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<br /> ���� �t1'�P�t! ,.. - -a8ed -
<br /> ' I.I-QUIT .�... '�008 Il) �w........:. .�e..:�.�_...... _..::..��t�A.�.p�Y8�a�t�1V��tl�l�inco�n,.Nebr. � .
<br /> //_ . -
<br /> f 4.* QUITCLAIM DEED _
<br /> =h,y � : . 57AMP TAX
<br /> � .
<br /> .. . �(�� 14 1972 .
<br /> � �
<br /> ; Mark Schuele and Ph,yllis Schuele, c
<br /> `i huSbdlld and wife , herein calIec� the grantor whether one or more;
<br /> � � � � ' � � � � � - .
<br /> 'I in consideration of One Do 11 ar� ($1 .�0) - - - - - - - - - -
<br /> �; .
<br /> ] received from grantee, does quitclaim, grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto , �
<br /> j Linda Schuele,
<br /> herein called the grantee whether one or more, the following described real property in
<br /> 'i ..........................:..�.dl�.............................. County, Nebraska: �
<br /> A tract of land located in the Southeast Quarter (SF�) of the Sc�utheast Quarter
<br /> (SEn)�of Secti�n Twenty-One (21 ), Townsfii-p Eleven (11 ), North, Ran4e Nine (9),
<br /> blest of the6th P.M. , in Hall County, Nebraska, more narticularlv descrik�ed as
<br /> follows:
<br /> Commencing at the East Qne Sixteenth (E 1/16th) corner Common to S�ctions
<br /> Twenty-�ne (21) and Twenty-Eight (28) ; thence Four Hundred Two (4�2)
<br /> Feet Easterlv on the Section Line to the noint of beginning; thence ��arthPrly
<br /> �Twelve Hundred PJinetv-Eight and T��ra-Tenths (1298.2) Feet; thence running
<br /> East qarallel with the South Line of Section Twentv-�ne (21) , a distance of
<br /> �ne (1) Foot; thence running Southerly parallel to the West Line of said
<br /> Section Twentv-One (21) , a distance of Twelve Hundred N9net,y-Eiqht and Two-
<br /> Tenths (1298.2) Feet to the South boundary line of said Sectian Twentv-�ne
<br /> (21); thence t�lest on said South Section Line to the ��int of beginnina.
<br /> Subject ta Easements and Streets �f record.
<br /> To have and to hold the above described premises together with all tenements, hereditaments
<br /> and appurtenances thereto belonging unto the grantee and to grantee's heirs and assigns forever.
<br /> Dated July 14, 19 7?_,
<br /> _
<br /> .................................................................................... .. ................s...........:.................................................
<br /> .................................................................................... �.. ,�-�....:��.......................................
<br /> �
<br /> .................................................................................... ......................................................................................
<br /> .................................................................................... ......................................................................................
<br /> STAT� OF NEBRASKA, County of ..,.,,,,,,HALL ,
<br /> Before me, a notary public qualified �for said county, personally came
<br /> ^�ark Schuele and Phyllis Schuele, husband and u�ife, �arents of c�rantee
<br /> known to me to be the identical �l�����per.�sans;�vi�ho signed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged
<br /> the eaecutian thereof to be�I���r`.tihe}s=voiun�ary'act and deed.
<br /> . ,
<br /> : , :
<br /> ; . -`> ,L T
<br /> Witness my han�t.a�d.i�otarial se�l: ` .:..�.T...Cl...V.. ................... 19..7..�.,..
<br /> w
<br /> � '.w`; � '' ................... Notary Pubiic.
<br /> :.. „ .,.. ..................
<br /> ,� . .. , 4 4 , , � .
<br /> 7� = co ini��� e re l�r.•••• �.......................:....... 19.�`•�..i
<br /> �
<br /> Filed tor recard.�.. .. .Y._ 14 3 �7 �� � � '�
<br /> . ..at. ...... . �.N,�iiy�osv�.� ot.�......���.�. .��,...,..�
<br /> .�.. ...... . _
<br /> Page.�� Itegistet of Deeds� Hali Coun�y� Ne6raska
<br /> _ . ageE_Mn�acati�eq.;---___.-�_.._._�._�______._--
<br />