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<br /> .(B) Any feilure on the part of the Truetor to meet the repayrnent terms In r�opect to the ��n AAre��ent an eny
<br /> other edvances under thla Deed of Trust hereby eecured; end,
<br /> (C) Any aatlon by the Truitor prohibited by the terma of the Loen AgreamenY or thia Deed af Trust or any failu►e of
<br /> the Tniator to ect es requlrod by the Loen Agreement or thle Deed of Truet,eeah of which Trustor hereby egrees
<br /> heve en edva�se afteat on the Beneficlery's securiry for the Iine of c�edit established a�d the righte of tho
<br /> Benefictary in such security. c
<br /> and upon the happening of eny such event of default, Beneficlery may declere all aums secured hereby Immediately
<br /> due end payable by dellver to Trustee of written decieration of default. The Trustee shell heve tha power of aele of
<br /> the Property, and if Eieneffaiery dealres the Proparty to be aold,It ahall dep�ait w(th 7rustee thfs Desd of Trust end all
<br /> promfssory notea end doauments evidencing axpenditures secured hereby and shall deltver to Trustee a written notice
<br /> Qf defeutt nnd eleotlon to cause the Property to be sold, and the T�ustee in turn shall prepare e notice In the form
<br /> required by law, which ahall be duty fUed far record by Ttustee. -
<br /> (A1 After the.lepse.g}s�ch.ila�a may be required by law foilowing the recordation of seld �otice of default, end
<br /> n' tiai of,d�fautE•orldrta`tl Q�.�'-bf sele having been given es raquired by law, Trustee,without demand on Truator,
<br /> a all Rell tha WtVRl6rky`on tt�,9i� te end at the time end place cles3gn�tad in said notice of aele,et pubNc auction to
<br /> t�e h1p,h�e's�`biddat,fiia� e price payeble in lawfui maney of the United Stetes at the time of sele. The
<br /> peraon conduct�ng the sele may, for e�y cause he deems expedlent,poetpone the eale frorn time to tfine untll it
<br /> shall be aampleted and, in every such cese, notice of poatponement ahell be given by public dectaratfon thereof
<br /> by such person et the time and plece last eppointed for the sale.provided,if the sele is postponed tor long�r thgn
<br /> one11) dey beyand the dey deafpnated in the notice of sele, notice thereof ahall be given in the seme menner es
<br /> tha original natice of sele. Truatea eha11 oxecute and deliver tu the purcheser ite Deed conveying the Property so
<br /> sold, but wfthout andy covenant or warranty,express or implied. 7he recitals in the deed of any matters or acts
<br /> ahall be aoncluaive proof of the truthfulneas thereof. Ae�y person,fncluding Beneffciary, may purchase�s the sale.
<br /> (B) When Truetee ae8s pursuant to the powers herein,the Trustee shell apply the proceeda of the sale 2a peyment
<br /> of the coats and expensea of exerclaing the power of sele and pf the sele,including the peyment of tfie 7ruates's
<br /> feea ectually incurred, which Trustee's fees ahall not In the s89regete exceed the following emount based upon
<br /> the amount aecured hereby end remeining unpeid; 5 pe�centum on the first A1,000 thereof,l parcentum on the
<br /> balence thereof end then to the Items in subperegrapfi iCl�n the order the�e steted.
<br /> �r�p,ngi¢Ayi��*h�items specffied fn subDaregreph(B1!f the sale ls by Truatee,or the propar court and other costa
<br /> of foreclosure end sele fi the sele is pursuant to judicfal forecbsure,the proceeds of eaie sheii be eppi'ted in inv v�u'o�
<br /> steted to the payment of:
<br /> (1) Co�t of eny evidence of title procured in connection w(th such aele and of eny revenue stemps;
<br /> (11) All�ums the secured hereby;
<br /> 1111) 7he remainder. ff eny, to the person legaliy entitle+d thereto.
<br /> 13. Dutia a�d Oblip�ttons of Tru�t�a. (a1 Tha duties end obllgations of trustee shell be determtned solely by
<br /> tha express provislons of this Deed of Trust,and Trustee shall not be iiable except for the performance of auch duties
<br /> and obligatlona as ere specificalty set forth hereln, and no fmplle�i covanants or obligationa shail be imposed upon
<br /> Truatea; (b) No provisions of this Deed of Truat ahatl require Truetee to expend or risk its own funds, or otherwiae
<br /> incur any financiel obUgetion fn the pariormence of any of itadutfea hereunder,or in tho exerciae of eny of its ►fghta
<br /> or power,it it ehail hAVe prounda for beHaving thet the repaymsnt of auch funds or adequete indemnity agalnst auch
<br /> risk or Ilabilfty la not raaaonably asiured to it;(c) Truatee may consuit wlth counsel ot ite own a�oosing end ths+�dvice
<br /> of such counsel shaii be full end complete euthorizetion and protection in the respect of eny action taken or suffered
<br /> by it hareundsr in good feith end relfance thereon;(d) Trustee ahell not be I(eble for any ection taken by it in good te(th
<br /> and renaonebly belleved by It to be authorl:ed or withi�the discretion or rlghts and powers conferred upon it by thla
<br /> Dend of Trust.
<br /> 14. Additbntl S�curity InsWm�nts. T�ustor,at its expenae, will execute and deliver to the Trustee, promptly
<br /> uppn demend,such aecurity inatrumente ea may be requtred by Trustee,fn form end subatence setlsfectory to T�u�tee,
<br /> caverlhg eny of the Prnpertyr conveyed by this Deed of Truat,whfch security Instruments shell be eddttional security
<br /> for Truator's faithful performence of ell of the terms, covenents and conditivna of this Deed of Truat, the Loan
<br /> Agreement,eny promf�eory notes secured hereby end eny other sacurity instruments executed in connection with this
<br /> trensaction. Suah instruments shell be recorded or filed, and re-rocorded and refiled, at Trustor's expense.
<br /> 16. Misa�llan�ous.
<br /> (A) in the event eny one or more of the provisiona contefned in the Deed of T�ust, or the Loen Agreement or eny
<br /> promissory note, or any other security Instrument give�In connection with this trensaction,shell for any reason
<br /> to be held to be invelid,illegel or unenforceable in any respect,such invaiidlty,illegality or unenforceabilfty shell,
<br /> at the option of Beneficlery, not aNect any other provision of this Deed of Trust, that this Deed af Trust sheil be
<br /> conatrued as If such invettd,iliegel or unenforceeble provision had never been conteined herein or thsrein.
<br /> (8) TNts Deed of Yruat shell be const�ued eacording to the lewa o1 the Stete of Nebraska.
<br /> — (C) the Deed of Trust shell insure to and bind the heirs,legatees,devisees, administrators, executors,successors end
<br /> ess(gna of the perties hareto.
<br /> — (D) Truetor shdll pey all taxea levied upon thls Deed of 7rust or the debt secured hereby,together with any other taxes
<br /> _ or asseasmants which may be levied ageinet the Trustee or Beneticiery or the legal hofder of the Loan Agreement
<br /> nn ancount of the indebtedness evidence thereby.
<br /> (E) Whenever used herefn,the aingular number shall tnciudethe plural,the plural,the singular,the use ot any genaer
<br />�:� shal{be eppltcable to ell genders, end the term "Baneficlary"shall in�lude eny payee of the Indebtedness hereby _
<br />'� securod or any tranafer thereof, whather by nperetion of law or otherwis9. _
<br /> �. 18. Suac�ssor Trust��. Beneficiary may from time to tlme substftute a succeasor or successors to eny Trustee
<br /> x named herein or ecting hereundar to execute this T�ust Deed. Upon auch eppointment snd without convay�nce to _
<br /> the successor Trustee, the letter shell be vested with all title, powers and duties conferred upon any Trustee herein
<br /> nemed or acting hereundpr. Each such eppointment or substitution shall be mede by written instrument by Beneffcfery,
<br /> conteining reference to this Deed of Trust and its place of rocord, which whon recorded in the office of the Reglster =
<br /> of Deod.;of tho county or counttes in vlhich said propefty is eitueted, shali be conciusive proof of proper appointment _
<br /> of the auccesso�Truatee. The foregoing power of substitution end the procedure therefore shall not k��exb�}�pf _
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