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<br />_'� �A� j�"�.-' SE1101 �rncrtpap�,with pox�r d st��,of ths tdlowinp prap�rty toq�th�r with sii improwrrMnta�ow a -
<br />� c.,, hanaftK Kscnd on th�P�tY•and�II w�naiu.nChte md�PPurtM�neN th�wto:
<br /> �',� Ipl° R�ffi+V$ �!� �I£R'� }�iC�'18 fl�IVIAICN� QTY OE' C�JfZD
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<br /> -- -- If ma�tA�n on�p+���pns this Mortp�0�.tM wad'P rnNm'w�.'
<br /> ,,�.-�_- �ia�tp�p��cut�a�loan mad�by Comm�rcial Fd�r�l widMe�d bY�� 4� With intersat�t th�Initial rat�ot Z-7�0 �
<br /> f. �� A not�d�ad th�wn�daU q thls Mortpap�in ti»��wwii d�i a l�ced hy a new not�.it will b�t�cund by thia Mortp�p�•
<br /> ����,,,,s� pe��nun,eonbin�1M arma tor np�ynwnt of th�t loan.It that note is�wr chmp�d nP
<br /> I pmnls�tA�tdlowinp thinp�:
<br /> .r 1. All p�ym�nts on�ny not�or oth�r d�ht s�cix�d by this Mortpap�vdll b�p�id wfi�n dw.
<br /> 2. M inwranc�pdiaY fe►fin�nd�xu^d�d�°wrKi�N^��b�k�pt tn forc�on th�P�op�1Y�n en amount at Iwat�qwl to th�d�bU�s¢und by thi•
<br /> Mprtaq�P�w�ny othn mortO�GM Ifat�d in para0nph 6 b�low.11»inwnnc�comW�Y mwt M�atLfactory to Comm�rcial F�d�nl,and
<br /> CorrwnKCiM F�d�ral will b�a nsmal insund on th�policy.
<br /> 3. NI ta�s�'id a�anMU on the prop�rtywill b�p�W l�ten th�Y b�CO�d�linqwnt
<br /> 4, �ks v�pt�vrill b�cortxnitt�d on tth prop�rry.�+d it will loa kpt in pood np�ir.
<br /> 6. fi�pro�rtY wlll not M wld(including by land conVactl,IM�•�no int�ntt in it wfll b�wipn�d in any wW.
<br /> O. I a�tM Pr��Y fn��nd eleK oi�nY oth�r morto�Gw a �ncwdx�� EXCEPT FIR�l' [Y'fii�l� ]�MG'�C� O�
<br /> 7. No othK monp�W w li�n on the prop�rry wiil wu b��Ilnw�d to b�in d�feuit or 6�frnelowd.
<br /> M„y p1 y��w prom!ws�n not k�p41h«+Canm�rc��l F+d�can d�clan rl oi th�d�bt imm�dfarily dw and pay�bl�wfthout adv��a�oUe�.
<br /> F�ewpjwns Ryy b�nquind by Iwv.Th�Int�nst nt�wili incr�to 19.OfAr or my IwNr of tM r+�ximum ret�a11wwW�by law at thst drt».�nd this
<br /> mo�tpp�c�n b�tonelowd in�ceard�na wflhpp tiuhl�Iwv.If th�d�bt it acc�IKat�d.thM+I aleo aulpn aay nnt or othw incom�irom th�propKtY 10
<br /> (FOR b0.DAKOTA RESIDENTS ONU�. In th��wnt ot+ny dNewlt in th�mNciny d any p�yrn�nt a in kMpinp atry cownat+t hersin,this Martp�meY b�
<br /> t�ek�d p��ction.u py adv�rtls�rthnt u provid�d by statut�a th�rulw o�Pncdc�»IaNnp th�nto.�nd this pr�pnph�halt b�dMrn�d�s authori�inp+^d
<br /> eonatitubnp�pov�wr d saN�s mMtlo��d In t�id�t�tut�or rulM and�ny�rn�ndm�nt th�nto.and�y ntaln atatut�xy eab and�ttomay tNS(S0.YYY.MN,
<br /> OK,ard MI n�idw+b onNL
<br /> - Grtal��anu can y�p�W py Comm�rci�Fed�al�nd added to th�d�bt�scurod by thi�Martp�O�.I�ctudlnQ�ny t�xw a Inwraec�I h�w�qmd to
<br /> - p�y butfail to.�ny�tto►n�Y tw a court�xp�nws Commereial F�d�nl p+ys ii it I�mad��parry at my Ip�l aotion broupht by aar»one�Iw conc�rnlnp tM
<br /> - pro�ry,and any attm►�y tNt or tourt�xpw+aw whlch th�law mi�ht albw if Comm�r:fal F�denl hw to yo to court p�lnst rr»to cdleat th�d�bt�t
<br /> _ — - t����� �Q�e,�{�y of thw�thln�s h�pp�n.th�n th�additfonal dsi�t witl accn�Int�t�t th�um�nt�u th�nst of the d�bt a�d must M paW
<br /> --- =_° imm��t�ty.
<br />'-'°'° --- Hthis propwN Is�wr cond�mned und�►tM P�►of wnin�nt dorn�in or my aim{lar method of t�kinp ProportY for publl¢we.any proeaed�of ths tdunp
<br /> -�:_� will h�paid to Caiwr�rt�al Fedasl up to ffi�full�rtwu�t of ths d�bt a�cund.
<br />'-r,�.�..q;°o goRqwr vNfvw all ripht of home�Swd aWr+Ption in th�propsrly and futun w�fws alI riphts d�edemPUon.�xemptlon.dlstributlw shan�nd dwver•
<br />:�c',�:t'�'k; NcyUa to Bor�ow�r Ifer OW�hom�nt�opKtMl: A P�K of�nl�ha�bNn ranbd in thi� w A of�ab m �Ilow tl� to t�k�tM
<br /> tp:�.'41 . • nd�o oqurs�n�ro.�oa�IIn� ■ •
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<br />_+:;5,���: Bonow�rs Typ�d N�me
<br />`-=����- -...., ...�,��n tir_ n..oa�n Yssr.ats7_ NB: 6fl8A3
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<br /> On thls u� day of �� .19 97 .betore me.a not�ry publio in and for aa�d county, personNly ceme
<br /> . �V� L �+y � �A j� (�'� . to me known to bs the identieel pereon or peraons whose
<br /> • narn�fs or ar�oKx�d to th��bow mw�psqs,md th�y,he/�he/they�wu�lty rckhowledped ths naid inatrumont and the execution thereot to be their
<br /> volunury�at antl dNd.
<br /> ' WITNESS my hand �^ °�• ��[Q ,�„ _ _/ v�
<br /> My canrnsuon��irsr. EMl N01A�1',St�11 at NI►tis�i L(l U/� �//
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<br /> .J�n.24.199D
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