<br /> 21. Hazardous Substances. As used in this Section 21: (a) "Hazardozrs Sa.cb,rtances" are those substances
<br /> detined as toxic or hazardous substances, pollutants, or wastce by Environmental Law and the following
<br /> substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or Yoxic peU'oleum products, toxic pesticides and herbicides,
<br /> volatile solvents, materials containing asbestos or fm'maldehyde, and radioactive maYzrials, (b)
<br /> "lm�ironinental Lmv" means fedcral laws a��d laws of thejurisdiction where the Properry is located fhat
<br /> relate to hea(th, safe[y or enviromnenYal protection; (e) °Environmental Clearza�p" includes any response
<br /> action, re�nedial ac[ion, or removal actim�, as defined in EnvironmenYal Law; and (d)an "Environrrientad
<br /> Conditiort"means a condition thaY can cause, contri6ute to, or otheiwise trigger a�l�vironmental Cleanup.
<br /> Borrowe�� shall �ot cause or permit the prese�ce, use, disposal, sforage, or release of any Hazardous
<br /> SubsYances, m� threaten to release aziy I-Iazardous Substances, on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do,
<br /> nor allow anyone else to dq anything affecting the Property (a) that is in viola[ioo of any EnvironmenEat
<br /> Law, (b)which crentes an Enviromnental Cundition, or(c)which, due to the presence, use, or releasc of a
<br /> Hazacdous Su6stance, creates a eondition that adversely affects the vahie of the Property. The preceding two
<br /> sentences shall not apply Co tl�e presence, use, or storage on the Property of small quantities of Hazardous
<br /> Substa�ces that are generally recognized to 6e appropriate to normal residential uses and to maintenance of
<br /> the Property (including, UuC �iot limited to, hazardous substanees in consumer products).
<br /> Borrower shall promptly give I,ender wxitten notice of(a)any investigation, claim, dema�d, laweuit m� otlier
<br /> action by a�y governmental or regulatory agency or private parry involving Lhe Property and any Hazardous
<br /> Subsfance or Lnvironmental Law of which Bormwcr has actual kuowledge, (b)any Environmental
<br /> Condition, including but not limited [o, any spilling, leaking, discharge, release or threat of release of any
<br /> IIazardous Subetance; and (c) any condition caused by the presence, use or release of a Hazardous Substance
<br /> which edversely affects the value of the Property. If Bm�rower learns, or is�o[i6ed 6y any governmental or
<br /> regulatory authm�ity, or a�iy private party, that any removal or other remediation of any FTazardous Substance
<br /> afFecdog the Property is uecessary, Borcower shall promptly take all necess�ry rcmedial actions in
<br /> accordance with Environmental Law. Nothing herein shall create a��y obligation on Lender for an
<br /> Euvironmental Cleanup.
<br /> Non-Uniform CovenanYs. Borrower and Lendcr covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> 22. Acceleratian; Remedies. Lender shall give notice to Borrower prior tu acceleration following
<br /> Borrower's breach of any eove�iant or xgreement in this Security l��strumeot(but not prior to
<br /> aeeeleration under Sectio�� 18 mtless Applicable Law provides oCLerwise). The natice shall specify: (a)
<br /> tlie default; (b) the netim�required to cnre the defaidt; (c) a date, not less thnn 30 days from tlie date
<br /> tLe notice is givcu to Borro�ver, by which the defaulC must be cured; nnd (d)that failure fo care the
<br /> default on or before tlie date specified in the notice ma,y result in acceleration of tl�e sums secured by
<br /> Shis Security InsMumenC and sale of the Propert,p. 'I7ie notice shal]further inform Rorrower of the
<br /> right ta reinstate after acceleration and thc right to bring x court action to nsscrt the no��-existence of a
<br /> default or any other defense uf Borrower to acceleration and sale. If the default is not cured on or
<br /> befare tlie date speciFieA in the notice, Lendcr at ifs opt�on may reqaire immediate p�yme��t in full of
<br /> all sun�s secured by this Security Instrnmcut without further demaud and mny invoke the power uf sale
<br /> and any other remedies permitted by Applicable L�w. Lender shall be entiticd to collect all expenses
<br /> incurred iu pnrsaing tLe remedies provided iu thie Section 22, including, bnC uot limited to, reasooxble
<br /> attarneys' fees and casts oT tiNe cvidence.
<br /> sso�e�aa�e eao�vsa�e
<br /> NEBRASKA-SingleFamily-FannieMae/Retl4ieMacUNIFORM MSTRUM1IENT WITHMERS Form 302tl 1l01
<br /> VM P t¢j VM P Pa9e�A�of 1'!�
<br /> WOI�6I6 KI11W Bf FII12lIGal SeNiGBS
<br />