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<br /> � � :,� _ v�- �,� �� � JUL 2 8 1972 µ . �
<br /> � � c,� , ��"���"� 'SURVIVORS�-IIP YtiARRAI31Y DEED �.L�,:...._BY f��
<br /> �,,k, �� :�� �� �:� . ,��� � , � � �,�� . �� �
<br /> ..LL � �=��' "�; � �� . _ �
<br /> . AA �, �
<br /> � &R1dif► �,.* �,�TDDLE� an unmarried widow� herein called the grantor whether ��;
<br /> one o� more; _'in r�ns�:deration of �ix Hundred Dollars and �to,�100, ($600.00),`• �`� ;;�
<br /> received from gra'r��ees, does grant, ba�rgairi, sell convey and confirm unto : ''
<br /> LO�E�1 J, JANUIEWI!�"L and BARBARA H. JxNUIEPJICZ his wife as joint tenants with , �✓
<br /> ' rigY�t o� su�vivor�Iaipy and not_as tenants.in common�; the fo llou�ring d�scrxbed .
<br /> _ ��' rea`l .psoper.�y in Ha 11 County� Neb•xaska: '�;;
<br /> A tract o�f land comprising a part of I..ot Seven (7)� NortNOOd Subdivision
<br /> of part of the West Ha lf of the Northwest Quarter (W2iv�V��) of Section Ten {10),
<br /> Township Eleven (1,1) North, Range Nine (9) ��est of the 6�h �,iel., Ci�Ly of Grand
<br /> Island� Nebraska��; Flall Cc�unty, and more particularl�� described as folloa��s:
<br /> Beginninc� at a point Ti�o Hundred Seventy feet (Z70) East of the
<br /> Northwest corner of Lot Seven (7), thence running Eust One I-iundred Thirt�-five
<br /> feet (135),. thence South One Hundred Ten point Five feet (i10.5), ti�ence ��est
<br /> Sixty feet (60)� thence South TNaentX feet (20), thence �Nest �eventy-five feet
<br /> (75), tlience North, One Hundred Thirty point Five feet (l'30.5) to the point of
<br /> beginning, t�ll directions shall be East or Easterly, 4Jest or V�desterly, South
<br /> or' Southerly� �?orth or Dlortnerly and shall run P�rallel to the Lat lines of
<br /> Lot 5even (7) to �vnich they refer, as shovan on the Survey of Record of said .
<br /> Lot Seven (7). .
<br /> To have and to hola the above describeci premises to�e�tiies traith ali
<br /> tenements, hereditaments and upnurtenances ttiereto belongin� unto the �.ran-tees
<br /> and to tneir assigns, or to the heirs and assi�ns o� tiie survivor of tiier�
<br /> foxever.
<br /> , and grani;or does hereby covenant v�i�:i� the c�rantees and �aith their
<br /> � assigns and tvitll the heirs and assigns of the survivor of ther: tllat rrd,ntor is
<br /> � la�vfully seised of said' pren�ises; that they are free from encumbrance, that
<br /> { grantor has �ood ri���t and laNaful authority -to convey the s�me; and tria�l; r.r4n'�or `
<br /> I caarrants and t^aill defend the title to said prer:lises arainst ti�ie latiaful cl�ims o�
<br /> a 11 persQn,s;��yv�or�lsoever.
<br /> I:-t is ti�ie intention of all parties l;ereto "�i.�1a� in ti:e event of ti:e
<br /> ,::,
<br /> I de�►�}i�o� }e�t�r�x o��'�x�e ysantees, �the sn�ire fee simple �atle to the rea l estate
<br /> ; sn�al�✓�re,�t-.ir�.t�a,e si�;i1vivinr arantee.
<br /> n b
<br /> • n�(�c''t1'$�^V '4 u 3.�1 :��.%� �.���
<br /> _ ��` � ' �
<br /> s^*: �, �. ; � � / ,
<br /> ��., . �
<br /> � �� � �!f 1.� ��y , i � n—�if� - � � � � .
<br /> ,'���• R�.:'.� zs� ' :rr:�a ?;. Riddie, Gn unm�rr ed ti���idova
<br /> �
<br /> � 'fi., �F t!G�
<br /> � �� � , ,,, : �
<br /> ; STti1L' C��'= `� 2�:ebxa-s�.«=- , County of _ ria-11-------
<br /> �
<br /> ! Before me, a no'tary pvb lic cua lified ior said county, person4 ily c-:ne
<br /> • ERt�� y. RIDDZ�, an unnarried widow� kno��an to r.ne to be �i:-�e identica 1 person vl'lo
<br /> si;ned the foregoinr., ins�rur�en� and acicnotivledaec? �;re execu��on t;lereor to be i;is,
<br /> i�er or their voluntGzy act and deed.
<br /> Witness ray hancl and no�:aria 1 sea Z on c,� Z�� , 1°�z--"
<br /> G�� ,
<br /> I:ota x�,�, PLU�lic
<br /> r
<br /> I.:y con�.r:iission expires �,�l�?,,, ��? ��
<br />