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<br /> ���^.�:�� We, ►ad Bott�t�nd B�variv A BoHz . Husband a��l 1y1fo �w
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<br />;,r,:. �('Trustor')
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<br />__�;�� under the foAowing Daed oi Truat to be entered Into among Trustoro, Ar�nd R �qCk Attorn�v �t Law. P. O. BoX
<br />_ _��� 790. �rand I�I�nd. Nebraslu 68802
<br />�:�:;:�"a�'� �. �('Trustee').
<br />--�,,,�'j,'7'j� end Th Ovsrl�nd NNIonN Bank a+� Qnnd Isl�nd
<br /> ('Beneflci�ry') cove�M�g tha propeAy descdbed Delow heroby acknowledge th�t ft Is underotood that(a)ths Deed of Trust to be
<br />°��� executed by Trustor Is a Uust deed and not e mortgage and (b)the power of sale provided tor in the Deed of Trust provides
<br />- - subst�ntkly ditteront rfghU�nd obl�yations to ihe Trustor than n mortgage in the event nf detauR or breach of obNgation.
<br /> .�����ti�:� Trustor acknowiedgea ihat this Acknowledgme�t was made prtor to the execution of tha Deed oi Trust.
<br /> :__ � Executed and ddlvercd this 11th day of SoRt�m6er . 19A
<br /> � � �
<br />.��_�;�
<br /> -�.: Trustcr Trustor FI'�fI E.BOfIZ
<br />_--- ;
<br /> - ,�
<br /> --- ..,... . rrussor B�vY�l�l A.
<br /> -- - DEED OF TRUST
<br /> THIS OEED OF TRU9T('Secudty InatrumenY) Is made on S� t�mb�r 11th , 1997
<br /> The trustor t�Fr�d E. Boitz and Bovorl�A,Bo�tt . Hus nd �nd Wtfe
<br /> (•Borrower•).
<br /> The trustee is Arend Fi.Hsack Attornev ot Law, P. O. Box 790. �n�d lal�nd. N�brasicw 68802
<br /> _('TN6tC0�).The beneAdary is
<br /> Th� Ov�rl�nd N�Nond Bank of G�and Island whieh Ia organized snd existing
<br /> under the I�wa ot Th� nit�d St�t�s of Am�rica .and whose address Is 304 W.Third Str��t
<br /> �3r�nd (sl�nd. NE 8801 �.�e"der��
<br /> = BoROwer owes Lender tFie prindpa�sum ot Twentf►Thous�nd and 00 100
<br /> - DoMera(U.S.S 20.000.00 1. This debt is evidenced by 9orrower's note
<br /> dated the same dete na ihla Secutity Instrument ('Note'), whlch provide�tor monthly paymmts, wRh the fuH debt, H not paid
<br /> eadier, due and peyable on S.�t�rnbor 11.2004 .
<br /> This Security �nstrument secures to Lender. (a� repayment of the debt evidenced by the Note, with Interest, end all renewals,
<br /> extensions end modfAcaYona of the Note; (b) the psyment ot all other aums,wRh interest, advnnced under p�ragraph 7 to
<br /> protect the securiry of 1NS Seaurtty Instrummk end (c) the pertortnence ot Borrower's covenants and agreements. For thfs
<br /> purpoae, Borrower Irrevocebly grents and conveys to 7rusteo, In trust, wlth power ot sale, the following described property
<br /> loceted in Hall County.Nebreske:
<br /> — Lot Elav�n (11), Cl�ussen Subdivlslon. in the city of �rand Isl�nd� Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />---�,:�:�;=_
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<br /> �� wnlch hes the address oi 4303 Claussen Road. . 6rand Island,
<br /> ' , NBbta�ka 6680p3 ('PropeRy Address"j: St`���� ���y
<br />' , O r l'7-�- ""�-
<br /> ' - . Form -4U2tl 9l90 NEBRASKA S�nqlc G'o�mly FNMl�IFHLMC UNIFORM INSTRUAIENT
<br /> . c1'�tG lMr, �iryl� PB�jr 1 or 5
<br /> 1
<br /> 97158
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