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8/24/2012 8:34:20 AM
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20�207009 <br />sentences shall not apply to the presence, use, or storage on the Property of small quantities of Hazardous <br />Substances that are generally recognized to be appropriate to normal residential uses and to maintenance of <br />the Property (including, but not limited to, hazazdous substances in consumer products). <br />Bonower shall promptly give Lender written notice of (a) any investigation, claim, demand, lawsuit or other <br />acrion by any governmental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Properly and any Hazardous <br />Substance or Environmental Law of which �rrower has actual l�owledge, (b) any Environmental <br />Condition, including but not limited to, any spilling, leaking, dischazge, release or threat of release of any <br />Hazardous Substance, and (c) any condition caused by the presence, use or release of a Hazardous Substance <br />which adversely affects the value of the Property. If Bonower learns, or is notified by any governmental or <br />regulatory authority, or any private party, that any removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance <br />aff�ting the Property is n�essary, Borrower shall promptly take all necessary remedial actions in <br />accordance with Environmental Law. 1Vothing herein shall create any abligation on I.ender for an <br />Envi=onmental f:leanup. " <br />11ton-Uni�form Covenants. �rrovver and Lendea covenant and agree as follows: <br />22. Acceleratian: Re�rn�d'�. Leades sba11 gi�e notice to �orcower pr►or to aceeleration following <br />Bo�wer's breac6 of any covemant or agreement in this Security Imtn�ffient (ifut �t prior to <br />acc�ler�timn under 5�818 t�nless Agg�icaT�e Law �xnovides otHerwise). Tbe sgtice shall sp�ify: (a) <br />tfi� def�t; (b? �fie aet�ien reguireci to cure i�te default; �e) a date, not les,s t?�n 30 days from tl�e date <br />t�Ce aotice is given to �arrower, by which � d�fault m�sE be cured; and (d) �t failure to cure tE�e <br />de�� on or befere � date speciP�e�l in ttse aatice map �it in acxeleratiQn of tBe sums sec�tred by <br />this Se�rit� I�n�memt �ttd s�te of t�ee Prdpesty. Tt�e notic� shall fi�rt�er i�for� �orrower af t6e <br />r�l,t Ea seimsta4� �- �eleration and the rigbt !o �r►ng a court action to �rt the nom-e�stence ot a <br />de�'a�t er any atber d�f� of Be�ra�wer to �EC�rafaun and sa1e. If the defa�It is �ot c� on Qr <br />before t�e �te speci� nn �e so�ice, Lend�r at its ogtian �y r�yuire �m�edi�te pay�nent in fiill of <br />all se�ffi secured by Y,6� S�r�ty �t vr�t�out S�rt�ter demand and �ay �v�e the pavrer of sat� <br />and any otLer remedies per�i�ted by Agg�61e Lender shaZl be entitied to �alleet all �cpe�es <br />incurred iB purse��g the r�me�es provided in t6is Sectios 22, inclndi�, but �t iimited to, re�sonai�le <br />attorneys' f�s and casts of title evide.nce. <br />If t�ee po�er of sale i,s in�ok�l, ��ee s�all r�ord a nQtice of default i�n each eounty � w�icb any <br />part ef �ee Property � i�cated and shall � cogies of seich nat�ee in tt�e manner prescribed by <br />A��licabte Ls3w to Borrc►wer and to the otver persons gmscribed by Applicable After tbe time <br />tequireci 6y Apglicabte i.�w, �n�tee shall give public notice of sale to the persons and in the manner <br />prescrib� by Apglicabte Lave. Trust�, without demand an Borrower, shall sell the Property at public <br />auction to the higHest bidder at the time and place and under the terms designated in the notice of sate <br />in one or more parcets and in any order Trustee determines. Trustee may postp�ne sale of aU or any <br />parcel of the Properly by pubiic announcement at the time and place of any previousty scheduled sale. <br />Lender or its designee may purchase the Property at any sale. <br />iJpon r�eipt of payment of the price bid, Trust� shall deliver to the purchaser Trustee's de� <br />conveying the Property. The recitals in the Trustee's de� shall be prima facie evidence of the truth of <br />the statements made therein. Trustee shall apply the proceeds of the sale in the following order: (a) to <br />all costs and expenses of exercising the �wer of sale, and the sale, including the payment of the <br />Trustee's fees actually incurred and reasonable attorneys' fecs as permitted by Applicable Law; (b) to <br />all sums secured by this �curity Instrument; and (c) any excess to the person or persons legally <br />entitled to it. <br />NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fannie Mas/Freddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Form 3028 1/Ot <br />VMP � VMPBINE) (17051 <br />Woiters Kluwer Financlal Services Page 14 of 77 <br />
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