<br /> All insurance policies required Ug Lcndcr and ronewals of such policies sha11 be subject to Lender'a eight to
<br /> disapprove such policies, s1�a11 inclnde a stenderd mortgage clause, �nd sha11 natna Lender as mortgagee
<br /> and/or as an adclitional loss pflyee. Lender shall hava Yhe right tio hold the polioies and renewal ccrHficatus, If
<br /> T.endor rcq�urea, Borrower shnll protnptly give to Leuder ai1 recc�iptn of paici�rGniuixae ai2d renew�l notices.
<br /> If$orrower obt�ins any form of insmance coverago, not othcrwise required 6y Lender, For dnmage to, or
<br /> destruction of, the Properfy, sLicU policy ehall ii2clude n atandnrd mortgage olause nnd sl�all na�ne I,endee as
<br /> inortigagee andfor as ttn addiCioual loss�ayee.
<br /> In tiha event of loss, Borrower sl�iall �ive prompt notice to Ylie Insura�ice cai�iier aud Lcndor, Lendez'n�ay
<br /> tnalce proof of loss if not mede promptly Uy Borrower. Unless Lender tmd Borrower otherwise agree in
<br /> an�i6ng, any iusuraaice proceeds, wliether or not the imderlying insuranca was required Uy Lendar, Sltall bc�
<br /> applied to resCoraCion or r�pair of tlie Property, if the restoratio�t or repair ia econon�ically Feasible�nd
<br /> Lander's security is not lessened. Dming such rcpair and restoration period, Lendcr e1�n11 hava Clie riglrt to
<br /> hold such insm'aziee proceeds iuitil Lendcr h�a had ui oppottunity to inspect sitah Property to e��snrc thc
<br /> worlc has been complated to l�ndcr's eatrafaction, provided Yhtit such inspection sha11 Ue undc�rtaken
<br /> promptly. Lender may disbivae proceeds for the cepairs aud restoraticm in a singlo paynient or in n aeries of
<br /> progress payme�iCs ns the work is oompleCed. Uiiless an agrccment is made in w�iting ox ApplicaUle Law
<br /> reguires intexeat to Ue pflid on such insurencc proceeds, Lendex shall not be required to pay Barro�uor any
<br /> interest or eaniings on nuch procc�da. Fees for public adjusters, or other tl�iid parties, rotrAiticd hy Borrower
<br /> ahall not bc paici ouh of the inaurance j�roceeds and sl�all be tho sole obligafion oP Borrower. Sf the restora�tion
<br /> or repair is not econbinically feas�Ule m�Lcndcr's accuri6y would be lessenul, the insw'ance proceeds s1�a11 Ue
<br /> Ap�lied to the swns secw•ed by Ghis SecuciCy I�istrument, whether or iiot Uien due, with tho oxc:css, if nny,
<br /> paid Co Borrowcr. Such iivsm•aizce proceeds ehall Ue appliecl in U�e drdcr provided for in Seotion 2.
<br /> If Borirower abandons the Yroperl�y, Lerider may�ile, nagoYiata and settle any availablc instu'ance clair�and
<br /> rela�ted matters. (f Bnrrower cloes not respond wiY1�30 days ko a noticc fi�am Londe�� Chat tha insueance
<br /> earrier l�as ofFcred to settle n clum, fhen Lender may no�,otiate and settle the claim. The 30-da�y period wIll
<br /> Ucgui when the notice is givan. In eith�r cvcnt, ur if L,ender ucquires fhe Property under Section 22 or
<br /> otherwise, Borrower hercUy aerigns Co I.,ender (n) Borrower's rlgl�ts to aity insurancc proceecls iii en nmount
<br /> not to excced the ainomlla impflid mider tihe Note ar this Sccurity InslruuienC, �nc1(b) nny other of
<br /> Borrower's rights (other fhan the iigl�t tu airy refunci of unearned pretnituna paid by Borrower)nndcr al1
<br /> insurance�policies covering the Property, insof'ar as such righl� are npplioable tio tihe ooverage Of tl�a
<br /> Property. Lender nvtiy use tl�e instin'ance proceeds either to repair or rastbre tiha Property or to pay amoimL�
<br /> uupaid under The �oto or thie Secm'ity Inah•un�ient, whefher or nnt tl�en dtiie.
<br /> f3. OaCupanCy. Bocrower shal7 ocoupy, eafablish, and use the Property as�Boirower's principal residence
<br /> witl�in 60 days a8ar tihc execuhion of thie Security Listiru�nent and sl�all contruuo Lo occu�y Che Property ae
<br /> Borrowei's principal residence for at laast one year aftc�-Yl�e date of occup�u�cy, unless Lender otlierwise
<br /> agrees n�writing, wlueh consenk sha71 not bc unrcasonably witl4ield, or unless axtenuating circtiunstances
<br /> existi which aae beyovd Rorrowcr's control.
<br /> 7. Preservation, Mairitenance and Protection of tho Property; Inspections. E3crrrovrer shall not rlestroy,
<br /> damage or iinp�ir hl�e Propexty, allow Ylxe Properry to daterioraYc or ooimi�iit waste on the Property. Whefl�er
<br /> or noC Bon�ower is resid'uig in the ProUcrty, Borrawer shall uiaintain the Property in order to prevent thc
<br /> Pxoperty Proin deteriorating or dccreasing in value due to its condition. Unless it is dctormined�piusnant Co
<br /> SeaCion 5 tha�t repair or restoration ie not econoinically£easible, Rorrowcr Fl�all�rompCly repair the Prqperty
<br /> if dau�aged Yo �void further deterioration or &lmage. If insurattco er condenuiation prooeeda n�•e pnid in
<br /> connec tiou wifli d�mage to, or tlia taldng of, the peoperfy, Borrower ahall Ue responsiUle for repairing or
<br /> restoring the Property only if l.encicr hae released proceeds for sttch purposas. Lender m�y disUurse proceods
<br /> _—_�— -------- ----'----- zna o i az a
<br /> NffIR�SKA-Sinyle Pam Ily-fannle M aelFretldie M ac UNIFORM MSTRUM[NT Porm 3020 U01
<br /> �iM p�y VM PG(NG)17105)
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