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<br /> '1'O�gTHgR �ll the rnvea�entn aow on c�reitta erccted an tho pro�rty, and �11 euemenu ---
<br />-�:"'�-' �PPurtenancts�and tixturee now or hen�er a part of theproperty All npl�cemrnq end wdditiaru eh�ll aao be wverea —
<br /> by this Se�urity Ins�t.AU of the fangolng is refened to in thie Securlty Instnuneat�a the'ProP�rty." _
<br /> �':'�' • Bow�owEx Covpr�rrrs that Borrower i�lawt�Uy eel�ed of the estue hec�eby conveyed aad hae the right to grult w�d
<br /> .. s� convey the Property and that the Property ie uneacumbec'ed� exc,�pt for encuaabnwces of record. Borrower warruiu a�d f
<br /> ;.;��J wUl defead generally the titlo to tho Property ogainsc all clalrz��nd demund�r.subjxt to nnp eflcumbMncea of record. __
<br /> - 'l��s SECUwrr InsrrtuMSrtr combinea uniform coven�ate for nationrl uae and non•uniform covenonte wtth lienited
<br /> ;-;�� variattons by jurisdiction to con+titute a unifoim secudty iiutrument covering cra prnperty
<br /> UN�FOaM Cove�nNZS;Borrower�nd g.e�ler coveaant and agrx as followa:
<br /> _�* 1. Payment of Prindpai and L►terest+ Prep�Y�t �nd Late CharQa.Borcower sholl prompdy pay whea due
<br /> -' ,• the principal of and Wtenst c�n the debt ev'sdenszs!by t5e Note utd my prepaymeat and late chugea due under the Note.
<br /> . � 2.�nde for Taxe�s�nd Iasurwnce.Slibject ta�� licable law or to a written walver by�Lender�Bonuwcr eha�l pay
<br /> to Lende�'on the day mont�y�.paymtssta ase due twder 2�:IVMe, until the Note is p�d in full, a sum("Funds")for:(d)
<br />_-,'�::�� yearly taxea and assesemenis whict�raay atteln priority nver thla Secudty Inspvnaeat�s a liea oa the Property;(b)Yeuly
<br />;,.�.;;:�: laaehold payments or gro�md renta on th��rupnty,if any: (a)Yearly hazud or property insurance premiums; (d)Ye�ulY
<br />�s��=�"` flood�nsur�acc premiutw�if uny;(e)��early mortgage inaurance pm�niums�if aay; �ad(�anY$u�psYable by Borrower
<br /> :��'�:' ` to I,ender, �a accordance with the provlRioas of partgraph S, in lieu of the ptyu�mt of mottgAge i�uru�oe pretniucn�•
<br />��;?�" These itenu are caUed"Escraw IteaAS."Lender anay.�t�ny tIme�oollect�nd riold Fuada in w anr•�unt not to exceed the
<br /> '' rmximum unouat a lendex�'or a faler�lly relued mortgage loan may roqutre for Borcower'e escrow�ecouat under the
<br />�:�`'' federal Real Estau Seulezwant Procedurea Act of 1974 �» unended from time to tiuue. 12 U.S.C. g 2601 et seq.
<br /> '�"A t . �'RF.SPA")�unlesa�nothar faw thatapplies w ths Fuads xte a le�eer Amaunt. It eo,I.ender may.at any tlme,collect and -
<br /> �� hold Fuads la sn awouat not w exceed the lesser amount Lender may estlmat�the amouat of Puada due on the basis of
<br />--,=;� cu:rent dau��nd reasonable estlmatee of e a p rn c l iturea of future Eecmw Itema or otLecwlae in accord�na with applicable
<br /> n
<br /> ;.,: ' �nw. _
<br /> �:t�.�; The Funda ehaU be held in an inatitudon whose deposit�an iagunod by a federal a8ency, instrumentality.or entity ___
<br /> %�: Lo I.eader ohall ap ly We Fund1 to =-
<br /> tincluding I.�cader,if Lendes fs such an insdtution)or in auy Foderal Home aa Banlc. —
<br /> :;::�, pay the Fscrow Iteu�. �xnder may not charge Bornower for hotding and applying the Funds, annu�y an�Y�B��
<br />;��4.•' escrow s►ccount. or verifytag We F.s�row Ituua� unteas I.eader prys ibrrower interest oa the Fwids andappllcable ltw
<br />_��� - pec�nita Leadcr to mtke such a c harge: H o w e v e r, I.e a d e r m a y r o q u i r e B o t r o w e r t o p a y a o n e-t i m e c h a r g e f o r ut
<br />.rc:;;� Ia�ie�endent real estau tax ctportIng aerv�cx ueed b Lencler in connection with this loan. unless applieablt law provides
<br />�:�L�,,� ot6erwiee.Unlea�An�groemeat is a w de or epp H c�b�e lawreq u i r+e a i a t e c e a t t o b e pu l d,I.e tt d e r 4 h e 1 1 n�t b e r e q u i r o d wpay
<br />:.=;�� Homower any inurest or earn}ngs on the fimds.Borrower and I.ead�r may agree 1 i►wrlt�►g.however.that intareat c h�l l be
<br /> —� _-�— p�id on the Funds.Lrender sl�all give to Borrower.wlthout ch�rge�an annual accouating of tlae Funde�sbowing cndits and
<br /> ___=_�� ����tw tn the Ft�ntls 9nd thepur�oee for which each deblt to the Funds was made. The Ptmds are pledgod as addit[anaB
<br /> --�•.y securlty for all swns aecured by this Securiry Insuumer►t.
<br /> --- = If tUe Funds held by Z,ender wceced the uraunts permiued ca be 1k1d by applicable itw,I.ender ehall account to
<br /> --= Borrower fur the exaas Fw�de in na�ordance with the requicriueate of�pplicable law. If the mount of the Funds held by
<br /> ------ Leodcr ai�ny time ia not suffictent to gsy the Pacmw Itema whcn duc,Lender may so notify Borrower in writ�q�and�in
<br /> snch c�ae Borrower shall piy to Lender the amounc aecessuy► w m�ke up the def�ciency.Bormwer st►�U ma�ce up the
<br /> deficiexy in no mon tlua twelve monthly prymeate�at 1�ender's eole discretion. nfund to Bozrower
<br /> Upon payment ia fuU of�ll sume xcured by th�i Saurity Inmummt.Leader ehall promptlY
<br /> any Pund�held by L.ader. If. under paegr�ph 21. Leader ahwll �cquire or sell the PropertY. Leader. prlor W the
<br /> acqu�ltion or eale of the Pro . eh�ll�pply my Funds held by Lender at the dm�e of�cqutaItion or s�le ae a credit
<br /> ya[u�l the ium��ocund b th�Security Iam�uneat. �ived b L�eader uader
<br /> 3. Applicatba ot YFi�ymeuta. Unleu aPPI[c�blc law pmvides otbecwiie. �ll p�ymeets Y
<br /> p�raqnpht 1 u�d 2 �11 be�pplied: flrst�w �aY P�'�PiY��a due under d�e Nou;tecond� w anwnaq psy�ble
<br /> undec p��r��2'�thW.to fnterat due;fauth�to pr�nclpal due; I�t,to any late chu a due under We Note.
<br /> 4. , Lka�. Borrower eh�llpay�il tud� aaesurcnu� chuSe+� tina�i�t�otltioo��tirlbut�ble to tha
<br /> Fropaty whlch may au�in ptiodty ova thie Security Inatmmeat� �ad Ieaxhold prynnent� or gruuad t�at�. [f�ny.
<br /> Horrower th�ll pay ttKSe oblig�tioaa in the m�naer providod in puagn�h 2�or iffumGh W l.eader�notias of�mo+tnt�
<br /> p�Y them on dme din�ctly to the peraoa owed paymeat.Borrower etWi pmmptlY
<br /> w be paid ander thii pu�aph. If Bonnwa m�lcea thex piymeata directly. Borrowa shtll PmmptlY f�miat►to I�aKler
<br /> receipti evideacing tLe paymeat�.
<br /> Bornowa:hail pmmptly diechuge my liea which 6a�prioriry over thie Socurlty Ia�eumatt unlea Bomower:(a)
<br /> — �grees in wrlttng tr�the paymenc of tlue obllgation sec.vted by tLe liea ia a mmner�ooept�ble to La�der; (b)oonuw jn
<br /> good faith the lian by, or dofeads�g�inst eaforoement of the llcn ia, 1eg�l proo�odiags w6icb in the L.end�r'e aPWOa
<br /> aper�te to preveat the eafonxmeat of the lien; or(c)exures fcom We hotder of the lien m�groanent e�fiicwry to
<br /> IRader aubordiwting the llen to this Secudty Instrument.If Leadet detaminei thu my part of the PropMy ie aubjax to a
<br /> --- liea which wy �¢edn pdority over this Sa:urIsy inatcnmeat. Len�der mty give Borrower t rioNa ideatifying tbe lien.
<br /> 8orroMer shall sutefy the lien or t�lce onc or more of tho wKioaa eet forth�bove wlthln 10 d�ye of the givtng of uotice.
<br /> S.gu�rd or propMy In�urance. gocrower a�h�ll kap the impmvema�ta now exiettog or heceatter erxted on thc
<br /> propeity insural ag�faat losa by fin, hazards included within the tezm "e�cteaded oovec+8�� aad any other h�ds.
<br /> r-om,3ose �roo ro•r•�o�s�
<br /> -�- - euHCEns srsr�s,wc.,sr.ci.ouo.hki 60304/t�l00-387•23411 WRM MPIJJE 116IY1
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