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<br /> Plat of a tract �if land co�►prisir�g a part of the Southwest Quarter
<br /> (SiN�) of Sectien Eourteen (14) , Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine {�
<br /> (9) West of the 6th P. M; in Ha11 County, Nebraska, more particularly
<br /> described as follows :
<br /> _ " Be�inning at a point on the west line of said Section Fourte�n
<br /> ' (14) , said point b�ing One Hu�dred Ninety-One and �ne Tenth (191. 1j
<br /> feat north of the souttt�r�st corner of said Section Fourteen (14j ;
<br /> thenee noztherly alor� th� west line of said Section Fourteen (14) ,
<br /> . a distanc� of �orty-�ree a�d T�rae Tenths (43. 3) feet; thence
<br /> easterly psrallel t� tAe sowth lir�e of said Sectifln Fvurteen (14) ,
<br /> a distance of Two Huadred �i�hty-S� and: Eighty-Seven i�undredths ��
<br /> (�86. 87) faet; thence $o.uth�rly pairstllel to the west line of said
<br /> �action Fourteea (14) , a distanca of Forty-Three and Three Tenths
<br /> (43. 3) feet; the�sce westerly par�llel to the south lin� of said `
<br /> ��ction Fourteen (14) , a dista�ce of Two Hundred Eighty-Six and �
<br /> Eighty-S�ven Hundredths (286.87) feet to the place of b�ginning
<br /> pnd containin� 0. 2�5 acres more or lc�s .
<br /> I hereby certify that the above plat is from an accurate s�rvey
<br /> of the deseribed property �o the best of my knowledge and belief.
<br /> y►E�R A j,��
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<br /> ISLAND, �FEBRa4SKA - 58801
<br /> Scale 1" • 4U ' July � , 1972
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