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h ,r :>,� ;�:- __ .__ __-- — - -.. _ <br /> . > ,: � . . ._:��� .,. ���, �- , >� :,,,.,,.n.. <.. .� _. __ - <br /> � � • . <br /> ; � � , � , - _ <br /> , _ , . . <br /> { . <br /> � - ' S�IFFtS DEFD <br /> � <br /> KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS., that �ahereas at a term of <br /> the District Coux� of Hall �otrar��y� Nebraaska, held on the 5th day of <br /> May� 197�'s a decree� of f'ore�losux�e of a certain mor�ga�e was entered <br /> •in an action wherein Carl E. T�Fillard, Administra�or of the°Estate of <br /> W31rna F. Iis�e�s, w as plaintiPf and i,eo Mos�ek and Ar1e�e Mostek, were <br /> {i def'endants;y which de�ree p�ov3des that if the defendants shall f�il <br /> ,� for �Wenty days Prom the entry of such decree to pay to the plaint3ff� , <br /> � a� �c�ch fiducisry, the s�am of �1,967.67, plus eosts of sui�, the <br /> � defendants� equity of r�edemption be foreclosed and an order of sale <br /> be iss�.ed to the sheriff of Ha11 County, Idebraska� commanding h3m to <br /> { se11 Lots Four (�.) and Five (5), in 2'wenty Nine (29) in Packer <br /> & Barr� Second Addition to the City oP Gra�d Island, Nebrask�e; <br /> • And wher�eas, said defendants failed to pay any of such sum <br /> whatsoev�r to said plaint3ff during said period so lim3ted and on the <br /> � 2l�.th day of July, 1972, an order of sale was iss�ed to the sheriPf' out <br /> j of said court commanding the said sher3ff of Ha11 County, Nebraska, to <br /> � �e11 said above deseribed real estate as upon exeeution: <br /> � And wh.ereas, said sheriff, having given notiee of the time <br /> and place of sale by advert3sement, a� requ3red by lata, for more than <br /> � �hirty days prior the�eto, said sheriff, at the time and place 'set out <br /> in said adnertiseme�t, offered said lands and tenements above described <br /> for sale at publie auction, and sold the sa�e to Ja�nes E. Graves, for <br /> the surn of �3,000.00, he being the hi hest bidder therefo • <br /> S r. <br /> ; ,. And whereas, said sale was thereupon repor�ed to said couxt <br /> ! and on the 8th day of September� 19?�� was b� said court carefull�r <br /> ' exam3nec�. and duly eonfir�ed, and the said sherif'f' was thereupon ordered <br /> to make to the said James E. Gr�ves�, the purchaser, a deed in f'ee <br /> sirrrple for said land� �.nd tenernents: <br /> � <br /> NOW THEREFORE:, in consideration of the premises and of the <br /> sum of Three Thousand Do1lar�s (�3�000.00), so bid and paid aforesaid, <br /> I, Charles F. Headley, sheriff of Hall �ount�r, Nebraska, do �ran� <br /> and convey unto the said James E. Graves, his hei�s and assigns <br /> forever, the lands an.d tenements �so as aforesaid sold, to wit: <br /> Lots Fo�a.r (�.) and Five (5), in Block 2'wenty N3ne <br /> ; (29) in Packer & Barr�s Seco�d Addition to the <br /> City of Grand Tsland, Ha11 Co�.nty� Nebrask�e, <br /> ! to have and to hold said real estate, with a11 th� appurtenances <br /> i thereto belonging to the said� Jarnes E. Graves�, his heirs and assi�ns <br /> ' forever. <br /> i <br /> � r <br /> IN 6+�ITNESS WHEftEOF, I have hereunto set my hand th3.s ;' _��� <br /> day of September, 1972. <br /> � , � ,� <br /> ! �+ SI�RIFF OF HA UN'i'Y, NEBRAS <br /> i STATE OF NEBRASK�., COUNTY OF HAi,L, ss. <br /> NOW ON THIS /� day o�' September� 1972, before me, a Notar� <br /> � Pub13c in and for sa3d county and state, personall� appeared Charles <br /> j . F. Headleg, wh.o is personallg known b�r me to be the Sheriff' of Hall <br /> � County, Nebraska� and the person whose si�nature is a�'f ixed to the <br /> ' foregoing deed of conveyance, and h� acknowledged the execution thereof <br /> ! to be his voluntar� act and deed. <br /> � <br /> � � ;" _ � ----, <br /> � � '�%�''.1' ,//i • (=�.r!�/� _.�U.�� <br /> � � � NOTARY PUBLTC ' <br /> � � M�r �eommission expires _ ' �Z-��./(� /C , 19� �, <br /> r-, <br /> ;` <br /> �:;File�l�or:tecoril.. Se r ,.1 7 f..l:�. P_��M, fn ?�aCt.168__of.._. Deeds �M <br /> :;> � '�Page..,�._.� ...._.. . ..__....__......._ ..z „ .:.r a� Cv .�Q �,�:i �a�;���, i�eb�asi� <br /> Rose n )acobsep <br />