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201206723 <br /> F30RROWLR COVENANTS lhat Borrower is]awPti�lly seised of the estate hereby oonveyed and has fhc rigl�Y to <br /> granl and cor�vey tUe Property vid that the C'roperty is uuenoumhercKl, cxcept for encumUrances of reeord. <br /> Borirower wflrrants and will dcfond genera�lly the title Ya the Property against all claims and demauds, subjecP to <br /> ang encanbrances of record. <br /> THIS SECURITY IlVSTRUML+NT combitios uniform covenauCs for national use and non-uuiform cuvc;nants witli <br /> limited variations by jurisdiation to constihite n uniform security iush�mnent covering real prope��ty. <br /> Un�Form Covenants. Borrower and Lo��dc,r aovenant and agree as f'ollows: <br /> 7. Payment of Principal, Interest; Escrow Items, Prepayment Charges, and Late Charges. }3orrower <br /> 9ha11 pay when due Hie prn�cipal of, ar��i i'nterest on, the debt avidenoed by the Note nnd any�repayn�eut <br /> chacges and]atc char�;es due under the Note. Borrower sha11 alao pny fiinds for Lscrow items pLusuant to <br /> Section 3. P��+menCs due imcier 41�c�Noto und this Seew�ity Iush�mnant shall be mflde in U.S. ciu�roncy. <br /> T3owever, if'any oheck or other instr�mzen[received by Lemdc�•as pa}nne�rt timdar Ciie Note or this Security <br /> Ivetrument is returned to Lender unpaid, Lender may t equire tha[any or all subsec�uent payinents due undar <br /> the NoCe and this S�ourity [nstrmnent be made in ona or more of the following 2onn�, as sciccted by Lender: <br /> (a�) cnsh; (b)money order; (o) ccrfificd c1�ecic, bank check, treasurer's check or cflsluex's cheok, provided any <br /> auch ekeck is drawu u�on nn inatihifion whoso QcUosits arc insLu•eci Uy a Federal ageney, instrumentality, or <br /> antity; or(d)Electronic Puuds Transfer. <br /> Pa�ytnents tue deemed reoeived by Lender when reccivcd at tho location designateci in(1ie Note or at such <br /> other loca�tion as inay be desi�naYed by Lendet in accord�tnce with the notioe provisions in Section 15. <br /> Lencler rn�.y r�tut'n airy payment or partial payment if the payment�or pu•ti11 pa}nnents are insufflcient Co <br /> �ring the Loan curxent Zencier may accepk any payinenG or partial payrnei�t insnfficient fo bring tlie Loan <br /> current, witl�out waiver of any r'rgirts hereunder or pxejudice to its rights to xePuse sttch�rapnent or partial <br /> �ayinenCs in the futurc, but Leiider is not obligated to apply such paymenYs aY the tiine snch pn}nnents are <br /> accepted. If each Pexiodic Payment is applied as of iCs schululod duc date, the�x l.,ender need not pay interest <br /> on miappliecl ftmds. Lender m.�y hold euch unapplied fuuds witil Borrowe� malme paymu�ifs to Uring tUe <br /> Loan current. 1'f Borrower does noC do so within a reasoanble period of rime, Lender ai�all either apply such <br /> fimde or returu them to 13ortoWer. lf not ap�lied earlier, snch fmids will be applied ta the ontstianding <br /> principal baluioe under lhe Note imuicdiatcly prior Yo foreclosure. No offset or claiin which Borrower might <br /> havo now or in C1�e tutw•e against Lender shall relieve Borrower from making p�ymeuts due under lhe Notc <br /> twd Lhis Seoc�rity IneCrmnont or performing tlte covenantu and akn�eements seetu�ed by ihis Seourity <br /> Instxtunent. <br /> 2. Applica4ion o# Payments oe PYOCeed8. Sxoept ns otherwisa dasoribed in lhis ScoHon 2, a11 paymente <br /> ac;c:opted and applied Uy 1.ender shall Ue applied in the following order qf prioriky: (a) intereet due under tiie <br /> Nohe; (b)principal d��c uuder the Noto; {c) xn�onnts due mide�� Seotion 3. Such paymenEs ahell be�ppliecl to <br /> each Periodic Paym�nt in the order in whioh if becamo di�e. Any romainii�g�uiiounts�shall ba applied first to <br /> late ohaz•ges, aeeond to any other amounts due uncler [his Seourity H�sLruu�cmt, a7id t11en tn reduce the <br /> pxincipal bala�ice oF the Note. <br /> If'Lender recaives a payment fi�om Borrower for e delinquent Periodic Pnyinent which incl�idos a sufficient <br /> �tnount t�pay any late charge dne, tl�e payinent may be applied tio Uia delinquent pflymenC encl lhe late <br /> ohnrge. Sf inore thfu2 oiie Periodic Paytnanl is outstaiidi�ig,Lendcr may a�ply any paynaeni�received froxn <br /> Rorrowar to the ra�ayinent of the Pe.��iodic Payments if, und to the exten[t}iat, each payinci�t o�i�bc paid in <br /> Ildl. 'lb the oxtcnt tl�at any exce5s exists after the payinent is applied to the full payment of one or more <br /> Periodio Paynienta, snch excess mny 6e lpplied Co any lale chargos duc, Voluntary prepa5nnents sha11 ba <br /> applied tirst to any prepayineut charges and then ea described in the Note. <br /> sqooms <br /> NEBNASKA-Single Famlly-Fannle bl aelFretlrlle 61ac IlNlf-ORM WSTRUA7 ENT Form 3D28 1101 <br /> VM P O^ VM Pfi(NE)(1106) <br /> Wollers Kluw er Flnnnolal Services Page 4 of 7 9 <br />