. .;\�!�^ . �4..� _ F�t'1i. . .
<br /> 1`� �•n..I'
<br /> .1^..._��in f� "i�'"_'.�� .
<br /> �w ...�iM.1"� t�-
<br /> �qy,r_.. .._.e�:t.
<br /> ' , . �s�[;yrtpq\b1�p111Ma�:ey►. -.in} f�a..-- - . .. . � : . . . �.:_
<br /> � �,,,� _ .. . . ... ..... . Y �Y.
<br /> .... . �:.
<br /> . � . .�� �j,....__.
<br /> -;::�:��. 97— s0'7'7�.6 -
<br /> ,,...� cov�u►nRS 6_�:�-
<br /> . -::.,;•:
<br /> p� ,�_. .
<br />` ,�. p�ymsn" ts Lender�isce�vei�om teorrowir�or fayB�or�rowir i Wnem wa�bip�Nd ftrit to inyimo(nti�Boil w�►�wii on th�ts�cixid ditit .-
<br /> excludw o!Int�nst or princlp�l.�econd ro Irnu�st,and then to princpd.If p� lal P►eP+Yment of the ucured debt occurv for rny rs�ton,it will v?:=`
<br /> not nduce or�xcu�e my�chedu�d p�ymmt untll ths�ecund d�bt H psld In tull.
<br /> 2.t�akm Ap�h:t,In���y a�Imi whieh w uW Imp�r tM�Ien o}�tht�d ed�of truit�Lindi�m YI��Qulhi Borrow ri ohnsi�pn iny rlpht�ecl�Imitor ' -
<br /> to tM prop�rtlr � �;
<br /> d�fmt�s whlch row�r may h�v��ya�mt p�rtls�who apply I�bor or materlal�t0 improw or m�int�in tM propsrty.
<br /> �• ���.i I�itihill I cllludi,i at Ma�rd mo�rt p��p�rcliuw In f�vor of Lindi r�UndK�wlll betnimed a��losi peyes or ai th�Iniured oninyiuch ..'�
<br /> . Ins�xane�pol c y p -
<br /> � � ois o ttt�s2curad deht��f Le�idcer rsqulrei�mo,rtp;s Insu�incs�t Borrow r�apre�ea to milntaintiuchhnsurincstior ai lonp as Lender�require�operty
<br /> � .;,�-°�j
<br /> •• 4,hpp�rty,Borrow�r wlll k�ep ths propK►Y U 000d conditbn and m�ke�U npairi re�ton�bly necessuy. �,--
<br /> 6.�p�SM,gurrcw�r�pr��s to pay all le�r's expene�s includlnp reasoneble attornsYs�tees��� Barrower bre�ks�ny cownant�In this desd
<br /> •, +�� of trust or In any obilp�t�on s�currd by tNR deed of vust.�orrower wfll psy tha�s amounts to Lender es provided in Coven�nt 9 of thi�dead of
<br />'� �•r; Lnut.
<br /> � ! d.Mo►s�cu�ft�r MK�rNt�.UnUts 8orrowsr first obtai�s Lender's written consent, Borrower will not make or permit any ch�nyes to any prfor
<br /> �:, s�curity Int�►��n• Bortowsr wIA pufo►m�II ot Borrower'e obligatlona under any prbr mortpape, deed of trust or other securlty ayreament,
<br /> �� . i�dudinp gortow�Ps covenants to make DeYments Wh�n dus. Untess Borrower and 4snder haw�yrsed -
<br />��'`• 7,As�nnont of R��d�o�•�rowx�stipn�ta Lsnd�r tFw nnu and profip of the prop�rtY• _
<br />_ otMrw s�1n wrkUO•�d rerceivu m�Y t�ki�Pos�ea b�nd manige�the propertYrand cotlectd the rent�8 A y rsnts�Lender colle�et�sh I bs
<br /> aymt, or�court�DDo o includin0 court costs end sttotneYs'feet, commfssbng to nntal apent�, and any oth�r
<br /> •� �pplNd 8nt to tM coats ot mmapin�ths W W►LY�
<br /> nec�ssuY rslat�d�xpsn�es.The r�ma nin0 amount of nnts wlll then apply to payments on the tecured debt ss provided In Covanant 1.
<br /> � � e����j,�����p��d�p�wioprt+�►q.Borrower e rees to comaly with the provisions of any lease If thie desd of uuat la on
<br /> . +N tMCoweant�byd-liwi ort i�puiatb�s of tM con�dominium or pli�ru�sd unit�d�wlo�pr�nPint nt,Borrower w11i pertorm dl of Borrower's duties
<br />' tunMr �
<br /> ����Y of�«��r«�{a IoRewK,if Borrower fails to�torm any of BorrowK's dutlaa undar tht�deed of trurt, I.ender msy
<br /> - ��m���«��IiNd sf c�on nw oar n�ot�aarri�on in a rasonsb e minnir�,Lend�r may dc whitever�is n�e esury to aomtec�t Le�ndei i
<br /> - conatructbn on tM propertY �.��m�y inelud�eompletiny ths construction. _
<br /> s�curitY inan�t in tM propsrty.
<br /> - � . i.�
<br /> L�nd�r's fdhx�to p�rtorm will not pr�clude Und�►hom�xercls(np�ny of tu ather riphu under the I�w or thi�dsad of trust.
<br /> and wi�1�i�i inriii hom thritd�iioof thi piy�+�nt untll piid in full atf thi�intateitr ita in�eHect on tM sicured debt unn will be due an demand �.
<br /> � �0, p�{�ult�rid AaN��tlon.If Bono�vsr fails to mek� �ny paymsnt whsn due or bre�ks eny covananu ursder this deed o!tru�t or �ny =
<br />-1���i�' -' °��j�Nr��rtNdi�i psymint a d m y Irno ik tM�w�r o�iii�i i�id iny othe:�rem°die�a pirmitt�d byippllwtbb laaw i�of Yh� ascured debt and
<br />�R. ♦ �
<br /> �;:.<��'•;1; ��.�t���o}p�{wIt It U henby nqw�tsd that copios of the noticei at d�fauk and�ala be aent to sach p�rson who�s a p�rty
<br /> � � "?�v hw�to,at tM eddns�of uch such panon,�s�st forth h�roin.
<br /> r•��-e• ti,rowM of iW.if tM Una�r nvobs iiw�ro.�:�zf�st��� T►v±t"w�h.n flrst record in the oNlce of the rspitte�of dosds of a�ch county
<br />��,..;,.�._ Y �����aop�rty w�on»part or p�rc�l thenof Is situsted a notic�of def�ult containlnp��o�ind to o1rhKQ p0�ioni�i p�rii ibid�Kby
<br /> °u=�"�'-k 1' shN�dao mail copNa of tM notM� of d�f�uk to the Borrow�r, to s+�ch psrson who is�PartY Fi� s nct in�ny
<br /> t_y .'�' �� p�r
<br />=-�e!:};,t appticabN law. Not Nss than on�month�ft�r tM Tru�ue rocords th� notice of d�tauk or two months it the aust propsrty f
<br /> -;���� tncorpaat�d city a villap��nd is as�d In fwminy o �tbns canied on by the austw,th�fru�t�s�hail pfve pubilo notic�of ssU to th�p�nom
<br /> �f+s` `^ •. �nd{n tM m�rwwr prssaibsd b�/��PRP����W T�wte�,withauc dema�d on Borrawpesrrt,ysh�N wll the prop�tty at publio�uction to the hiOF►��t
<br />-�=���� bWcNr.If rYquk�d bY��of�II a MY Px�t��M����by puaic announcemsn�t�t th�tim�ind placi�of any��ivbusby sc�Mduwd iiN.
<br /> '_�x:,�: Trustw m�Y PastPoM cF�tM PrW►�nY at any wl�.
<br /> - . L.�nd�r a hs d�sipr�m�Y Pu np
<br />��=��� T��stN i�d�Wf ihaA b Malm fi acN evk i�of thihtr�uth�otf tl�s stiim�ints�contalnid thii�iln Ttustwisha0�PPty th��ee�di�of�thi iak i�n the -
<br /> ��s.:"�'� tpticwk�p prdK; U1 to dl �xpen�s�e} tM s�N, Includinp, but not Iimited to, raaton�ble Truttse'� feei, reasonabN attor+»y's fen snd
<br /> ` rr`-� n�nstat�m�nt tNS;lb)to all fum�s�cur�d by this dNd of tru�t, md(01 the bsl�ncs,H my,to the peraons I�pally enUtied to ncs(w k.
<br /> ��-- ��,���.At L�nd�r'�optbn,this dNd of uust msy bs faeclossd in the m�nn�r provW� by applieabl�I�w for fu�cb�un of mortp��
<br /> -_' - on nal propKtY•
<br /> -- -' 14,��ion L�nd�r m�y mt�►the propxty to in:psct It It Lender qives Borrowsr notice Mfunhand.The noUce muit stats ttN nssonabN
<br />-----�-�� cauH(or l�ndir'a Inep�otbn.
<br />""- """i� BortowK as�lan�to Lx�d�r th�proasds of �ny award or claim tor d�mapss conneoted with e condsmn�tlon or other t�kinp
<br />��;;^f1���,� 1g.Ca�dwm�tlo�• Such p�ocsed�will b�spPli�d�s provided in Covemnt 1. 7hlt a�dqnm��t Is subJaat to tM tsrm�oi�ny prior
<br /> ot a11«.ny WKt ot th�propKtY.
<br /> —-��,�� �ecmltY aprNrMnt. y
<br /> ---�A�� iny�m�id►r upon Borrower sYdefwk,l.��n�d�ir bdoes not wiivs sny ripht to Ist��condder the shwnt i dsfault if it hiptp�iniiyifnY.By nat ex�rcisinp
<br />�--���=�i
<br />----- - 17.Jobt�nd sw�M Wb�tv��°'���: S�e�� � A�� �0�r�.y All dutN� und�r tNs da�d af trust us Joint snd u��ral. Any
<br /> BorrowK � �o•�b^� t��d�to tt anTtuitiss undK ttM nrmi of thin desd of trustt In addhion such�a Borrowe�prNS th tt Mclinwdirtin�d
<br /> s Botrovwr's iM�n�t in tM P��►N
<br /> �"`Jd�'��• �ny ptMr Borrowe undK this dwd of tru�t may sxnnd, modf or mak��ny other clunpa in 1M terms ot thlt desd of tru�t or tM ucured
<br />�l-Y�� debt wRhout that Borrower'�consent�nd without rota�i�p thwt ower irom th�tsrm�of this deed of trust.
<br />- �,,,��tM Th�dutN�and berMiiti of tMs desd of trwt shall bfnd�nd Mnefit ths successors�nd auigru of Lendn u�d Borrower.
<br /> -���' �` 1i,potic�.UMe�s otMrwis�raquind by I+w.my rwtice to Borrowsr shall be qiven by delivering k or by malilnp it by certiflsd m�il addressed to
<br />_ ,{�`." Borrow�r at tM proPWt1►�ddr�u or�ny otMr addrest thst Borrower has p►ven to Lend�r.Bortow�r will pivs u►y notic�to LsndK by cxtified
<br /> • � bi iant to Li Inder'�diddr�is���t��f o�I�W��o�s deod of vustther�ddress which lender has dssipnated.Any rithx notice to L�nder sMll
<br />- Any nodce sAail be deemed to h�vo b�sn piv�n to Borrower or Lender whon piven in th�menn�r steted above.
<br />- � �g�Y��o����y a� g��1 MtK��t k�tM gor�ow�►.If aii or any part of ttw propsrtyebj eny intereat in it is sold or traneteRed -
<br /> --- . . wkhout L�nd�r's Prower�is not s ninud psrion indd�benetklal�nteissi in thet eorrower�isus�odiddor trinser ed Howevsr�Len�derrtmiy not --
<br />= r P�ymmt If ths Bo ��� '
<br />_ dem�nd p�ymant in tM�bovs titu+tlons If It It prohiblted by federal law ac of the dete ot this deed of trust. 1f,.
<br /> 20.R�eonwy�ne�.WM�the obliyriion cscured by this deed of trust has been paid s�d Lendu has no turther abllystion to meke�dvances �.
<br /> � � undK ths In�trumsnts or ��reemsnb secured Dy thle deed of Vust,the Truatea shalf upon written request by the Lender,reconvsy the uust `
<br />- -•'�� y� obi�t on io sati U d�8orrowe�r shiq pay s Y rocordation costs.er's successor in interest,the Wst deed and the note or other evidence of the f
<br /> - '`-r 21. Succ�na TrustM. LsndK,.+t Lendsr_��oPtion,Yma I�re n�v+���oru�s b��a�ot imitee torrecord in the off�ice of tf�he�epi tepot deed �`
<br /> - �-`- ` nub�titution of truttee as rsquKw ui:vr�-�^-�-..•-= -~ . .
<br /> succsed toillihs powsr tdaN��ea1�°rit�and titis ott he Trustee nemed in tAe deed of�uuit and of any�uccossov uuetee o�j����`i.:�•�•
<br /> � IPSpe�of 21
<br /> . � OANREAS 6YSTEMS.MIC..ST.CIWD.IAN 6U01 It•�OOJ97'23���FORM OCPa1TW1E 6��8�91 ,
<br /> � ,
<br /> - . . . . . . _ ..:
<br /> . � _. . . . �. .. _. �.S�.Y��- --
<br />