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<br />,-� ..��:r g ����y���provana►u aow or huexftei erocted on thc pro rty. and al� e�ac�xnt°�
<br /> : �� T'OdBTHEA i'�� . All repl�cemntte urd add tlnns�hdl det►b�covered
<br /> �w,�',A urtenu�cee�md(ixturc�now or hereafter a put of the propeity
<br />'',;�:Z,.;� byPthi�Srsuriry Instn�tnmt.All of the foresolnY U referred to in thie Secariry lnatrurnent�s the"Pr°percY•"
<br /> S
<br /> • BO�AOWkR COVENANTS l�li�t BOf[OWC�',�u����ex��o����o��garrower�irgr�nte u�id
<br />,v;;��_ ,;,. convey the Property u►d Itu�t the Pcop�rtY �nst tll el�ima ud demu�d��eubjxt to tny eneumb��of recocd.
<br /> will drfrnd gaixrallY the tttle to tljee PropertY�
<br /> 'hus S�cuRrrtr Insriei�Mr:NT combinee unifomt coven�nW far nadoaal use and non��•unifozm cavrnanta wlth�imttod
<br /> ,`�� var[ations by jurisdlctton ta coasdtute s unlform eeauriry ins�n�me�►�°°vertag ceal pro�t;tty. �
<br /> UNIPDfUI COVENAHT9.BO[iOWCI if�I.C[IdC!COVli1�IIi�IfA i�[CC i7 fOIIQW6: B�rro�u ah�1!psan���9 Pay when due
<br />,°'��� 1. �rlqlll�O�pl'�atCl�Md lntll'!f[; F�'R�y�f�IDa j.YlO�.uiu�v.
<br />_ ;a�� � the ptinclpil of u�d interat oa the debt evideaced by the Note and my pnepryment wd late cl�r8e�due ubder the Note.
<br /> _ - 2.�nd4 for Twxw wd In�ur+�nc�•duc�uaderpWle�otelauatil�the Note is P�id nbtWll�a suin�Fund�j for•�(�
<br /> - . .,�� to I.endcr oa tho day monthly paYmea c as a llen oa tt�c Property:tb)Yeuly —
<br /> yearly taxe,a and essessmenta w h ic h m a y e t t a i n.p dori ry ovu thie SecuricY lnam� tasuru►ce prexutums:(d)Year 1Y
<br />, ��;i .� l e a c e hold pa y m e aus or grouvd rrata on the PropectY,If say: (c)Yeuly kizard or proQGCty +yle b Bonower
<br /> ,":;;L:'°; flood tnsurnnce premitune�if any:(e)Yeuly mortgage i r u t u a n c e p n m I u r n s.i f a a y:w d(��n y suins p�Y Y
<br />;;_:��;�.�,',. to I.endcr� in aocord�nce with tbe pmvlsiona of puiBr�ph
<br /> 8, ia l[eu af tLe ayment of mortg�gc ioaut�noe pcem�ums•
<br />:R�!�i'�r� These itesns sre called"Bscmw Itesa�." Lender roary,at wy Hme.co!!xt � for Borm��an.�xr►nt�unt�uader the
<br /> ••�"4` u�cimum un�uat a leader for a federnUy related ubrt848e lou►ceray¢eq
<br /> -: ;� �.
<br /> ys,__;�;�: federal Re�i Estate Settleaneat Procedures Act of 1974 �a amead�ed from [ime to tfine, 12 ES.S.C. 4 2 t► scq.
<br />�Y,`;,' ("RESPA")� unless anuther law ttut applthe lesaer amoua�I.ender noay es�tiavte the Amount o�f Pund�due�aa�tho b�sieof
<br /> •. hald Funds ia aa+imouat not to excad
<br />:�?„�,',�ir � curreat dau and rasonable estitnata of expen�litwe9 of foture Bscrow Itaas or otherwiae in accordu►oe wlth apPl�cable -
<br />�„�,� law. �g
<br />:'`�;:�. . 'ibe fiuide shaU be held in�n institudon whoee deposlts ue iasurcd by a feder�l a►cy,iasuuaxnt�lity.or ea ty
<br /> �r (including Lender,if T.ender is such w�nstitudon)or in any Falenl Hoine Loan B�aic. Leader ati�l apply�F�g�e
<br />_-`�`-�°,� piy the Eacrow Itan4. Lajdermay not charge Bomower for holding and applying the F�nds. aouuslly
<br /> �nd piiuble liw
<br /> ���` escrow account, or verFfy�ng the Hscrow Item�,wi1ess Lmder pays Borcower inunst on the F�.nd� aP
<br />,_-,�.�:: permits Lender to m�lce such�e�ervicx uxd b�L.eader in coyn�on witL this lwn punleae applicable law providea
<br /> ;ra,��� independsnt real estxte tas rtpo B ��e law requirG+inurcst to be paid,I,ender sh�ll not be raiuinod to Y
<br /> - othenviae.Unless�n agreement is m�de or�pp u r �
<br /> �T.:��: and I.ender rnay agroe in wrlting�howeva,that intenst be
<br /> Borrowcr any interesc or earaings oa the Funda.Borrower
<br /> � �` p�id on the Funds.Lenda'sh�ll give to Borrower. wlthout charge.an aanual�ccounting of the Funda,showing ctedits and
<br />,��`,� debite to the Funds and the purpose for which each dcbit to the Funds wes made.The Fuads are pledged ae sdd�tion�l
<br /> -�•=�:., sxuricy_for au suuu aocurea by chis sxurlty Tnstnunenc.
<br /> ��w�ntR m�ued to be held bY sPpli�le law. I.eIIdei sha11 aCC�1mt[o
<br /> -_ =:__� u t�e�uxia heid'oy Lead�i�t�d s2:s s_....____�.
<br /> �=-�a=�
<br /> �:;�,��� Bormwer for the excxtt Fuads in accordance �"'«����A�of applicable lnw.If the am�unt of the FunJa act��y
<br /> _,�--��;,;� I,eader at�ny time ie not sufticiau to pay the Bsarow Items when due,I..ender may so notify Rorsower in writin ,
<br /> grad,in
<br /> - such case Borrower shill pay to L.eadar the amount neassuy to malce up the deficteucy. BQTI'CR'� ah�11 make up thc
<br /> ' deficicacy in ao more W�n twelve monthly paymeats,xt Leader's aole diacretion. nf»nd t� Borrowor
<br />-- -- i, Upoa payment in tWl of pll aums aecurod by thia Secudty Inauuaxat. I.eackr sh�U pm��9 rior to the
<br />___--- - any Funds held by L,ender. If, under acagr�Qh 21, I.eader ahnU xqutre or sell the Pro ,1.ender, p
<br /> = acquisiHon or sale of the PropertY. �Pp1Y�Y��ds held by Lender st the time of acquisidoa or sala as a c�dit
<br /> - aBainst the sums eecucrQ by tbia SocurIty Inaaumcat• nte roalvod b I.ender under
<br /> - 3.Applic�Uon of PMymcate. Unlesa�pPIIc�ble law provides otherwise. all payme Y
<br /> ---- � P�8mPhs 1 and 2 ehiU be applied: firet, ta mY PnPaY�t chuges due under the Note: socond� to unounte psy�blo
<br /> under paragr�ph Z;third,to i�►tensc due;fourth,to prlacipal due;and lagt,w any late char ea due 1�ittributa►1e to the
<br /> --- - 4,�'hwrQes: Liens. Borrower shell PaY s11 taxes. �sscssmeats.�leag sehofilnd�paymea�r�+ound rente, if any.
<br /> - property which miy attdn prlorlty over thle Secutlty Inahvmen� h 2�or If tat �!d in that m�nner,Bormwer sball
<br /> - Borrower shall pay theae obliguiow in the manner provided in paraBriP p�sh to La�der dl nodcea of�mounta
<br /> - pay them on time direcdy to the person owad payment.Borcower sh�ll promptly fumiah to I.ender '
<br /> to be paid w�der thie pu�graph. If 8ornower malces these paymeats direcdy. Borrower shall promptlY
<br /> , roceipts evidsncing the PaY��sdiecharBe�aY Ifen which has prlorlty over this 5ecudty Insavmeat unlese Borrower:(a)
<br /> Borrower ehall promptly�of the obltg�don sxured bY We lien in a man�et�cept�ble to Lenda: (b)contesta in
<br /> —_ � in wrld°'g to the PaYmen
<br /> _.___�— g�feith the lien by, ar d�fends agr:imst enforCemeflt of the lieu in, leg�l procoedin8a which in the �ja�� to
<br /> operue to pnvont the eaforamenc of the liea; or(c) secuces from the holda of the liea aa agtt�nxn rY
<br /> Lender auborditutin�the lisa tu this SecurltY Insuument.If I.ender detc.�rmtnes that an,put of tb.e Prope�ty 3s sub.iect to•
<br /> lien which may atudn priurlty over thia Sxurity Insmiment� Lender ma give Borrowa s aotia ideatlfyln8 t�ie Uen.
<br /> im
<br /> Borrower shaU eatisfy the lten or take one or more of the action�cet forth ve within 10 daya of tl�e giving of twua.
<br />- — S.H�vxrd or Property Insurwue. H��wer ahall kap the impmveuaenta now e�cisting or heteifter erected on the
<br /> property inaured against loss by fire. hazatds lncludai within the term "extended coverage" �ad anY other haz�de�
<br />--_----c�'� Farm 302e e/A0(MO�2 oI eJ
<br /> �il�l��f'�� pANKERS SYSTEMS.INC.,ST.CLOUO,MN 6630211-800391•Z���FOPM M0�1dJE 116191 —'
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