<br /> All ins��u ancc policics rcquircd by Lcndur and reuewals of such polioies shall be subjeot Co Lender's right to
<br /> disappxove such polioies, shall inclnde a standard moxtgage clause, and shall name Laizder as mortgagee
<br /> aziel/or as an ldditional loss payee. Lender sha11 have the rig1�t to Iiold the policies and renewal certificates. If
<br /> I>etider requit'es, ]3ot�ower sha11 proiro�tly give Yo Lender all receipCs of paid premiuntis �nci retiewal noltices.
<br /> If Borrower obtains �u�y form of insriraiiae wverQge, not otherwise required by Lender, for daznage to, or
<br /> destrucHari of, the Property, such policy ski�ll include a standard mortgage clause anci shall name Lender Eu
<br /> mortgagea aud/oi as an addItional loss payee.
<br /> In the evenC of loss, Borrower shtill giva prompt notice to flie inenrance cvrier and Lcnder. Lc;ndcr may
<br /> mal�e proof of loss if not made promptly by Rorrowcr. Ui�lcss Lender and Borro�ver olherwise agree in
<br /> writing, any ii�suranc�procccds, whcthor or not the underlying inauranoe was required by Lender, shnll be
<br /> applied to restoration or repair of the Property, if T1ie restoration or repair i5 eco�omically fcasiblc and
<br /> Lender's security is not lassened. Dm'ing sucl�rcpair arid re,�Corafion�eriod, Lender ahell have khe right to
<br /> holcl auch insurance proceeda mitil Lender has had an oppozhrnity to inspect such Property to ensura t1Se
<br /> work has be�n completed to Lender's satisfaction, provided ihat such inspection sl�atl Ue undertal<cn
<br /> promptly. Lender inay disbw'se proceeds for the repairs aiid restc3ration in�single payment or in a series of
<br /> progress 1�ayments as U�e worlc is con�pleCed. Unless an agreement is made iu writing or Applic�ble Law
<br /> requiros intcresE l0 6e paid on such iusurnnoe proceeds, Leuder eha11 not be rec�uired to pa�y Borrower airy
<br /> incerest or earnings on such proceeds. Fees for puUlio adjuster�, or oUter tl�ird pattic5, rctained by Bc�rrowe�•
<br /> shall not be pai(1 out of the insurance proceeds and shall Uo thc scalc obligaEion of Borrower. If the restornrion
<br /> or repair Is not economically feaaiUlc or Lendcr's seoutity would be lessened, the insuranco procoeds shall Ue
<br /> applicd to tt�c bums sccureci by lhis Seourity Insh�ument, whetlier or not then due, with the excess, if auy,
<br /> paid to Borrowar. Such insurence proceeds shall be applied iix the order providcd for in Scction 2.
<br /> PP Borrower ab�ncions the ProperGy, Lender may file, negofiate and settle ar�y availablc ins�iraiwe claiin u�d
<br /> E•elaked imktacs. Lf Borrower does iiot respoz�d within 30 dlys Io a noCice fi�on�Lender that the insuxance
<br /> carrier has offered to sot{le a claim, 11ien Lender may negoEit�te and settTe tha claim. The 30-day period will
<br /> bcgin when Che noCice is given. In either eventi, or iP Lender acquires Hie Pxoperty unde��Scction 22 or
<br /> otherwise, Borrower hereby assigna to Lender(a) Rorrower's righ4s Lo 1ny insiu'ance proceeda in nn ai�nount
<br /> not Co exceed tha vnomrts m�paid timder the N�ttu or lliis Seom�iCy Insirim�exit, �nd (l�) any oYher of
<br /> ]3orrowcr's r ights (othcr t1�an tUe right Co any refiincl of une[u�ned premiums paid Uy Bocrower)undex all
<br /> insw�anoe t�olicies eovaring the Proper6y, insofar as sucl�rights aro applioable la Lhe covernge af tlie
<br /> Property. I,ender m�y usc thc insuraucc proceeds either to re�nir or restore the Property or to pay�unomrts
<br /> ui�paid imder Che Note or this Seoui9ty Insh�ument, whether or not then due.
<br /> 6. Occupancy. Borrower shall occupy, establish, aud use tlie Property as Borrowei's principal resideilce
<br /> witkun fi0 el�ys after the execution of this Security Instr�uineA�t a��d shall contiiiuc to occupy the Proper4y as
<br /> Horrower's pxincipal residenoe for at loast ono ycar afCer Ihe daCe of oceupancy, imless Lender ottierwise
<br /> af,mees rn weitii7g, which consenC el�all not be mn�et�sonAbly wiYhheld, or uiilass extianuating circtunst�nses
<br /> exisl which are beyoud IIorrower's control.
<br /> 7. Preservation, Maintenance and ProYection of the Property; Inspections. 13orrowersl,all notdc�efroy,
<br /> dnmage oc im,pnir flie Property, allow the Property to�deteriorate or commit wasCe on die Properfy. Whether
<br /> or noY Boirower is residrug ii�U�e Property, k3orro�uer shall maintain the Property in order to preve�it the
<br /> Yroperfy fron�i deterioraiL'uig or decrensuig in v�lue due to its oondiYion. Unless it is detennined pw�snwk to
<br /> Section 5 that repair or restoiation is not eoonomically feasiblc, Borrowor shall�n�omptly repair Che ProperCy
<br /> if dunaged to auoid further deteiiorakion or damago. T'Pinsuranoe oz ooudeinna�ion proaeeds are paicl in
<br /> connection witih ciam2ge fo, or Ihe tnldng of, Che�'roperty, Borrower shall Ue responsiUle for repairivg or
<br /> restoring the Property ouly if Leuder has released proceeds for sucll purposes. Lcndcr nSay disUurso procecds
<br /> 2h00 V]5
<br /> Nf-�R�SKA-S1ngleFamlly-Fannie Mae7PretldleMac UNIPoRM IN9TRUMENT Form 3020 1101
<br /> VM P f�9 VM P9(NE)f1108)
<br /> Wolters KWwer Rnanalel Bervlaes P2ge Y af 7'!
<br />