�` � `Fled tor record ~ ":uNE 30. 19�2 ,�a 12��,:48,PM, in Book..�..of
<br /> �
<br /> � 1081/z--WARRANTY DEED�{oint T�.,�, y--�'�tir��n���� In Survivo Th._' �aa eaer upply H e,.Lincoln, Nebr.
<br /> r�. .�...,....:.. � ,..:_. _.._ ___,. _ ....._ .:._�..._.__... _....,_ _...w_..... _
<br /> _:... By .�,. _ _, . . Depc�t _,
<br /> ;
<br /> Nick Hitchler and Frances A. Hitchler, Husband and Wife,
<br /> . STAMP TAX
<br /> � JUN301972
<br /> �,/9�°� �Y�'�
<br /> in consideration of - - One and No/100- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -� DOLLARS
<br /> and other valuable, ,consideration,
<br /> in hand paid, do hereUy grant, bargain,' sell, convey and comfirm unto
<br /> James J• Harnan, Jr. and Pearl G. Harnan, Husband and Udife',
<br /> as JOINT TENANTS, and not as tenants in common;.the following described real estate, situated in the County of
<br /> Hall and StarP �f Nebraska �� ---:�. • . . � _
<br /> �,�t��xsin��� of' land co risin? a art of the Nor�theast Quarter of the T�ortheas-t
<br /> : �. � � P
<br /> Quarte�- (N� N�) and par-t o_f the Sou-cheast C�uart;er of the Nor-cheas� C�uar�ter .
<br /> (S�� NE:�) and part o�" the Sou�chz�rest �uarter of the Nori,h.east C�uart,er (S�G�T� TJFi�) of
<br /> Section Thirty-one (31), Totianship 'iwel.ve (12) North, Range Ten (10) vJest of the-
<br /> 6th P.M., Hall Couni;y, Nebraska, and more pari;icularly d.escribed as follotvs:
<br /> Beginnin� a� tihe Sou'cheast Corner of said NE=� N'U4 thence running nori;h alono
<br /> the east line of said N� N�4 a distance oi Six �Ivs�d-red Ligriteen anc� Si:� Ten��hs
<br /> (618.6) feet; the.nce d.e�lecting Leit 73� 28t and runnin� norlih�;esterlJ a distance of
<br /> One Thousand Three Hundred. Eigb.tj Four (1384.0) s:eet tio a point on the vrest line
<br /> of s�id NE4 1V�4i thence deflecting Lcit 113° 29' and runn,;.ng southeas Lerl,y a distance
<br /> of Two Hundred. and Forty-six Hundredths (200.1�6) feet; 1;hence def'lecting Pi h�t b° �3'
<br /> 'and running southerlJ a distance of T�iree Hundred, Fift� One and Six ^1en�Lhs �351.b)
<br /> fee-t; �thence dsflectin� Rignt 61�° 531 and running sontYi�-�esi;er�y� a d�_s-ta.nce oi Ttiyent�
<br /> Six and Five Tenths (20.5) �eet to a po3s�t o:n the inres-L ls.ne oi said N�;� N���;;
<br /> thence running along the west 19_ne of said N�� N�'.,�� a di.s'cancc o� Four Hundred P'ort;y
<br /> Si� a.nd Fi:£ty-Seven (�1�6.57) feet to the Southti�aest Corner of said N�-�_ N�; L-hence �re5t
<br /> along the North line oi said 5���,T�� NF;=4 a dis-tance o�' One Hundred k'iftiy Six. and Seventy-
<br /> Five Hundredths (156.75) feet; thence deflecti.ng Lei't 1.33° �.2t and running soui�hea.st
<br /> a distance of Three Hundred, For�Ly and Six. Tenti�s (340.6) feet; thence de£lec�ting Left
<br /> 20° 1�6� and. running southeast a distance of Two Hundred ^lhirty Eight and Si�ty-Seven
<br /> Hundredths (238.67) feei�; thence d,eflecting Leit 25° 1�.1;.' a.nd. i°un.nin� ea.sterly One
<br /> Hu�dred Twenty and. Thirty-Three Hundred.tlis (120.33) feef,; �chence de�lecting Left
<br /> 28 �.9' and i�unn.ing northeasterly six Hun�red. Sevent;y Ei�hi: and TUrenty-Five Hundredths
<br /> (678.25) feet; thence d,eflecting 3,ight 28 29� and runnin�; easterl�r a dis cance oi
<br /> Three Hundred. �i.ghteen and Fifteen Hundred.ths (318.15) feet to a point on the east
<br /> line of said SL'i NFi�; thence running north on the east line of said. S�:r N'� a dista.nce
<br /> of Fifteen (1�.0) ieet to -the point of be�i.nnin�; and containin� 2g.08 acres more o-r
<br /> less.
<br /> /eZ,�'
<br />