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<br /> _ _�.�tef�E.�.�l�"s..lft'�f.'Y1:�°_T.I-� elfLitif'�a._ ____-_---
<br /> p�k�clpN�max�t d tt►�Ir�d�btrdna�Mcursd by thM DNd d T t �,�udlnp aum�sdvanced to prot�ct th�Mcurily u1 lhb D�ed o�
<br /> 7�rus1,exc�d ths q�inaf pindp�d amount�tat�d h�nNn,or i ��.u��•00 _,wh�hever I�preater.
<br /> � 16.Mlsc.�ll�ou�PnoWsbns.
<br /> (e)Boeow�r No!�tN��d.Extenslon of tf�tims for p�yrs�st or maiiticatlon ot amordzadon of the auma saaurod by�h
<br /> Dsed ot Truat pranbd by Lender to any sucoesaa In Interset oi B�rtower ahall not operete to rebaae,In any mancter,the NabIN-
<br /> • ty ol the oripinad Borrower and Borrowsrs tuoc�sion In Intsroet. Lender ehall not ba rsqutrod to commeix�.s procsedlnps
<br /> spsl�at such succetsor or refuae to extend time for paymsnt or otl�e�ss modiy emottization oi the suma securod by this C�
<br /> peed of Trust by rason ot eny demsnds msde by the oripinsl 8orrower end Barower�succ�aon 1�intsres4 �
<br /> (b)L�nd�r's Pow�n.Without etfecNNng the Ilebllity of any other person Ilable tor the payment ot any obNgatton herdn men-
<br /> tioned,and without affectinp the Iien or charye of lhlo Deed o/Trust upon any portfai oi Iho Property not thcn or tharotoforo K
<br /> robssed a�aecudry fa the full emount oi aN unpsid obligatlona, Lender may,trom Ume to dms and wHhout�(1)reba�s
<br /> any person sa Itabb, (u)extend the maturity or efter eny o�the tertna oi eny such obl�gations�p��)9�ant othsr tnduqencea,(hr) �"'�
<br /> release or roca�vey� or cause b be robesed or�econveysd at a�iy dme at La�der'e apt{on any paroel. Patfon or eN of Ne �
<br /> Property,(v)te►ke a releaae any other or edditlonal aecurily ta e�y oWigaUon herefn menda�sd.ur(vi)mske oompo�sMlons or �
<br /> other arcaopeme►nb with debtora in relAtioo Thereto.
<br /> (c)Forb�xa�a by Lsnd�r Not a Wafwr.My farbearance by Lender in exercl�inp eny right or remedy her�e�mde►�or oM- I�
<br /> erwlse atforcied by applicable Iaw,shail no!be a watvar of or prectude the oxerctse ot any such right or remedy.The p►oc:ure- (f�
<br /> ment oi insurance a the paymeitt pi taxes or other Ibns or charges by Lender shall not be a waiver or Lender'a dght to ecceler-
<br /> ate the maWdty of Ihe indebtednass secured by th(s Deed of Tnist
<br /> (d)Succ�asors and Assipns Bound;Joint�nd S�veral Llabitity;Captlons.The covenants end agreements hereln con-
<br /> talned shall bind,aMi the r(ghts hereunder shall inure to,the respecthra successors and essigns of Ler�der end Truator.Aii
<br /> oovenants aod�eements of TNStor shaN be joint end aeveral.The ceptions and headings ot the paregraphs of tl►is Oeed o1
<br /> Trust are for convenlence or�ly and aro�ot b tra wcd to inarprot or dsfins the provi�lor�s heneW.
<br /> ie)R�qwst tor Notlo�s.'1'he pertles hersby request that e copy of any nolioe af default herout+dsr end e oopy M any ndbs
<br /> af salo her�undor be mail�c!!o each party to this Deed of Truet at the acfdress set farth ebove In tho manne►ProsaN»d by
<br /> eppl(cable law.Exoept for any other notice required under appliceble law W be ghren In another manner,eny natioe provkled tor
<br /> in this Deed oi Trust shell be ghron by maNinp auch notk;e by cerdfled mail eddressed to the other patties,at the addness aet
<br /> forth ebove.Any rattce prov(ded for In thia Deed ot Trust shall be e?�ecUve upon meiling In the manner deai�nated heroin.�f
<br /> Trustor is more than one person,noUce s�nt to the address set foM aboare ahall be nottce to all such persons.
<br />� (�Insp�atlo�.Lendsr may make or xauee W bs mede roa�onab9a mntrbs upon end Inspectisams of the PropeAy, provideds
<br /> thst Lender shetl gHe Trustor noUco prior to any such inspectlon specify(np reasonabie cause thor�fa related to lender'e inter-
<br /> �st in the Property,
<br /> (gj R�eonwymc�.Upon payrment c,i all sums securad by this Deed of T�ust,Lender shall request Trustee to�raconvey the
<br /> Property and sfiall surrender thls Oeerl ast Truat and all notea evidendng Indabtadneas secured by this Deed ai Truat to
<br /> Trustee.Tn�atee shall rec;onvey the Pioparty.without werrenty and wfthout charge to the persan or persor►s Ie0a11y e�tiUed
<br /> thereto.7rustor shall pay all coeb ot recordatian,if sny.
<br /> (h)Penan�! Pn►prRy;S�writy Ay�menR/1�eAditionel aecutily for the pflymant of the Note,Tn�sb►hereby�nta
<br /> l.ender under the Nebraska Unitorm Commercfal Codo o security Interest in all fl+�twros,equipment,and�personal properly
<br /> used In connection with the roal estate a improvemerne located thereon�and rat otherywse deaena or dsan�f io be a pw�f of °
<br /> the real astate seax+ed hereby.fils inadument shail be oonstrued as a Sacu�iry Agreement under setd Code,and the Lender
<br /> sl►ell have eA Ihe rfphts end remedies of a secured parly under eaW Code in eddfHan to the righta end romedbs croated under
<br /> end acconied the ler�der pursuent to thla Deed of Trust;provided fhat Lendere riphte snd remedfes under fhb paregraph ehall
<br /> be cumulative�nrith,a�d in no wey a Ilmitatlon on,Lerxier's rights end reme�dles under eny other�ecurNy prsert�ent slpned by
<br /> Borrowsr or Truata.
<br /> (i)I.I�ns�nd EncwnbnncN.Tru�tor hersby warranb and represents 4hat thers Is no dsiault�r ths provieloiu d�nY
<br /> mortpape,deed of truet, Is�se or pu►cha�s coMrad de�cdbinp ell or any psR of the Properly�or WMr oonVnc:t�In�bunNnt or
<br /> apresrnsnt oonstMudnp s Ibn ar sncumbran�e epaknt all or any peR oi tha Propsrry(r.oMscNw�iyr.'Llens7 exblkp�s of th�
<br /> date o(thit Desd d Tnnt,�nd th�t any�nd aM�xl�tinq Lfen�renwin unmodiAed sxapt es disclos�d to LerK1e►In Trusla'e writ
<br /> ten dlsdosun o111sm and encumbranc�� provldsd for heroln.Trustor shall timsly pertorm ell o/7►uaEors obHpallons.
<br /> oovsnana,►sprse�ntatf�on��nd wart�nM�s under.ay snd eH existin�end futun Lkns�sh�N prort�pMy taw�d lo L�txJK oopiss ;
<br /> pf W RoHo�s W d�huk sent In cawNCHon wkh any and all ex(adrq ur futuro Lbns.and�hell not w{thout La�dsrs p�lor written
<br /> oa�►t in�ny n�rwr modly Ms,provblons o1 or�Now any tudx�s adv�noss und�r�ny sxhtinp or fuax�N�.
<br /> W AF�lieatlbn'ol hya�b.Unbss Wt�ervuhs roqufrod by leiw,auma pafd b Lender hensunder�k�d�xlkq wNhad Nmkatbn
<br /> a��tl�ie�s�d�ue and owk�p irom Trus��or a�nda�Bat+ower fn a��aa Lender In ib �dh�crolb��deern�e�dsak �
<br /> abb.
<br /> (k)�Millk�r.li�ny provl�lon o�thb Os�d ot Trost confll�ts wRh�ppNcabls law ar b ded�nd inwNd or otl�e�wlw unMt-
<br /> foroe�bts�such canflic.t or Invalidity sheN not atfsct ths other provfslon�ot thle Dsed ot Trust or the Nots wl�{ch cw�bs pivsn
<br /> effed without the confl�ctinp provls{on,and to thb end the proviskxr�W thla Deed ot Trost end the Note aro dedarod�o b�sev-
<br /> etable.
<br /> (1)T�rrns.l'tte brma'Tnrstor and`Borrower'ahell InClude both e(rpular and plural,and whsn the Trustor and Bortowsr ars '
<br /> the sanrs peraon(e),those terma as used In this Dasd of Trust ehaN be Interchangeabb.
<br /> (m)Govwnl�p Law.Thla Deed ot Tn�st ahaN be yovemed by the laws ot the Stete of Nebraska.
<br /> Trustor has ecuted this Ds�d ot Truat as of the data written above.
<br /> rw... �• u •nn nnnnnue0 T...�w � � /���IM
<br /> ..v
<br /> � N11UT • GfMOJ' V'DVI�DVttVn nua�v. •v..�••�•• _• _"•. ' r. ...�....
<br /> (RAN L. EVANS, PP,ESIOENT) Truator Trustor
<br />