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201206723 <br /> senCetroes shall not apply Eo the presence, usa, or storag�e on Hie Property o£small quantitics of Ha9ardous <br /> Subst�tnces thnt are generally recognized to I>c appropriate to normal residential uses and to nYainfenance of <br /> thc Property(including, but not limited to, h�znrdbua substu�ces in cox�sumcr products). <br /> Bor•rower shall promptly give Letlder v,n itten notice of(1)any investigation, claim, demand, lawsuit or other <br /> �cliorr by any�ovcrnme�ttal or regLzlatory agenoq or private ptu•ty involvin�; the Ptoperf}�and any Hazordous <br /> SuL�stance or &nvirontnenfal L�w of wl�ich:Borrowor]�sis actual larowledge, (b) any Environuiental <br /> Condition, inclttding buY not limited to, wy spilling, leakiug, discl�arge, release or Un�eat of release of any <br /> Haz��dous SubstEuice, and(c) any condition c�used by the presenoe, uae or reloaeo of a Hazardous Substa�ice <br /> which adversely affects the vaLue of the Pro��rty. If Borrower learns, or ia�oliPied l�y�ny gov�h�nmantal or <br /> xegul�tory authnrity, or any priv�te pu�ty, that a�ry removal or other remediatioii of any IIezacdous Subetaz�ce <br /> affecfing the Property is necessw•y, Borrower shall prom�tly tnke all necesFary remodial acCione in <br /> accordancc with Fnvironmenfel Law. Nothing herein shall creaYe nny obligation on Lender for an <br /> Etroiromnentzl Cle�uvzp. <br /> Non-Uniform Covenants. Bnrrc�wcr a„d I,ender coven�nt end agree as follows: <br /> 23. Acceleratfon; Remedies. Lender sl�all give nubce ko Rorrower prior to noccicration following <br /> Bm�iroMuer's bronch of o-iny covenant or flgree�x�enC ni CLis Securiky instrui�ent (bnt not prior to <br /> accelcrntimi mider SeeCion 18 unless ApplicnUle Lasv provides oCLerwise). 7'tio notice s6;�1] specify: (a) <br /> the defaiilt; (b) the netion requircd to enre the �lefanit; (c) a dafe, not less tl�xn 30 daye �froiri the daYe <br /> the notice is given to Bm�ruwer, by whicli Clie deTa�dt must bo em�ed; and(d) tlaat Fflilnre to care ohe <br /> detaulC m� or before the date Apecified in the nokice mxy re��dt in ;wceleration of thc snms secnred by <br /> this Secnrity Histrnment ancl eale of the ProperLy. '1']�e n«Clce shsill fnrther inform Bm•irower o#'thc <br /> right to rei�istntc a1'tcr neccicraYiou nnd tlic rigl�t to bring n coiu•C nction to nssert Che uon-oxistence of a <br /> defanlC or tiny other defense of Rorrower to�uccelerxdui�auTd snle. If thc defxtilt ie not clired mt m� <br /> before tl�e date specified in tlie nofice, Lender aC i0s option rn�y roqnire immediate paymenk u�fall of <br /> �dl sim�s ece�u�cd by tliis Sociu•iYy InsEema�ent witlimit fm�ther demanei and�nay invoke Che power uf sale <br /> aud any other remedies permitted by Applicable Lxw. Lender shall bc enGClcd to collact tdl expenses <br /> iucurred in pnrsning the remedie�provided in thi5 9ection 22, inaluding, bnt not limited to, rcnsOnablo <br /> nttorncys' fces and costs of title evidence. <br /> If the power of salc te involccd, Trnstec sl�nll record a notice of default in eucli cnanCy in whic}i any <br /> part nf the Yroperty is lucxted�ud shxll �nnil copies of sacl�uoCiee in tho�nanner prescribecl by <br /> Applicable Law to Boi�•ower and to Che other persons prescribed by A�plicnble Lnw. Aftcr Chc tuno� <br /> reqnircd by Applfcablo Law, Tiustee sh�ll give puulic notice of sale to Clie persou� and in the m;�nner <br /> prescribed by Applica�Ule Lsiw. Trnstec, witliont domand on Borrowcr, shall sell tlie Property n[publio <br /> ariction Co [he LighesG biddar at tlte time and�lace and nnder tl�e terms desibniated in Clic no4ic¢of salo <br /> in ono ot•inorc parccla snd in any order Trustee determines. Truei�ee may postpone sxle of all or:uiy <br /> p;�rcel of ttie Property by pnblic nmiwincomcnC at tlic timc and place of auy previously scLaduled sale. <br /> Lender oe its designee n�aypw•cl�ase the Propnrt,y sit auy sale. <br /> iJpon receipt of payment of the price Uicl, Trnetce shnll deliver to tho pnrehnser Truatee's deed <br /> emiveyiug Che 1'ronerly. 'fhe recitnls i�i tlie Truhtee's deed shall ue prims�t'sicic ovidenec of tlie h•nth oP <br /> the sCatements��iade tlierein. TrneCee shall npply tl�e proceeds of the sale in tlie fulluwing ordcr: (n)to <br /> �dl cosCs nnd expcnscs of oscrcising tl�e power of enle, nnd tl�e snle, inclnding tl�e paymeut of the <br /> '1'rnstee's fees actually incui•red and reasouEi�le attorneys' fees tie pormittod by ApplicnUle I�aw; (b) Co <br /> all stnue semu�ed by tliis Secmity InsfrmnenC; nud (c} uny excess to Ytie peraon or�ersons legt�lly <br /> entitlCd to it <br /> — -- � zaoot7�re <br /> NEBRASKA-SingleFamlly-PannieMee7FrxtltlieMacUNIFORM INSTRUMENT Form3a2811�7 <br /> VMP O VMPB(NE)(1t05) <br /> Wnitere Kluwer Flnenclsl 9ervloes Paga 14 011% <br />