at publt� auctlon to the hlgheat btdder at the tlrne and place and under the terma
<br />- , �Jaslgnatad In the notice of sale 1� one or more parcels and In any order Trustee doterminee.
<br />��••� Trustee may postpons sale of all or eny parcel of the Propsrty by publlc announcement at the
<br />- tlma and place of any prevlously saheduled sal�. Lvnder or its doslgnee may purchase tho
<br /> -��-- � Property at any sate.
<br /> ._ ��� ` ;� Upon roeeipt of payment of tl�e prlce bid, Trustee sh�ll dellve� to the purchaser Trustae's
<br />- �� - ���% daed co�veying the Property.The recitals in the Troatea's dwed sha71 ba prlma facte evidence of
<br /> - � �� tha truth of the statemsnta made thereln. T�ustee sh�ll ppply the proceeds of ths sale in the
<br /> ,;i following order: (a) to all costs and expenses of exar�laing the power of sale. and the sale,
<br /> a Including the payment of 4he Trustae's fees actually incurred, no4 tu exceed three
<br /> 9'0 of tha princtpal amaunt of the
<br /> note at the tlme of the declaratlon of default, and reasanable atto►ney's feea as permitted by law;
<br /> (bj to alt sums secured by thts Security Inatrument; and (c)a�y excess to the pe►aon or pereone
<br /> IsA�tly entitlsd to it.
<br /> , F1716.LMG(1ry� Pag��4 ot 5
<br /> _,
<br /> i
<br /> � v,�n
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