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201206710 <br /> continue to pay to Lender the amount of the separately designa#ed payments that were ckie when the <br /> insurancc coverage ceased to be in eftect. Lender will accept, Lusc and retain these payments as a <br /> non-refundable ioss reserve in lieu of Mongage Insuranee. Such loss reserve�hall be non-refundable, <br /> notu�ithstanding Che fact that the Loan is ulrimately paid in full, and Lznder shall not be reqiured to pay <br /> Borro�ver any interest or eanungs on such loss reserve. Lender can no longer requdre loss reserve payments <br /> if Mortgage Insurance coverage(in the amount and for the period that Lender rcquires)provided by an <br /> insurer selected by Lender again becomes available, is obtained, and Lender requires separacely designated <br /> paymcnts toward the premiums for Mortgaae Insurance. If Lender rcquired Mortgage Insurance as a <br /> condition of maldng the Loan and Borrower was required to make separately desigzated payments totivard the <br /> premiwn., for Mortgage Insurance, Borrower shall pay tha premiums required Co ma'urtain Mortgage <br /> Insivance in effect, or m provide a non-re�undable lose reserve, until Lender's requ3remeirt ior Mortgage <br /> Instuanee ends in accordance with any wrirtcrn agreemznt beta�een Borrower and Lender provicling for such <br /> termination or until termination is requued by Applicable Law. Nothing in tUis Section 1Q affects <br /> Borrower's obligation to pay interest at the rate provided in the Note. <br /> Mortgage Insurance reimburses Lender (or ariy enkily that ywchases ffie Note) for certain losees it may incur <br /> if Borrower does iurt repay the I,oan as agreed. Borrower is not a par[y to the Mortgage InsuranCe. <br /> Mortgage insurers evaluate their total risk on all such i�swance in force from time to time, �d may enter <br /> into ageements��ith other pa�-ties that share or modify#heir rislc, or rcduce losses. These agreements aze on <br /> tenns and conditions that are satisfactory to the mortgage insurer and the other party(or parties) to thcse <br /> agceements. These a�reements may require the mortgaae insurer to make payxnents using any source pf funds <br /> that flze mortgage vzsLuer may have availaUle(a-hich may iaclude funds obtained from Mortgage Insuranec <br /> psemiums), . <br /> As a result o:these agreements, Lender, any purchaser of the Note, another insurer, any rev�surer, any other <br /> entity, or any a#�filiate of any of the foregoing, ma.y receive(directly or indirectly) amount,that derive from <br /> (or might Ue characterized as) a portion of Borrower's payments for Mortgage Insvrance, in exchange for <br /> sharing or modiFying the mortgage insurer's risk, or reducring losses. If such agreement procides that an <br /> affiliate of Lender takes a share of the insurer's risk in exchange for a share of the premimns paid to the <br /> insurer, the arrangeinent is ofren texmed"captive reinsurance." Furthet: <br /> (a} A.ny such agreements will not affect Yhe amountc that Rorrower has agreed to pay for Mortgage <br /> Insurance, or any other terms of the Loan. Such xgreements will not increase the unount <br /> Borrower will owe for Mnrtgage Insurance, and they will not enrifle Borrowor to any reftmd. <br /> (b) Anp auch agreements w11 not affect the xighfs Borrower has -if any-with respect to the <br /> 1_VIortgAge Insurance imder the Homeowners Protection Act of 1998 or any other la�v. These rights <br /> may inclnde tlie right to receive certaiu d'asclosnres, to request and obYaim camcellaaou of ihe <br /> NlorYgage Inseu�ance, to have the Mortgage Insaerance terminated automatically, and/or to receivc <br /> a refmnd of any Mortgage Insurance premiiwis tlnat were unearaed at the time oF such <br /> cancellation or termination. <br /> 11. Assignment of M iscellaneous Proceeds; Forfeiture. A11 Miscellaneous Proceeds are hereby assigied to <br /> and shall be paid to Lend�. <br /> Irthe Property is damagecL such Miscellaneous Proeeecis shall be applied to restoration or repair of thc <br /> Property, if the re�toration or repair is economically feasible and Lender's securlty is not lessened. During <br /> such repair and restoration period, Leneler shall have the right to hold such Miscellaneous Proeeeds until <br /> Lender has had an opportunity to inspect such Property to ensure the work has been completed to Lenda's <br /> zaoo��a� <br /> NBRFSKF-Single Fzmily-Fannie Mae/Reddie UMFORlA IN57RUAR ENT Fomn 3028 U01 <br /> VM11P ng VMP6(NE)(1105) <br /> W olte�s KNwe[Fnancfal Services Page 9 ot 1� <br />
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