<br /> Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NF;4SW%) , a distance o� °One
<br /> �housand Three Hundr�d Twenty-Two and Forty-TTao Hundredths (1,322.42)
<br /> feet, to the southeast corner of said Northeast Quarter of the 5outh-
<br /> west Qua�ter (NF'raST�) ; thence westerl.y along the south line of the North
<br /> Half of the Southwest Quarter (N z5Tn�) , a distance of One 'I�housa:nd Nine
<br /> Hundred Forty-Four and Eighty-Three Hundredths (1,944.83) feet, to a
<br /> point Six Hundred Sixty (660.0) feet east of the southwest corner of said
<br /> North Half of thQ Southwest Quarter (N%S4�) ; thence deflecting right
<br /> 88°40�' 40" and running northerly, a dist$nce of Six Hundred Sixty-One
<br /> (661.0) feet; thence deflecting left 88 49' 30'�, and running �aesterly, a
<br /> distance of Two Hundred Twenty-S�ven and Four Tenths (227.4) feet; thence
<br /> running northerly along a line Four Hundred Thirty-Three (433.0) feet
<br /> east of and parallel to the west line o:E said Section Twenty-S�ven (27) ,
<br /> a distance of Six Hundred Fifty-Three and Fifteen Hundredths (653.15)
<br /> feet, to a point on the north line of said Southwest Quarter (SW1�) ;
<br /> thence easterly along said north line of the Southwest Quarter (S'+�]'��) , a
<br /> distan�e of Eight Hundr�d Seventy-Three and Fifty-'I'�nro Hundredths (873.52) t
<br /> feet, to the southeast corner of Lot Thirty-Four (34) , Matthews Sub- �
<br /> division; thenc. northerly along the east line of said Lot 'lYhirty-Four
<br /> (34) , a distance of Six Hundred Twenty-Six and 'I�h.ree Hundredths (626.03)
<br /> feet; thence deflecting right 76°06'20" and running northeasterly, a
<br /> distance of Eight and Five Tenths (8.5) feet; thence def lecting right
<br /> 05°21' and running northeasterly, a distance of One Hundred Fo rty-Two
<br /> an3 Nine T�nths (142.9) feet; thence deflecting left 44°31' and running
<br /> nor�heasterly, a distance of Three Hundred Seventy-Eight and Eighty-
<br /> Three Hundredths (378.83) feet; thence deflecting right 31°34' and
<br /> running northeasterly, a distanc� of Two Hundred Eighteen and Eighty-
<br /> Five Hundredths (218.85) f�et, to a point on a�sterly line of Lot �
<br /> Eleve n (11) Birch Sub�ivision; thence southerly along said weste rly
<br /> line of Lot Eleven (11) , a distance of Twenty-Four and Twenty-Six
<br /> Hunclredths (24.26) feet, to a point One Hundred Sixty-Five (165.0) feet
<br /> north of a southwesterly corner of said Lot Eleven (11) ; thence running
<br /> northeasterly parallel to the southeasterly line of sa.id Lot Eleven (11) ,
<br /> a distance of Eight Hundred �hirty-Eight and Sixty-Three Hundredths •
<br /> (838.63) feet, to thP east line of� said Lot Eleven (11) , also being th�
<br /> westerly line of said Northeast Quarter (NF�) ; thence northerly along
<br /> said westerly line of the Northeast Quarter (NF�'�a) , a distance of Thirty••
<br /> and Thirty-Four Hundredths (30.34) feet, to a point on the centerline of
<br /> the N��rth Channel of the Platte River, said point being One 'I�housand
<br /> Three Hundred Sixty-Five and Sixteen Hundredths (1,365.16) feet south ,
<br /> of the northwest corner of said Northeast Quarter (NF�) ; thence deflecting
<br /> right 53°30'40" and running northeaste r1y along said centerline,oa distance
<br /> of Two Hundred Forty-Six (246.0) feet; thence def lecting lef t 12 26 40
<br /> and running northeasterly along sa:id centerline, a distance of Eight
<br /> Hundred Ninety-Nine and Saventy-Nine Hundredths (899.79) feet; thence
<br /> def lecting right 30°16' 20" and running northeasterly along said center-
<br /> line, a distance of Sevent�-Two and Eighty-Five Hundr�dths (72.85) feet;
<br /> thenc� deflec�ing right 19 35' 50" and running northeasterly along said
<br /> centerline, a distance of One Hundr�d Si�ty-Six and Twenty-Four Hundredths
<br /> (166.24) feet; thence def lecting left 21 10'20" and running northeasterly
<br /> along said centerline, a distance of Two Hundred Fifty-One and Eighty-
<br /> Four Hundredths (251.84) feet; thence deflecting left 41°03' 40" and
<br /> running northeasterly along said centerline a distance of One Hundred
<br /> Sixteen and Thirteen Hundredths (l16.13) feet, to the place of beginning,
<br /> EXCEPTING THEREFROM a tract deeded to Donald S. and Marlene Roush in the
<br /> Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NW�SWla) , as recorded in
<br /> D�ed Book 136, Page 439, and containing 0,955 acres more or less, leaving
<br /> a net acreage in the above described tract of 155.529 acres more or less; and
<br /> EXCEPTING trac� deeded to Ruth E. Roush and subject to an easement for road
<br /> pu�poses, both described following TRACT� III; '
<br /> ' � TR,�1CT .III.
<br /> A tract' of land comprising a part of Lot Four (4) , Island, together with
<br /> the accr��ion land the�eto, situated in part of the Southwest Quarter
<br /> of the Northwe st Quarte r (SW34NV�) , and part of the Northwe st Quarte r of
<br /> the Southwest Quarter (1�7V�aSW�) , all in Section Twenty Seven (27) , Town-
<br /> ship Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) , West of the 6th P.M., in �Hal1
<br /> County, �ebraska, more particularly descr�'bed as follows:
<br /> Beginning, at the northwest corner of said Southwest Quarter (�W�a) ; thence
<br /> easterlX�x,along the north line of said Southwest Quarter _(S�) , a distance
<br /> of- Forty=0ne `and Five Tenths (41.5) feet, to a point on the easterly
<br /> riqht-of-way line of Locust Street; thence running northerly .along said
<br /> 2 �
<br />