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<br /> � ��tt.f ���
<br /> � N �jNt�r,��yt M• - .y, (/ y.., —'�11�I�i`7�34.:�
<br /> n�_+-- _ - - _ _ __-- - ...i��;��������1�1�I.7N�������������Cl�;^i`.1��i��� . Tli:e.s��xaa�nuaosao�v�.�..y-.
<br /> :7xd.zire-- V••_�••---—
<br /> ._ .. _ .. . ___ __ . . .
<br /> Borraw�r shall promptly give lr,nder written naticc af any investigatton, cluint,dcmund, lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> govermnenwl or regulatorf ugency or private party invalving the Praperty u�xl any Haz:uduus Substance ar�nvlronmental Law
<br /> of which Bonawer has r�ctual knowledse. If Borrowe►•t�nms. or is notificd by uny govemmental or rcgulatory autharity, that
<br /> any removal or other remeciiuli�n of any Huxardous Sul39tancc uffecting the Propeny Is necessury,sarrnwer shall promptly tulce�
<br /> all necessary remr.dial actions in ucc�rdanee�vith�nvirnnn�entul I.aw.
<br /> As us��i in this pamgr�►ph 20, "H��.urduus Substnnces" urc thasc hubstances defined as tuxic nr ha�.�rdouti ,ubstances byy
<br /> EnvironmentAl L..aw und d�e following sub4tunccs: gusuline, kerorene, uihcr flunmk�blc or toxir pctrolcum praiucis, toxic
<br /> pesticidcs�u�d h�rbicides,volatilc salvents.matcriuts contuinir�F usbestos or formuldehydc,and ruilt�iactivc materl•als. As used iq
<br /> this par,.gruph 20, "Environnxntul Law" meuns federnl luws und luws uf the Jurisclictiun where the Prnpeny is Io�atcJ that
<br /> relute to heulth, safcty or environmentul protectian.
<br /> NON-UNI�ORM COV6NANTS.aanowcr und I.ender fui�ther covenimt und.�gree as follnws:
<br /> 21.Acceleration;Remedies. Ixndrr si�wll give i�i�ttce to Iiorruw�ci•prlui•to uccelerntlun fulin�v[n� Hnrr�nver'g bre�c _
<br /> ot wny coven�nR or s�reement in thls Seeurtty Inctrument (hut not prlor tv wecelcr�tinn unde� pw rwRr�ph 17 u .
<br /> Appllcable I�w provides otherwlsr). TAe m►tI�Y nhal) Rpecltys (n)the defrulti(h)thr wctlon rrqulred t��cure Ihe default;
<br /> (c)�dsite� not lesx tlum 30 dayA tmm the dAte the na►tice Iy given to 11arr��w•er. by whlch the defuult nu�xt he cured;�nd
<br /> (d) tlwit fatlure to cure thr defpult on ar hefore the datr Kpecitled In thr nnticr mwy rrvult lu wcrrlerntlon of the�cums
<br /> secured by thts 5txurlty [astrument and s�le of ihe Prn�xtiy. Thr�N�Ucr yhrll fnrlhrr I��fnrm Hurrv�Nrr of thr riRht tn
<br /> retnstHte�ner �eceleradon And the rlKht to brinK w cnurt wcUun to W.�rrt Ihe nnn•c+►Ir+tc�KC ut a drfwuU or uny othcr
<br /> defen�of BorrnN•er to uccrlrr+iNon und nwlc. If iha� defi�ult Iv nu! rurcyl on ur lxtori� Ihe dHtc ��Ky'1114y1 in thc noUcc.
<br /> I.ender. pt Ity optlon.m�y ttiv�ulrr inmu�d�wtr{�ymeul In fuU uP wll �umr Mrun�l hv ihiv !krurlty In,trument wU1HUU
<br /> turthrr demand �nd mpy lnvoke thr �wrr of wlr wnd wny othrr rrmrdky+prrmltlr�l hy w�►�Ikrhlr I�w.I.endrr xhAll be
<br /> entttled to cullec�t dl rxprnree�Incur�in pur�win+{the t�emedlr�+prr�vldrd In th6++pwraqrw{th Z1.IrKludinp,twt rMN�Imited
<br /> ta�rausanwbk�ttoneeye' r�Nna��»����r��ar rYi�n.�.
<br /> 1[thep�wrr of wle in Inrokrd, '1'ru�tre�II r�n►rd w �wtk�at drtrult In rw�h �v�unly In whkh�ny pwrt ut the
<br /> Pruperly la locs�ted�nd�11 m�ll�y►plr�+of Nuch nutice In the m�nner prrHCrl�ed b�wpplkMlda Iww tu ik�rruwrr�nd t��
<br /> the uther pensoru prr.rcribetl by wppilc�bl�I�w.Atter the tbne reyulred by rpplkwl►le I�w�Truxtee Kh�ll glve publk iwtke
<br /> ot isnnle to tbe petrnnr►rnd In 11�mannrr pnwcritxd 4�y AppltcAMe(�w.Truhtee,wftt�ut dem�nd un Rorm�rcr.shall srl!
<br /> the Praperty ot pubiic�uctlon tu the hlRhext bidder�t the tlme pnd�wrr and under lhe tenn9 de�ignuted In tl�e nnticr ot
<br /> snle M one or maro p�rcels pnd In Any nrder Trustec determt��.w. ruxta�n�y pnstpone xAle nt yll�r wny �wrcel ot the
<br /> property by public am�ouncement at the time wnd plrce uf�uy prevluu!�ly r�:heduled sxle. I.ender ur ttw dcstgnee may
<br /> purchwsc tl�e Property at Any�le. '�
<br /> _ Upou rereipt �!payment of the price bid, TruStee rhwll deliver to thr {wrch�.�er Trustee'x deed cc►nvcying the _
<br /> prnpr,rty. The recttals in the'frustee's deed shpll be primw tacte evidence of the truth ot the stAtements made therein.
<br /> Tcustee shall apply the proceeds at the sale In the tollawing order:(p)to ull costs and expenu.w of rxercislnq tde{awer of
<br /> sale,And the ss�le,including the pwyment of the Trustee'�s[e�.w�ctually Incurred,nut ta exceed Z of �50.00 or � `XD
<br /> of the principal amount oP the note at the tlme ot the decixratlon of detault.stad reASOnable attocneys'fees�s pecmitted
<br /> by law;(b)tn all sums secured by thts Secur[ty Instrument;and(c)any exc�e.ss to the person ar persons leg�lly entEtled to
<br /> it.
<br /> 22. Reeonveywttee. Upon payment ot alt sums secured by ihis S�ecurity In�ta�u�iic�ii. i..cnJer shai! r:,gu�t Tsuoiee to
<br /> reeonvey the Property and shall surrender this Security Instrumeut and ull not�s e�Idencing debt secured by this Security
<br /> lnstrument to Trustee.Tcustce shall reconvey the Propeny without wnrrunty and without charge to the person or persons legally
<br /> entitled to it.Such person ur persons shall pay any rccardntion costs.
<br /> 23. Su6stitutc Trustee. l.ender. at its option,may from time to time remove T��ustce und appoint a successor trustce to
<br /> any Trustea eppainted hereunder by an instrument rerorded in the county in which this Securit�r Instrument is recorded.Without
<br /> conveyanee of the Property, the successor�rus[ee shull succecd to all the ticle,power and dunes conlerred upon Trustee herein
<br /> und by appllcable Inw.
<br /> 24. Requt�t for Notices. Borrower requcsts that copics of tlte notices of default and salc bc sent to Borrower's address
<br /> whlch is the Property Address.
<br /> 2S.Riders to this Security Instrument. If one or more riders urc ex��cuted by Borrower and recorded together with this
<br /> Security lnswment, the covenants und ugreements of eaeh such rider shall be incorporated into and shall armnd c+nd sapplement
<br /> the covenanu and egraments of this Security Instrument us if the rider(s)were a part of this Security Instrument.
<br /> � [Check applicable box(es)J
<br /> R Adjustable Rate Rider ❑Condominium Rider ❑ 1-4 Family Rider
<br /> Gzaduatal Payment Itider ❑Planned Unit Devetopment Ridcr 0 Biweekly Puynxnt Rlder
<br /> , Balloon Rider �Rate Improvement Rider ❑Second Home Rider
<br /> , 0 V.A.Rider ather(s)[specifyJ
<br /> BY SIONING BELOW.Borrower accepts and agrees ta the terms nnd covenants contained in this Security Instrument and
<br /> 1n any�ider(s)executed by Borrower and recordod with it.
<br /> , Witnesses:
<br /> {Scal)
<br /> -Hortowcr
<br /> Lonnie G. Corde
<br /> pS � � �•�/ (Scal)
<br /> -9orrowcr
<br /> � LaVonne G Cords
<br /> (Senl) �g � v'"'w� s� L'tet� (Seal)
<br /> -Borruw•cr -Dorrower
<br /> STATE UF NEBRASKA, County ss: Hall "'
<br /> 'Che foregoing insttvment wus ucknowlcdgcd bcfom me this 29th day af August , 1997 :'�
<br /> by Lonnie G Corda and LaVonne G Corda. husbaud and wife • ,
<br /> Witness my hand und notarial seal at Grand Isl$nd� Nebraska in said County,thc dute aforewid. �
<br /> � Z��8 ..� �° . —L��t,cd�i..-N�' t� �?�u,`°�`�E' �
<br /> My Commission Expires: �'t
<br /> • �6ENERAI NOTARY•Stite o�NeDrasw.' Notary Puhlic �� �}p ���
<br /> - � JUOITH L.RAUERT %a �/k
<br /> Mrtom�ri�r�� • ��•
<br /> � ~ aaoo a oe a Form 3028 8180
<br />