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<br /> � THIB DEED OF TRUST,la made as of the 15TH day oi S EP7EMBER ,18 97 b and amonp
<br /> the Tnrstor,�► NEBRASKA CORpO�tATIAN. dba RANDY'S�(1U70 SALES � �
<br /> ��
<br /> whose malltng address la 1407 W 2ND ST , GRAND ISLAND NE 68801-5713 (herein•Tmstor',whether one or mone).
<br /> iheTrustee B A NEBRASKA CORPORATION �_
<br /> whose mailing eddress is_p p,�L „ ' ^^•"^ r c� ��n ur 688U2 (rs�ek�'Tnistee'),and
<br /> thBBeneilCf2ry� ''•••'' nnr�rrc nAU1t
<br /> whosemailingaddressis2015 ry oR�„��E�� "'i� �QSNp ISLAND NF 6H803 __ __ (herein"�ender').
<br /> FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,InGudMg Lenders extensWn of credit identified hereln to - --
<br /> (hereln'Borrower;whether one or rnae�and the wst hereEn created,the rece�pt
<br /> of which Is hereby acknowtadged,TrusWr hereby irrevocebly grents,trensfers,conveys and assigna to Tn�stee, !N TRUST.WITH
<br />_ �owcA o�srse,tar ltse 4sn�±flt?n��d►Y oi Lender,under and subJect io'Iho 38mta end conditlons hereinafter set forth,the resl
<br /> property dascribed as tollows:
<br /> Topether with eli buildings,fmprovementa,fixtures,streete,elleys,passepeways,easements,dghte,p�ivi{egea and aPPu�te�ances
<br /> locatad thereon or in enyw(ae perteininp theret�,end the renta,isaues end profits,rever3bna and remainders thereof.and euch por-
<br /> aonal pr�erty thet ia etteched to the improvements ao es to conatitute e flxturo�Mdudtnp.but not Nmited to�hsatinnp and cooNnp squlP-
<br /> ment;snd topetl»r with the homastead or merital Intereats�If any,which Interosts are hereby rolsesed u�d w�ived:all of whfch.k�cfud-
<br /> �ng repacements end additbna theroto,is hereby dedered to be e paR of lhe real eateM seairod by the lien ot this D�ed d Tniat ond
<br /> eN of the forepolnp be�nD refened to heroin ea the'PropeRy'• ���it apree-
<br /> This Desd ot Tnist shall securo(a)the paymant of the p�inclpal aum end Interest evklenced by e prorrdsaory
<br /> �t�� CCDTCtutRCQ 1� to47 _ ,havingamaturHydaEeot cC�TFMRFR 15� 1008 ,
<br /> �n the or{pinsl prindpat emount of S ZOO.000.00 .end any end all modiflcallons,e�ctenabna end rerbwe�s
<br /> thereo{or thereto and eny and ell future advances and readvancea to Bortower(or any ot them If moro than one)hereunder PunsuaM
<br /> �q�a�pr�Mseory notes or credit apreementa(here�n called'Note'};(b)tha payrr►e�t of other sums advanced by LerKier to
<br /> protoct the ascurky W the Note;(c)the pefixmance oi all cavenants end egreements of Trustor aet forth hereln;and(d)eN present and
<br /> {uturo�ndepteclnesa aixl obllgetbns af Bortower(o�any of them if more than one)to Lender whether direat,Indirect,abaolute or contln-
<br /> gent and whether a�ising by note,guaranty,overdrait or othervvise.The Note,this Desd oi Trust end any end all other docume n��t
<br /> secure the Note or othervr{ae executed in connectbn therewith, tncluding wlthout Iimitation guaranteea,security eg
<br /> esatgnmenta ot teases cnd rents,shall be reterred to hereln as the'Loen Instrumenta°.
<br /> Trustor covenants end agrees with Lender es tol{ows:
<br /> 1. Paym�M oi Ind�bbdntss.AII indebtednesa secured hereby shell be pafd when due.
<br /> 2. Titl�.Trustor is the owner of the Property,has the right end euthority to convey the Property,end warcents that the Ilen creat-
<br /> ed horeby is a fi�st and pr(or Ilen on the Property, except for Ilens end encumbrences set torth by Tn�stor In wriHng end delivered to
<br /> Lender betore executlon oi this Deed of Trust,and the executlon and delivery of Mis Deed of Trust does not violate eny conVect or
<br /> other obligetion to whlch TrusDor is 8ubject.
<br /> 3.T�xts,bssssnwnts.To pay before deUnquency ali texes,special essessmenta and all othar charges egainst the Properly
<br /> now or t�eroafter levled.
<br /> 4.�n=u�nc�.To keep the Property Insured egalnst damege by tire,hazerds included withln the tertn"entended coverage',and
<br /> cuch othor hazards es Lender mey requlre, in emounts and with compenies dcceptable to Lender,naming Lender as an edditbnal
<br /> nemed insured,w(th loss payable to the Lender. In case oi loss under such pollGes,the Lender ts auUrorized to adJust,oo8ect ervd
<br /> compromise,ali claims therounder end shall have the option oi epptying all ar paR of the insurance proceeds(I)to any indebtedness „
<br /> secured hereby end In such order as Lender may detetmine,(II)to the Trustor to be used for the repalr or resto�aUon of the Property or • v
<br /> (iii)tor any other purpose or�bject satlsfactory to Lender without effecting the Ilen af thls Deed oi Truet tor the full amount eecured
<br /> horeby before such payment ever took place.Any epplkk:aUona of proceeds to inclebtedness shali not extend o�postpone the due date �,
<br /> — �__..._.._._..,e.....�.��u„re �.M��a anv dntwult thnreunder or hereunder.
<br /> o�o�q r�vsv�....o............_..--•-•--•--., _. .
<br /> 9 b. Escrow. Upon written demand by Lender,Trustor shall pay to Lender,In such manner as Lender may dasignate, suiflcient
<br /> sums to enable Lander to pay es they becorne due one or more of the toibwing:(i)eli texes,essessmeNs and other cherges against
<br />�� the Property, (Il)the premiuma on the propeAy insurance required hereunder,and (tii)the premiums on any mortgage insurance
<br /> � required by Lendar.
<br /> •l� B. Maint�nancs,Repdrs and Compll�nc�wtth Laws.Trustor shall keep the Property in good condition and repafr;shall
<br />'� promptiy repafr,or replace any improvement whlch may be damaged or destroyed;shatl not commtt or permit any wasto or deterlora-
<br /> A tlon of the P�operty;shall not remove,demolish or substantially alter any of tho improvements on the Property;sheil not commit,suiter
<br /> -'� or permlt any act to be done in or upon the Property in violaUon of any law,ordlnance,or regulation;and ahali pay and prompUy dis•
<br /> `� charge et Trustor's cost end expense eil ifens,encumbrances and cha�ges tevted,tmposed or accessed against the Property or any
<br />'•.� part thereof.
<br /> == 7. Eminent Oomaln.Lender Is hereby essigned ali compensation,awards,damages and other payments or reltei(herelnafter
<br /> nec�a,twn.o����n..sne
<br /> O tYN NMiaW BW d Cm.�ruT�u�t�ntl BMps AffaWnn.l+iuih NWnM�
<br />