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<br />__p::i'-.ir.,�f3�r •
<br /> �,:-�.a��_..� . 1T. Transf�r of th� P�op�ety or • Bon�flci�l Interest in Borrower. fl all or any part of the Property or
<br /> � ' nny Interesl In it Ia aold or tranaferrnd (or II e beneficlel Interest N Bonower is soid or trensterted and 8orrower Is not e natursl
<br /> . �� � � pereon) wlthout Lende►'e prlor wdtten eonsent, Lendar may.at its optioe, requlro immediate payment In full of all sumu secured by
<br /> Ih�e Seeuny Instrument. However, thls oplbn ahall not be exerclsod 6y Lender if exerclso Is prohlbited by taderal law as of the ��•
<br /> dato oi this Security Instrumont. �_�_.
<br /> ' �' N Lender exerclses lhls optlon.Lender ahall give Borrower notfce of sccnlorullon. Tho notico shell provlda a perlod ot not(� �,:_,
<br /> ty' ?� leas then 30 daya trom the date ihe notica Is delivered or maYed wlihin whlah Bonower must pay all sums securod by thls� r=
<br /> `� 9ecuriry Inatrummt. 11 eonowa falle to pry lhese aums prior to the explratlon of this period. Lender mey lovoko any romedleo ' :n_.w
<br /> , ,, t' permitted by thls Secudty Inatrument without tLAher notice or demend on 9onower. =-.:
<br /> �' 18. BorroW�r'� Rlght to R�InstN�. II Borrower meets certaln cond:tlons. Borrower sheli have tha rlght to have ~
<br /> ,� enforcemont o(thlc Security InsVumCRt discontlnued M �ny tlmo pdor to the eadler ot: (a) 5 days (or such othor pedod as ��_
<br /> '�,���'`'?#1 epplicable I�w m+iy apecity tor relnst�temmt) betoro eale o1 ihe Property pursuant to any power ol sale cont�lnad In thls Seeudry —
<br />• Inatrument;or (b) entry of e Judgment enbreing thts Secu►iry Instrument. Those conditlons ere thet Bartower: (e) peyo Lender all
<br /> aums whlch then would be dua under this Secu�ity Instrument and the Note as If no acceleretion had occurred: (b) cures any�
<br /> ��,. + de(sult of eny other covenant or agreements: (c) pays all expenaes Incurted in enforcing thls Security Inatrument, Including, but
<br /> ��; not Ilmited to. reeaonabie ettomeys'lees:and (d) takes such action es Lender may reasonably requlre to assure Ihat the Ilen ot
<br /> "� this Secudry Inetrument, Lender's rights h the Property and 8orruwer'a abilgatlon to pey the sums secured 6y thla Secudty
<br /> Instrument shell continue unchanged. Upon relnstatoment by Bortower, this Securily Instrument end the obllgatlons secured
<br /> � ' � hereby shell remsin fully etlectiva ns II no aeceleretlon had occurted. However, thls right to relnstete shell not epply In the case
<br /> � ' ' ot acceleratlon under paragrapli 17.
<br /> 19. Sal� Of NOt�; Chango Of Lo�11 SBrlliCe�. The Note or e a partial Interest In the Note (together with thls
<br /> Secudry Instrument) msy be sold one or more tlmea wftheut prior notice to Bor►ower. A sale may resuft in e change In the entiry
<br />_ �� (known as the'Loan Servicer')that colieets manthly payments due under the Note end this Ser,udty Instrument. Thore also may
<br /> be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unreleted to a sale of the Note. If there Is a change ot the Loan Servlcer,
<br /> � Bonower wlil be given written notice of ihe chenge in eccordance with paragraph 14 abovo and npplicabls law. The notice wlll _.
<br /> state the name and address of the naw Loan Servicer and the address to whlch payments should 6e made. The notice wlll aiso
<br /> � contaln any other Infortnatlon required by appiicablo law.
<br /> ' 20. Hazardous Substances.BoROwer ahaM not cause or permit the presence, use, dlaposal, storage, or release of
<br />- • � , any Hazardous Substances on or In tha Property. Borrower sheil not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anything aBecting iha
<br /> Property that is in vlolation of any Environmental Law. The preceding iwo sentences shall not epply to the presence, use, or
<br /> ` storage on the Property of smail quant�les of HeZardous Subslenees that are generaly recognized to be approprlate to normal
<br /> �" residcntial usAS and to mainte�ence of the Property.
<br /> �,�� � � 8orrower shall promptly give Lender written notice of any investigatlon, clalm, demand, lawsult or other sctlon by any
<br /> r,�^'.�..�r'"=' govemmental or regulatory agency or prlvate party Involving the Property end any Hazardous Substance or Environmentai Law of
<br /> whlch Bortower has actual knowledge. If Borrower leams, or Is notiHed by any govemmental or regulatory authority, that any
<br />- �'Y���' , removal or other remedlation of any Nezardous Substance aflecting Property Is necessary, Bortower sheii promptly take all
<br /> _-- =�:�': necessary remedlai acttons In accoraance with Environmentai Law.
<br /> ,�,:;:.�;��.:,::.,
<br /> ��'`° � As used In this paregraph 20.'Hazardous Substances" are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances by
<br /> �'.;%+�.��`���E� '; Environmental Law and the tollowing substences: gasoline, kerosene, other 1lammeble or toxic petroleum products, toxic
<br /> °'�'�i1=�� pesticides and herbicides,volatlle solventa, matedals containk►g asbestos or fortnaldehyde, and radioactive mateHals. As used In
<br /> ��_�'�;.�c�`�' paragraph 20, 'Environmental Law'means federal Iaws and lews of the Jurisdiction where the Proporty is located that relate to
<br /> ��'��� heafth, se(ety or environmental protection.
<br /> _ :;,;r
<br /> '="=`=rx NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender tuAher covenant and agree aF foliaws:
<br /> -����'�� 21. Acceleration; Remediea. Lender shall give notice to Borrower prtor to accslsration
<br /> .�^l`,•�-��
<br /> foltowing Borrowsr's breach of any covenant or agreement in thta Sscurity Inst►ument ut not
<br /> -;.N�;;��� prlor to eccsleratfo� under p�r�greph 17 unleas applicabls law provides othurwise). Tha noti¢e
<br /> �«�,�,;.��s� shall specify: (a) the default; (b) tho action requlnd to cure tha default: (c) a dat�, no! less thtn
<br /> -- �_--.--- 30 d�ye from th� date the natice la gtven to Borrowor, by which the default must bo cur�d; and
<br /> ����� (d) that failure to cure the default on or before tha dats speciflsd in the notics may r�suit tn
<br /> accel�rriion of tho sums s�cured by this Securtty► Instrument and sale of the� Property. The notice
<br /> tiz�� shap furthsr info�m Borrownr of the right to relnstate after accel�ration and ths �tght to bring a
<br /> � __ court �ction to assert th� non-existence of a dsiault or �ny othsr defensa of Borrowar to
<br /> _ _Q-s�� accslsr�tlon end sale. If tha default ts not cured on or betore the dats specified In the notice,
<br /> �=�;,��� L�nder at ite option may r�qutre Immedlate payment in full oi all sums securod by this Sscurity
<br /> - -- Instrumsnt wlthout further damand and may tnvoke the powe� of s�le end any othsr ►smedies
<br /> __ ~ � psrmittsd by applicablo Iaw. L.onder shall be entitled to colleot ail expsnass inaurrsd in pursuing
<br /> �`''��v=t�• the remedtea provided tn tf�le paragraph 21, inaluding, but not Iimitsd to, reasonable attorneys'
<br /> -y�sr�7
<br /> =�r.:�aw fse� and aosts of title evtdence.
<br /> �°� If the powor of aala la invoked. Truatee ahall record a notice ot defauk In each county tn
<br /> k-��.��A. : :
<br /> �x��F".,:;���;,.: :. whtch eny part of ths Property le located and shall mall coples of auoh notice in the manner
<br /> =_�;�•'",�r'�'� prescrlbed by appllcable law to 8orrower and to the other psrsona prescribed by appl(cabla law.
<br /> After the ttme requlred by applicable law, Trustee ahall give publta notice of sale to the persons
<br /> :.+��`� � � � and In the manner prescrlbad by a�ppltcable law. Trustee, without demand on Borrower, shall sell
<br /> the Property at publlc auctlon to the htghest bldder at the tlme and place and under the terms
<br /> � � deslgnated tn the nottce of sale In one or more paraets and in any order Trustee determines.
<br /> ._ �� Trustee may postpone sale of all or any parcel of the Property by publlc announcement at the __
<br /> � tlme and place of any prevlously scheduled sale. Lender or lts deslgnee may purchase the �:'
<br /> . � Property at any sale. �-
<br /> ,�^^��` �•"� Upon recelpt of payment of the price bid, Trustee shall dellver to the purohaser T�ustee's _
<br /> �. �'`, deed conveying tha Property.The recltals tn the 7rustee's deed ahall be prima facte evldence of =
<br /> _1_ T___i� �L�l� r�.. t{.� wa� w� �M� ��� �M �{�a
<br /> _ ...-.�_T:_—�:. .. ' " ' '. .
<br /> - tt19 LflRn �T Ltte s[H[emenie rti6vo ii�ePmn. �.uoaoo a�.a.. ojip.� a.o p.""..:oo..o ... ...� w... ... —
<br /> following order: (a) to all costs and expenses of exerclsing the po�nrer of sale, and �he sale,
<br /> ' lncluding the payment of tha 7rustee's tees actually incurrad, not to exceed three =
<br /> 9'o af the princtpal amount of the =
<br /> • note at the time of the declaratlon of default, and reasonable attorney's fees as permitted by law:
<br /> (b) to all sums secured by thls Securtty Instrument; and (a) any excesa to the person or persons -
<br /> legally entltled to it.
<br /> ;
<br /> . �
<br /> �
<br /> F1316.LMG(1/9)) P�on 4 cl 5 -- ' — `I ..
<br /> 1
<br /> 97759 I
<br /> � . I,
<br />