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<br /> � J l�i►ea fior recora June 28, 1972 _..a �`��.M, irr �ooR l�..ot neeas
<br /> � Page_L.� �se Ann Jacobsen Registet of Deeds� Hall County�Nebraska
<br /> 4.1—SURVIVORSHIP WARRANTY DEE RO$8 At1O J8C0 �I� ^�2� Felton f.�WoIF Company�Lincoln�Nebr.
<br /> � By ,� eputy
<br /> �
<br /> J,
<br /> II-t�l. PATN�R and £�'TTY�PAINT�,R, hu,s�and and wife, each in his and her own right and as
<br /> ispouse oi each other , herein called the grantor whether one or more,
<br /> in consideration of ?+ORTY-SFi�VEN TT�OUSAND FIV� HUNDTiI;D (��.7,�00.00) Dollars
<br /> received from grantees, does grant, bargain, sell eonvey and eonfirm unto
<br /> J!1CK ti1. �3Ei�T0ISPd and MA.RGAl?�T P�I. T�RTULIlV,
<br /> husband and ti�Ti�'e,
<br /> as joint tenants with right of survivorship, and not as tenants in common, the following described real
<br /> property in ..................IIa�..�..................................... County, Nebraska: .
<br /> Part oF the Southwest �uarter of the Sov�hz�rest Quarter o.�° Section ?_2, Township 1.1 North,
<br /> Range 9 ti^lest oL' the oth P.M. Descri_b�d as FollokTs: Beginning at a point �rhich ].ies 33
<br /> �'eet north of a certa.in point which lies 33 feet east of the Southti�est corn�r o.i Section
<br /> 22, ToUmship 11 Nor�th,• Range 9 Zaest of the oth Principa' Neridian, runnin�; thEnce north
<br /> 207 �'eet aJ_ong th�> east side o.f the coun�y road.; thence �ast 200 feet, thence south 207
<br /> �'eet, thence wc�st 200 fe�� to �the place oi beginnsng
<br /> ; STAMP TAX
<br /> �
<br /> i JUN 2 8 1972
<br /> � �`�-�.s -
<br /> � __.-----`�BY—�'�Lr�
<br /> To have and to hold the above described premises together with all tenements, hereditamenta
<br /> and �ppurtenances thereto belonging unto the grantees and to their assigns, or to the heirs and assigns
<br /> of the survivor of them forever. .
<br /> And grantor does hereby covenant with the grantees and with their assigns and with the heira
<br /> and assigns of the survivor of them that grantor is lawfully seised of said premises; that they are free from
<br /> eneumbrance
<br /> that grantor has good right and lawful authority to convey the same; and that grant warr.ante and will
<br /> defend the title to said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoeve ^�,�
<br /> It is the intention of all pa,rties h ereto that in the event of the death of e her of the� anteea,
<br /> the entire fee simple title to the real estate shall vest in the surviving grantee.
<br /> Dated Se�tember 10, 19 68 �
<br /> .................................................................................... �/..?�'.4::...... , ................�..... .......
<br /> . . . . Ira... ..'nter
<br /> .................................................................................... ..,t:..:::1`.��!'.':... .l.,,l.cr......`:�.�.4'.���...�` ,
<br /> ..,
<br /> ' ,�` �ettyJ airi�t .'r..
<br /> J.
<br /> .................................................................................... .....................................:..............................................
<br /> ................................................................................... ....................................................................................
<br /> ST9TEOF ...........�eB��.�............................... County of ...................................................»».....:
<br /> � Before me, a notarq publie qualified for said county, peraonally came
<br /> J,
<br /> Ira�Painter and Betty�Painter, husband and w�ife, each in his :and her okm ri�ht and as
<br /> spouse of each other, � ,
<br /> knp.wn:t,o me to be the identical person or persons who signed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged
<br /> q¢�tl���c�� thereof to be his, her or their voluntary act und deed. .
<br /> �� v:��e�s.my hand and notariel seal on .. .September„10 ,,;,,,,,,,,,, ..... 1968
<br /> . ....
<br /> ;� � ,, ' '
<br /> � ' � } - = �°...��
<br /> . , ., , ..... ...... .... ....... ..... ...............:Notary Publie
<br /> J ,f , My eommission egpirea .......',jl......�.�...�.�.—.... ....... 19...5?�..'
<br /> -,' .v �a ••� ..
<br />