f118� 40r r�A01'd Jul 25th 1972 �t 10:�.1� A�, �y �pp� l�g of Deeds � ,
<br /> ���,�' -� ` �,� .;
<br /> . . , . i�ister of $�eds, Nall Goun�r, N��raska
<br /> i
<br /> � i
<br /> j
<br /> THI� DEED entered into this .�?�C�1ay of June, 1972, by and between
<br /> ROSS E. BORDERS and HELEN .I.OUISE REYNOLDS, co-Executors under the La�t j
<br /> Will and T�staaaent of Bertha E. Olthoff, Deceased, Grantor, and REX D. '
<br /> Nebraska, as tenants in coinmon, Grantees.
<br /> WITNES5, that the Grantors, bei:nq duly appointed, qualified and i
<br /> acting co-Executors of Hertha E. Olthoff, Deceased, under her Last Will �
<br /> and Testament, admitted to probate in the County Court of Hall County, '
<br /> Nebrask�, by virtue of the power and autharity granted them u�der sai.d '
<br /> will, and in consideration of th� sum of One Hundred Thirty-Six fihousand
<br /> ,and No/100 Dollars (5136,000.00) .to them paid by Grantee�, receipt where-
<br /> of is hereby acknowledged, do by these presents qrant, barqain, �ell, ;
<br /> remise, release, convey and conf ira� unto the Grantees as ten3nts in
<br /> common, and to their heirs and assigns forever. the fallowinq described �
<br /> real estate, to-wit: �
<br /> The Southwest Quarter (3W3�) of Section Fourteen (14) , Town-
<br /> ship Nine (9) , North, Range Nine (9) , West of the 6th P.M. ,
<br /> Hall County, Nebraska; subject to any easements, coven�nts,
<br /> riqhts-of-way of record and public roads.
<br /> Together aith all and sinqu2ar the tenements, hereditaments and a -
<br /> tenances thereunto belonging or in anywise a ppu�
<br /> the estate, right, title, interest, pro P�rt�ining and also all of
<br /> demand whatsoever� which the said Testat=ixYhad atethe�t�aelof�i�e d
<br /> decease, and which the said Grantors have by virtue of the said Last
<br /> Will and Testament, or oth�rwise, of in o�' to the above granted premises,
<br /> and every part and parcel thereof with the appurtena�ces;
<br /> TO NAVE AIdD To HOLD the said premises with the hereditame�ts and
<br /> appurtenances thereof unto the said Grantees and to their hei�s a�d
<br /> as�signs forever.
<br /> . Grantors for themselve�, their�successors, heirs, executors `and
<br /> administrators� covenant with the Grantees that they are lawfuliy the
<br /> co-Executors under the Last Will and Testament of Hertha E. Olthoff,
<br /> deceased; th�t they are lawfully $eized af said premises; that s�id
<br /> gremises are free from encumbrance except as excepted above, and that �
<br /> they have power to convey the same; that they_have in a11 respeets acted,
<br /> in making this conveyance, pursuant to the authority qranted them under
<br /> th� Last Will and Testament of Bertha E. olthoff, Deceased; that they
<br /> have not done, made or suffered any act, matter or thinq whatsoever,
<br /> since they became co-Executors of said estate, whereby said premises or
<br /> any part thereof, are, shall or may be impressed, charqed or encumbered
<br /> in any manner whatsoever.
<br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Grantors ve hereunto set tbeir hands
<br /> the day and year first above written. �,��
<br /> STd4MP TAX �
<br /> Ross E. Border
<br /> � JUL 2 5 397� � )
<br /> � . l� � � � �, � r �
<br /> i$1��8Y _ _ - .
<br /> He en uise Re ds
<br /> � Co-Executors under the I.aat Will
<br /> STATE OF KANgAS ) and Testaanent of Bertba 'E. Oithoff
<br /> , ( ss:
<br /> on �his �,�iay of June, 1972, before me, the unclersig�.ed, a Notary
<br /> 'Public within and for s�id County, personally came Ross E. �orders and
<br /> Helen Louise Reysolds, who are kr�own to me and known to �ae to b� the
<br /> identical persons descril�ed in anc� who .execute8 the foreqoinq Exe�t�ttors
<br /> Deed, and they acknowledqed their execntion ttiereof to be their volun- '
<br /> tary act and deed as such co-Executor� for tl�e p�rpoaes therein set farth.
<br /> e ay hand and Notarial 3ea1 the date last above �ritten.
<br /> : ���Ll��. HAZELIN00�
<br /> Montgomery CountY !(�nsas � �.��� Q `��
<br /> My comm iss 3.0� e�p rea: �. �°0••�."'��� ,
<br /> . N'�c tary Ptt��"�l�c�
<br /> �'��,,_a.>,�"/9Th
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