<br /> t�ny ap�licetion of p�yments, itusiu-nnce praoeecls, or Miscellancouh Proceeds to principnl due tnider tl�e Note
<br /> sha11 noE ext�end or postyone the xlue daYe, or cltauge the amount, of the Periodio Pa}nncnts.
<br /> 3. I'unds f'or Escrow Items. Borrower shall pay Yo Lender on the dny Period'ro Payixrents arc due undei the
<br /> Note, until t7ie Note i+��aid in full, a sum(the°Punds") tio prowide for pAyment of amoimCs due Por: (a�) tNxea
<br /> and aesesai��e��ts and otl�cr itcros which can atEain priority over this Security Instrtunent ae a lien or
<br /> encumbrance on the Propetty; (h) leaseholcipaymenfs or groimd rents on thc Property, if auy; (c)prem'imns
<br /> for fuiy a�id all insurance required by Lender uuder 3ection 5; and(d) Mortgage Inaurance prcK7�iums, if auy,
<br /> or any sume p�.yable by]3orrower to Lender in lieti of the payment o�FMortgage Insurance prainiuins i��i
<br /> �ccorclnnoe wi�h Che provieiov� of Section 10. '1'hcse itcros are cal1ed "Bscrow lteins.° At originaYion or at
<br /> any time during the term of the Loan, Lendex may require that Conunwiity Association Duas, l�ees, and
<br /> Asscssmcnts, if any, he oscnowed by Borrowcr, and sucl� xl�ics, fees �vid a,ssessinenCs shall be an Eserow
<br /> Item. Borrower shall promptly Iiarnish ho I,ender all notices oC vi�ounts to be paid unde�'this Sectioit.
<br /> Borrower shall pay Lender the Ptmds for L�scrow Items unless Lender waives I3orrower's obligncic�n to pay
<br /> the Ftuide f'or uiy or all �scrow Iteins. Iendex may waive Borro��er's obligation to pay io Leuder ruuda for
<br /> any or all Bscrow IYems at auy time. Any such waive�'��ay only be iu wiiting. ]n the eve�rt of such waiver,
<br /> Borrower ehall pay directily, when and where payable, Clie zmonnte diw fr�r nny Escrow Itcros for wlvch
<br /> payment of Punda hns been waived by Lender �nd, if Lender requires, shxll fiirnish to Lender receipte
<br /> evidenciiig such paymenE within such Yima period as Lender may require. Borrower's obligation to make
<br /> such payment� an(1 to prc�vida receipts si�all for all purposcs be deetned to be a coven�nt and agreement
<br /> eontaineci in llus Security Instrumenf, ae fhe pl�u�pae "ooven�nt and agreement" is riEed in Seo6ion 9. IP
<br /> Borrowor is obligated to pay Escrow Items directly, �ursuaart to a waiver, and Borrower£tdls to pay the
<br /> ainount due far an Fscrotv Item, Lender may axercise its ribhts tu�der Section 9 and pay sueh wnounC aud
<br /> Borrowor shall U�nn l�c�blig�ticd undcr Sec4ion 9 Lo repay fo Lander any such amoimt, Lendcr may revoke
<br /> Ll�ie wtiver es to nny or nll Eacrow Stems at any time by a notice given in accol'dance wiCh Seclion IS �nd,
<br /> upon such revocaCion, Borrawer s1�a11 pay Eo Lender all Fwids, And 'm sLich a�nounts, thnt�u•e then required
<br /> timder this Section 3.
<br /> I.endar�nay, at any time, oollect and ltold'Fm�ds in an amount(a) sufhcient to peemit Lender to apply tha
<br /> Ftimda aC Che lime specified m2der R�SPA, �nd(b) nol lo exceed til�ie maxiivim�an2oimt a]�n�dcr obn require
<br /> mider It�SPA. Lencie� shall estimake the aaiiount of Funds due on the basis of cuxrent dacn aiid reasonable
<br /> estiinales of e�euclif�n'es of fu�ure Lrsorow ICems oc otherwiae in accordance with Applioable I.aw.
<br /> The Funds shall be'he1c1 in aii insf�ihd'ion whose deposits ere inaiued by a Pecleral agcncy, instrwnentality, or
<br /> enYity(including Lender, if Lender is an insYitutioii whose depoeits aze so ineured) or in eny Pecler�l Honie
<br /> Loaii Bank, Lender shall apply tihe Funds Co pay The Fscrow Ifems no laker tliui tihe tune speci�ed under
<br /> RNSPA. ]�.,ender sliall not c1�argo Rorrowc�•for holding and applying C1re F�unds, �miu�.11y aeialyzing the
<br /> escrow a000imC, or verifying tha L+sero�v ICems, mileas Lender pnys Borrower inkerest on 191c Funds and
<br /> Applicabla Law permits Lender to m�l<e such� ch�u�ge. Unless an agreement is made in writing or
<br /> Applicable Law reqnires interest to be paid on tl�e Pui�ds, �,ender shall not be required to pny Borrower any
<br /> interest pr earnings on lhe Funds. Borr��ver anci Lender can�grcc iu wtiting, l�ow�var, thaC interesti shall Ue
<br /> pnid ou the Putzds. Lendez shall give to Boa•rawer, without chnrge, 2n 2nnufll ecoounliiig of thc Funds Ets
<br /> required by RI+,SPA.
<br /> If there is a surplus of Punds held iu escrow, as detined under RESPA, Lender shnll account to IIorrowcr Por
<br /> tl�e excess funds in accordance with RN'SPA, I,f fl�cro ie a sl���rtage of Funds held in escrow, as defxned under
<br /> I2LSPA, Lender shaill noGfy Borro+nzex as reqaired by RCSPA, and Borrowor sl�all pay to Lender 11ie amount
<br /> neceseary to mA1ce up tlie shortage in acoordanoe with ILESPA, but in no more than 12 monflfly paym�n�ts. if
<br /> Uiere is a deflciency o1'FwidA held in esorow, as defined tiuidar RL3PA, Lander eh<�11 notify Boxxower na
<br /> 2AOO1S25
<br /> NEeR4SKA-Singlefamlly-FennlePdeelFreddleblac UNIFORP,4 MS'I'R�MEN'f Porm.3020 17�1
<br /> VM P� VMPe(@E)(110bi
<br /> WO��P.fF NIIIW EY F�llfl�l(I�NI$[ifV�6 S PAQB S OI��
<br />