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<br />-�'.'�"�,�;� . • Bortcwer msy curo such a defauR and reinstata,�a provided In paragr�ph /8, by cauaing the actlon or proceadinfl to be
<br /> �� "'�?Y`�' ' dismisned wilh a ruiing that,In Lender'a pood feith determin�tlon, procludes torteiture ot the Bortower's Interest In the Property or
<br />_--�:•.
<br />- �''°'�t'." olher materl�l Imprirment of the Ilen created by thla Securiry Instrument or Lender's aecuriry Imaest. Borrower sheH atsa be In
<br /> ' �'' defautt if Bor►awer, dudng the loan epplicetbn proas�,gave m�teflally false or Ineccurete Intortnetlon or atntemente to Lender(or _.__
<br /> � � ~� falled to provide Lender with eny material Infomutbsi)In connectlon w0h ihe loan evldenced by Ihe Note, Includinp, but not -
<br /> '•:��' �� 6mited to. representetlona conceming Bortowerb occupancy ot the Properry es e princlpal residence. 8 this Secu�! �N
<br />,�,.�, Instrument Is on a leaeehold, Borrower ahall cornply wkh au the provislons n1 the lease. If Bor►ower ncqulres fee title to fi e �
<br /> ti:. '• , p� Proporry,ihe leasehotd�nd the fee tltle ahall not mxga unteaa Londn agrees to the merger In writing. �.
<br />" 7. PrOt�ctlon of L�nd�r'o Ripht�In ih�Prop�rty. it Borrower tafls to perform the carenants and agreements ; �:_-
<br /> .. , •� conhlned In thta Security Instrument, or there Is �legd Rsoceeding that may signiflcantty affect I.ender's rights In the Property -�-
<br /> (auch as a proceedinfl In benkruptcy, probate,�or cotidemnetlon or toAeiture or to mtorce iawa or reguktlons), then Lender may y
<br /> ,.,,,,;�;� do �nd pay lor whatever is necessary to prolact tAa valuu ol tho Proporty ar�d Lcndcr's tlghts In the Property. Lendcr's ucttons � �
<br />"- ���`� maiy include paying nny sums secured by � Nen vFsich h�a pdority over thia Secudty Instrument. appeadng In court. paying -
<br /> reasonebio ettomeys' tees and enterhg on the Property to make repsirs.Although Lender may take action under thia peragraph
<br />._ _ �,- 7. Lender does not have to do so.
<br /> Any amounts disburoed 6y Lender unda par+praph 7 shell become additlonal debt of Bonower secured by ihls Security
<br /> . '�� Instrument. Unless Bortower and Lender agrea ta other terms of paymont, these amuunts sheU bear Interest hom the date of _
<br /> disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payabla,r✓ith Interest, uport noUce from Lender to Borrower requesting payment.
<br /> ' f 8. Mortgags InsunnC�. If Lender requ+ed mortgage Insurance as a condiHon oi making the loan secured by this --
<br /> � ` 3ecurity Instrument, Borrower shali pay the premium required to maintain lhe mortgage Insurance in ettect. If,tor any reason,the
<br /> Y''••'•�.+`;" . mortgage lnsurance covernge requlred by Lender 4pses or ceases to be In etfect. Borrower shall pay the premiums requlred to
<br /> � obtaln coverege substanUally equhralent to tho mayage Insurence prevlousy in elfect, at a cost subsUntfaily equfvalent to the
<br /> -„-�;;t,.
<br /> � � cost to Borrower o1 the mortgege Insu�ance prevbusy in ettect, irom an aftemate mortgage Insurer epproved by Lender. If
<br /> +�`,'''''�; substentiaNy equNalent mortgege Inaurance cflverag�ss not evaflable, Bortower shall pay to Lender each�nonth a sum equal to
<br />'�'c.� onctweHth ot the yeary mortgage insunnce prernYn behg paid by Borrower when tha insu►ance cove�age tapaed or ceased to
<br /> . • , 6e in ettect. Lender wHl accept, use and retein thaa peyments as a loss resenre in Neu of mortgnge insurencu, Loss reserve
<br /> � � ' payments may no longer be required. at the option of Lmder, if mortgage insurence aoverage (In the amount and for the period
<br /> =�;j";�='�n that Lender requkes) provided by an insurer eppror�d by Lmder agsin becomes available and is obtained. Borrower shaA pay
<br /> - �'�� the premiums requked to rrwlntain mortgage Insuronee In ettect, or to provide a loss reserve, untii tha requiremc�nt for mortgage
<br />- hsurance ends In accordance wftA any w�itten agreanent belween Borrower and Lender or epplkable law.
<br />:;��'+;.4}. . 9. II1s�7sCtlon.Lmder or ita sgent may mdce �eesonable enMes upon and Inspectlons of the Property. Lender shaN ghro
<br /> ��. �:� Bortower notico at the Ume of or pdor to an Inapectlon specHying reasonable cause for the InspecUon.
<br /> �;..`t�' 10. Cond�17117ation.The proceeds of any�wud or clakn tor damages, direct or eonsequenUal,in connectlon wfth any
<br />_.�s.�`a'� condannation or other tak(ng of any part of the koperry. or(or conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby as�lgned end
<br /> .:�r''• shaY be peid to Lender.
<br />-`���a: ' In the event of a total taking ot the Propary. the proceeds shaY be applied to the sums secured by this Secudty
<br /> ��7�;:, � Instrument,whetha or not then due,wfth any excxss peld to Bortower. In the event of a partkl taking of the Property in whlch
<br />_�""�;• the fatr market value ol the Property Immedktey bdoro the taking is equd to or greater than the amount ot the sums aecurerl
<br /> ,:,� :; :
<br /> -_ � � y; �.a. ��.� �.�e��_ryp (mmiv_IfntwlSr hwtnr� t1u t.s�kh�, unleaA RoRawer and l.ender otherwise agree in wriUna. the sums
<br />-"-'''=���t" secused by this Security Instrument shal be reduad by the amount oi the prnceeds muRiplied by the toMowing haatfon, (s)the
<br />����q�V� total amount ot the sums secured Immediatey beiae ihe taking. divided by (b)the tak market value of the Properry immediately
<br /> ` betore the taking.Any balance shall be pald to Bomowa. In the event o/a partial taking of the Property In which the falr market
<br /> -_ •• value of the Properly immedl�tefy batore the taki�g Is less then tha amount of ihe sums secured immedlatey before the taking,
<br /> ��" unless 8orrower end Lender o4nenvise agree In wrtting or unless applicable law otherwise provides, tfie proceeds shall be
<br /> �•""'."`_'�`i �ppAed to the sums secured by this Security Instrwient whether or not the sums are then due.
<br /> -.�__�._-- If the Property is nDandoned by Borrower, ort, aAer notice by Lender to Bonower that the condomnor ofters to meke an
<br /> -�� �ward or settle n daNn tor damages. Borrower tUs t� respond to Lender wkhln 30 days aRer the date the notice Is gHen,
<br /> ---__—__= Lender Is euthorized to coNeei and appy the praaede,at its option, eflhe► to restoration or repak ot the Propertyr or to the
<br /> �� eums secured by this Security Instrument,whethcra not then due.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any eppucaNan of proceeds to prfncy�al shall not oxtend or
<br /> - postpone the due dato of the monthly paymmts rckrred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change tha emount of sueh paymenta.
<br /> 11. 8orrow�r Not RNoas�d; Forbsranc� By Lendor Nat �Waiv�r.Extenston o1 the trne tor payment or
<br /> modiflcation ot amortization of the sums secured b�t hls Securiry Instrummt granted by Lender to any successor in k►terest ot
<br /> Borrower shall not operete to release tha Uability d ti-�e orlglnal Borrower or BoROwer's succasso►s In interest. Lender shall not
<br /> _ be requked to commence proceedk�gs against any successor In Interest or retuse to extend Ume tor payment or otherwise
<br /> _-`.� modity emortiuUon of the sums secured by thls Scourity InsWment by reason ot ony demand made by the originel BoROwer or
<br /> _�,� Bortower's successoro M Interest. Any torbearanca by Lender M exerdsing any rigM or remedy shaq not be a waNer oi or
<br /> _ --- preclude the exerdse oi any dght or remedy.
<br /> ��__�- = 12. Successu►e and Asaigns Bound; JoiM and Several Uability; Co-sign�rs. The covmants and
<br /> epreemmts of this Sec;udty Instrument shail bind and bmefit the s�ccessors and assigns ot Lender nnd Bortower,subJect to the
<br /> provislons of paragreph 17. Bortower's eovenants end ngreements shaN be Joht and several. My Borrower who co•signs this
<br /> ` - -- Security Instrument but does not exacute the Nota (a)Is co•signMg this Securky Instrument ony to mortQage,grant end convey
<br /> •— that Borrowei s interest In tho Property under the lerins of thls SecuNty Insttumer►t; (b) Is not personoNy obligated to pay the
<br /> - -�,�.� sums secured by thla Secudty InsVummt; and b� egrees that Lender and nny other Borrower may a�ree to extend, modify,
<br /> ----= forbear or make any sccommodations wfth regardb tho terms oi this 3ecurity Instrument or tho Note without that Borrowers
<br /> - �'��`±`:,� consent.
<br /> =�_;;�:*yi.s_ 13. Loan Charges. 11 the loan securedDy this Secudty Instrument is subject to a law which 3ets maximum loan
<br /> �-" k.G::[
<br /> . t charges, and that law Is finaly Interpreted so thal I�e Interest or other loan charges collected or to be coiiected (n connection
<br /> `:u.k~�rtr.�• with the loan exceed ihe permitted Ilmite, then: (a)any such loan charge shali be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce __.
<br />'�"'^'�y�'�. ihe cherge to tha permitted limit: and {b)any sums niready oollected 8om Borrower which exceeded permitted Iimits will be
<br /> _ �• refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to rnak this refund by reducing the principal owed under ihe Note or by making a --
<br /> dirnct payment to Borrower. If a ref��nd reducee prinaRal, the reduction wili be treated as e pnNal prepnyment wRhout any =
<br /> ' � prepayment charge under the Note, -
<br /> - ,. 14. NOt1Ce1�. My notice to Bortower provided fa ln this Security Instrument shall be glven by delivEr(ng it or by mafiing ft _.
<br />``;'�' by first class mai unless appifcabie law requires use d another method. The notico shaN be directed to the Property Address
<br /> _: '�. ' or any other address Borrower designates by �ake k Lender. My notice to Lende►shall be given by first class mall to
<br />_� ,�
<br /> r.��• :;� Lender's address stated hereln or any other addms Lender designates by notice to Bortower. My notice provided tor In this _
<br />- e�.....x..I...�n�Mnnf ehnll M Ananwel M havo hnondv�n 1�.iinnnwu n�1 enild�uhnn�unn nc 'vnv'ule'1 In fhlc n nnh
<br />. .___,_.�.
<br /> ._..�:-.��f ..........»� .....��...�... �..�.""�"" " ""_"_'.�. �..' "..�.." " '"..�_. ....�.. T.�..�_ �.�.."�... «..�r.�� ..
<br /> 1b. GOVe�1111tg L.�W: S6ve�ablUty. TWs Securfty InsWment sheli be govomod by tederei law end•the law ot the
<br /> " � Jurfsdiction in which the Property Is located. In Me cwent thet any provlslon or clause ot this Security Instrument or tha Note =
<br /> � conflicts with appiicable law,such con�ict shali �ol�flect other provislons of thls Securtry Instrument or the Noto whlch can be =
<br /> •• � given effect wfthout the conAicting provlsion.7o tNs end the provisions ot this Security Instrument and Ihe Note are declared to �
<br /> be sever�ble.
<br /> �� 16. Bor�Ower'S Copy. Borrower shall begiven one contormed copy of the Note and of this Securfty Instrument.
<br /> . - � F1376.LMG 1�191) v�9^ '+^�`, ���� �
<br />_ 97153
<br />. I
<br /> 1
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