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<br /> . fiiea fioi�ctrra June 19,�197?_..af�..0....58......A:M, in BooR i6$.:ofi Deeds - - - -
<br /> Rose Ann Jacobsen Re ister of Deed Hall Coun
<br /> � � Page � .�..__.. .�._ g s, fy,fleti�lia -
<br /> By Deput�s8 Mu 1.acob�eq �p�gR�q��CU EROTARY
<br /> , ;� �TI�A�YI�TA�6
<br /> DEED �IUN I9 �9Tz
<br /> � �� �o
<br /> ROMCO STEEL PRODUCTS, INC. , a Nebraska corp
<br /> the Grantor, in consideration of DISTRIBUTION OF ASSETS UPON DISSOLUTION,
<br /> received from Grantee, does quitclaim, grant, convey, and canfirm unto
<br /> RUTH E. ROUSEi, Individually, as to a 57.5/100ths interest therein,
<br /> and RUTH E. ROUSH, as Trustee, under the Testamentary Trust in ,the
<br /> E.state of David U. Roush, deceased, as to a 4z.5�Z00ths interest
<br /> therein, herein called the Grantee, the following described real
<br /> property in Hall, County, Nebraska:
<br /> TRACT I. .
<br /> ,�, tract of land comprising a part of Lot Three (3) , Mainland, together
<br /> with the accretion land thereto, situated in part of the West Half of
<br /> the Northeast Quarter (W%NEr) of Section Twenty-Seven (27) , Township
<br /> Eleve n (11) North, Range Nine (9) , West of the 6th P.M. , in Hall County,
<br /> Nebraska, mor� particularly describ�d as follows:
<br /> B�ginning at the northwest corner of said Northeast Quarter (NF4) ;
<br /> thence easterly along the north line of said Northeast Quarter (NF4) ,
<br /> a distance of one Thousand Thirty-'I�hree and S°vQnty-Eight Hurndredths
<br /> (1,033.78) feet; thence southerly parallel to the east line of said
<br /> West Half of the Northeast Quarter (W%NFi) , a distance of Three Hundred
<br /> Twenty-Ona and Twenty-Five Hundredths (321.25) feet; thence easterly
<br /> parallel to the north line of said Northeast Quarter (NF�) , a distance
<br /> of Two Hundred Eighty-Five (285.0) feet to a point on the east line
<br /> of said W�st Ha1f of the Northeast Quarter (W ZN 'F�'a) , also being a point
<br /> on the centerline of the North Channel of the Platte River; thence de-
<br /> flecting right 118°16'40" and running southwesterly along said center-
<br /> line a distance of One Hunclred S�xteen and Thirteen riundr�dths (116.13)
<br /> feet; thence deflecting right 41 03' 40" and running southwestorly along
<br /> said centerline a distan�e of Two Hundred Fifty-One and Eighty-Four
<br /> �Hundredths (251.84) feet; thence deflecting rig:nt 21°10' 20" and running
<br /> westerly along said centerline, a distanc� oF On� Hun�lred Sixty-5ix an�l
<br /> Twenty.-Four Hun3redths (166.24) feet; thence deflecting left 19°35' 50"
<br /> and running southwesterly along said• cent�rlit�e a distance of 5eventy-
<br /> Two and Eighty-Five Hurn3r�dths (72.85) feet; thenc� deflecting left
<br /> 30°16' 20" and running southweste r1y along said centerline, a distance
<br /> of Eight Hun3red Ninety-Nine and Seventy-Nine Hun�radths (899.79) feet;
<br /> thence deflecting right 12°26'40�' an�1 runx�ing southwesterly along said
<br /> centerline, a distanc� of Two Hun�lr�d Forty-Six (246.0) feet, to a point
<br /> on the w�st line of said Northeast Quarter (NEr) ; thQnce northerly along
<br /> said west line of the Northeast Quarter (NFr) , a distanc� of O:�e Thousand
<br /> Three Hun�red Sixty-Five and Sixteen Hundredths (1,365.16) feet to the
<br /> place of beginning an�1 containing 21,454 acres more or less,
<br /> TRAC`I' I I,
<br /> A tract of land comprising parts of Lots Two (2) , Three (3) , and Four (4) ,
<br /> Island, tog�ther *aith th� accretion land thereto; part of Lot Eleven (11)
<br /> Birch Subdivision; and all of th� Northeast Quarte r of the Southwest
<br /> " Quarter (NE'irS4�) , all of the above btiing situated in part of the North
<br /> Half of the Southwest Quarter (N•'-zS4�a) ; part of th� East Half of the North-
<br /> west Quarter (E%N4�f�4) ; and part of the W�st Ha1f of the Northeast Quarter
<br /> W ZNE`'�i) , a11 in Section 'Ikaenty-S?ven (27) , Township Eleven (11) North,
<br /> Range Nine (9) , W°st of the 6th P.M. , in Hall County, Nebraska, mor°
<br /> particularly described as f ollows:
<br /> Beginning at a point on the east line of th� West Half of the N�rtheast
<br /> Quarter (W%NF'r) , said point being Three Huncxred Twenty-One and Twenty-
<br /> Five Hundredths (321.25) feet south of the nor�theast corner of sa�d West
<br /> Half of the Northeast Quarter (W%NF�) ; thenc� southerly along said east
<br /> line of the West Half of the North�ast Quarter (W%NF�) , a distanc� of
<br /> Two Thousand Five Hundr�d Forty and 5eventy-'I'wo Hun�redths (2,540.72)
<br /> feet to the southeast corne r of said West Half of the Northeast Quarte r
<br /> (W%NEt4) ; thenc� westerly alox�g the south line of said West Half of the
<br /> Northeast Quarter (WZNF�) , a distance of On� Thousand Thrtie Hun3r�d
<br /> Twelve and Eighty-Two Hundredths (1,312.82) feet, to the center of saicl
<br /> S�ction Twenty-S�ven (27) ; thenc� S�utherly along the east line of said
<br /> .� ,�
<br />