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<br /> 2. That title to the followinq real eatate ahall be qui-
<br /> eted in the Petitioner, to wits
<br /> Real estate located ae 809 South Oak an8 more particularly �
<br /> desaribed as followes Lots One Huadred Eleven (lil) and One
<br /> . Hunc]red Twelve (112) in Hnwthorne Place to the City of Grancl
<br /> ieland, Hall County, Nebrnska,
<br /> subject to any encumbrances of reaord an� �he Petitioner will
<br /> hold the Respondent harmless therefrom.
<br /> � 3. That the Petitioner shall t�av�e all right title and in-
<br /> � terest in and to all householc� goods and furnishinge, wearinq ap-
<br /> � _ parel. personal effects, appliances and fixtures and uther per-
<br /> sonal property of every kind and descrip�ion now in her poeses-
<br /> sion. and other intangible pzoperty now possesa�d by the Peti-
<br /> . � tioner with the exception of the Eollowinq iteme w�ic.h shall be
<br /> set over to the Respondent, ta wit: �
<br /> � � a. A basketball hoop
<br /> , b. Various huntinq aad fishing equipment
<br /> c. Vnrioue truck parts and chrome bumper
<br /> � :: 4. Tha� the Resgondent shall have all right t�ttle and in-
<br /> �
<br /> � terest in and to all household goods and furniohinqs, wearing ap-
<br /> . pareZ. personal effeats, appliances and fixtures and other per-
<br /> �. .
<br /> � sonal property of every kind and description now in hia posses-
<br /> j �, sion.
<br /> 5. That the Petitioner shall be liable for and diecht�rge
<br /> the followfnq itemized debts, and shall hold the Respondent harm-
<br /> less therefrom. to wit:
<br /> a. VISA in approximate amount of $2,aQ0 -
<br /> b. Sears in approximate amount of $3,Q00
<br /> � ��CROFILU =_
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