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<br /> 6. That �rom the evidence it appears that every r�aaonable -
<br /> effort to effect reconciliation has been ma8e, without euccees, _
<br /> and thax the marrimge of the Petitionar and Reapondent 1a isre- `
<br /> trievably brokea and should be dlsaolved.
<br /> 7. That the parties have entered into a Property Settle- o
<br /> ment Agreement, which agreement is tzot unaonscianable, and finds .
<br />- that said aqreement ehould be approved and the terms theYeof in-
<br /> , � corporated by reference into this decree.
<br /> Court:
<br /> a. Thae the marriaqe between the Petitioner �nd R�spondent
<br /> ehould be, and the s�ae hereby 3.s, diesolved and that th ie
<br /> � dissolution cf m�rriaqe ahall become final and operative , except
<br /> for the purpose of review by appeAl, without any further ec tion
<br /> '. of the Court ons 1) the date of death o� one of the partias to
<br /> the dissolutian or 2) aix (6) months after the decree is r�n-
<br /> ' dere8. whichever occurs first. If the decree becomes final aad
<br /> operative upon the date of death o£ one of the partie s to the
<br /> dissolution, th� decree $hall be treated ae if it became fi.nal
<br /> � an3 operative the date it was rendered.
<br /> , b. That the terms and conditions of the Property Settl��
<br /> ment Agreement, attached hereto and marked as Exhibit 1 and en-
<br /> tered into by and between the parties hereto should be. aad the
<br />_ eame hereby are, approved and faeoxporated into this decree and
<br />-- the parties are ordered to perform and abid� by said tezns nnd
<br />;;� conditions.
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