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<br /> �S,( DEED qF TRUST
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<br /> THI8 DEED OF TRUST,mwd�thM 12th day ot SeDtember , ie 97, �
<br /> �i by��,,,�,0. Charles R Dickson. a single person _ C{�y
<br /> �n�n•Ttiaor�;u�Jerry J Milner -
<br /> ,�,r,,,�„o,�,�k 1503 W 2nd St, Grand Island. NT
<br /> 688U1 -
<br /> �h�r�n-Tn,stw�1; �r,d Asaociates Financial Servires Comnanv of Nebraska Inc. ,
<br /> wFwamaitinpeddraar 2014 N Lawrence Lane ��rend Islend. NE 688Q3 ��
<br /> �,
<br /> m��w'��••�•'���• 1.1V
<br /> ���
<br /> FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION.Truttor krsvoC�bly oru�t�,trantf�r�,oonwy��nd utl{in�lo TruttM�IN TRU8T�YUITN ,"i
<br /> POWER bF 3AI.E,tor fh�bm�lk�nd s�curity of���y undK�nd wbpdto Ih�OKm�and condidom of Mis W�d ot TrusR th�
<br /> toNowinp d�serib�d nai prop�rtY�bcae�d In nal l -� Counry.N�bnska:
<br /> Lot Three (3) Block Eight (8), Wallich's Addition to the City of Grand Ialand,
<br /> I:a13 �ount�, ":�brssL.s.
<br /> TOC3ETHER WITH�W nnts.Profih.roy�ldM,inoom��nd alh�r b�n�fts d�►iwd irorn th�nN propKty:�M 1��a�ubM�w�
<br /> qowrinp q�n�l prop�rty a anY P«tlon 1Mr�a1�now a MrMR�r��tin�a��nd Inro,�nd M dphf,dIN and kiMrNt a4 T�uMor
<br /> tMnund�r;�11 k�n�b.�a otM►el�Mn�,bofh in law�nd fn�qufly�vvhidi 7ruNw now Fw a enay Mn�1l�►�aiuw in tFN nd
<br /> prop�tty;�II MMnwnb. rqM�aF'way�E�tn�nb.Mndit�un�nt�and�ppuiMnanas tlwrwf and tMnOot M ofl�nd q�riphb�nd
<br /> prafib.vr�ta Nphb uM wWr�1xk:�M dOht�tlW�nd kd�ntt of Truqa,now ovm�d or Mt�ft�t�cquind.In�nd to any Mnd lykip
<br /> wAhh tM Npht-0Wvay o1�ny qr�t a hiphwaY �dJokdnp tM �NI DroPM►Y =^f�M+d M buYdkqi,focturN� improwm�nh��nd
<br /> �ppuR�n�ncw now or MpaR�r�r�cf�d tMnon or b�brpkp th�nto�(MrNn nl�rnd to tl�'ImP►own�nt�or'�mProv�m�net�t�u�d
<br /> �ny�nd ul awudt m�d�tor th�WckiQ bY�min�nt dom�In�or by�ny prae�rNnp a purch�In IMu th�noL of tM wfwM or�nY P�
<br /> ot the nd Prop�Af►.All ot th.ta�qoiny eatue., iNM»rtY�nd k�bnK eonwy�d to Tnnb�h�nM coY�etiwb nirrnd to p th�
<br /> •FropMty.
<br /> FOR TiiE PURP03E dF SECURIN(i:
<br /> of Tr tor'� nob h�nwilh in tM ptinCfD1)Its /13. Ort —
<br /> ��i�i �san ev�n�un�e� �ii�een an���fl�----�_—poYpn(t �+ +
<br /> coy.u,.r w�a, w,ana a�m. cae.or raa.�ov�d.a u�.r.M.w th�prfnctpd end intrnst on any tutut•.avena.w�d«,o.d ey
<br /> promis�orY nobs wdrp t�Y an s�eund MnEY.(h�Nn�Nob'or'Not�s7 md�ny�nd�M nn�waN�madfic�tloos and�xhn�{on�
<br /> of wch Noh,both prkicipN and ht�rNt on th�Not�bNny p�y�bN In acoordu�a with tM t�rm�wt lorth tl»nin,nf�nno�to whleh
<br /> h h�rwby mad�.
<br /> (b�Th�p�rtormanc�of�aeh ayrwRnnt and oownmt of Tru�tor h�nin conun�d;and
<br /> (c)Th�paym�nt of any sum or tums ot mon�y wfth Mt�nat th�rwn wAk�h m�y b�1»naft�r pald a advenwd und�r th�t�rm�ot MM
<br />= O��d of Trust
<br /> 1. PAYMEN7 OF PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST.Trustor sh�li prompty�y vtMn dw tM princip�i o! end Inhns!on M�
<br />— ind�bt�dn����vid�ncW by th�Nob,�M�11 ath�r�hup�s�nd hw u provld�d in th�Nob.and tM principrl of�nd fnt�nst on rny
<br /> - Futun Advanas s�cured Dy thh DNd of Trust
<br /> - 2. WARRAN?Y OF TITLE.Truttor N IswfuNy sNz�d+�nd poa�s�ad of amod and Ind�i+�sfbN tRl�anJ�sfab to th�Prop�rty
<br />— h�nby canvay�d snd has th�iqht to yr�nt and conwy tM Prop�rry;th�Prop�Ay k hw and cf�ar ot ap INns md�ncumbr��
<br /> ; �xapt li�n�now of ncord;and Trusto►w�l wcrr�nt�nd d�f�nd th�tiN�to th�PropNty�q�nst dl daims end d�mands.
<br /> � 9. MAINTHNANCE AND COMPLIANCE NfITH LAW3.Trwtor�haM kwp��Prop�rty In pooJ��pak and eonditbn nnd thali not -
<br /> commd wast�or p�rmR impsirm�nt or d�t�rbr�tb�ot thw Prop�rry and sh�l comply wRh th�provisbns of�uty INt�H thM��d of
<br /> _ Tru�t is on a N�t�hdd.No knprowmmt now or h�nathr�ndsd upon the Prop�rly shaN b�alt�nd,nmowd or d�rt►oN�h�d without
<br /> th�P►ior wrilt�n conHnt ot &n�ficlary. Trustor th�l compy wiM eN {�vn, ordinarx,br, npul�Uons, oown#nb, catdkbns�nd
<br />�i nnrletions afhctinp th�prop�rry�nd not cammif,suMer at p�rmR�ny�et fo b�don�M w upon tha Prop�r in vioM►tbn of Nny kw.
<br />-- ordinana,rpuVtion,cownant condR►on or n�trktion.Truttor sh�N eompMl�or nKon prompty and In pood workm�nRk�manner
<br /> - aoy Improwmmt on th�Proplrty whkh m�y b�dam�p�d or d��lroy�d uid pay,vrMn dw,aM eNdms for I�bar�rlorm�d�nd
<br />= met�rfaa tumkA�d th�nior�Artii tot�ny�INr�tbn�Mnwf.
<br /> _ ONOIIW.(t)
<br /> = aorar�REV.+ss xwr.w �0l111ow!!1 CorY(q oona�.o�
<br /> I NETENilON CO�Y(!)
<br /> I .... _.--.... -�- -------- --�--- ------—
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