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<br /> Amir.N�a 6t101
<br /> Paul S.Homsted a�d J'�I R Bomstad
<br /> TRUSTEE'S DEED '��
<br /> C
<br /> That a Dxd af Tn�st w�u made�ad entered into an ar�bout Decembec 29,1995,by and betwxn
<br /> Pa���S. Bomstad and J'ill R Bomstad,ss husbund md wife,Tcustors,and Home Federal Savings 8c Loan
<br /> Ass�.�iatton of Crand Island,Heaeflciary�whereln Comraercial Fedentl Bank,s Federal Savings Bank was
<br /> namod Trustee. Tbis Deal of Tnist was recorded January 2, 1996 in the Records of the Register of Dads
<br /> of Hall Coun2ay,Nebraske, as L�strument No. 96-100040 a�d was r�recorded January 16� 1996 as
<br /> Instnement No. 96-1003946. HereivaRer the Truste�,Commercial Federal Bank,a Federal Savanga Hwk,
<br /> wiU be referred to as GItANTOR �
<br /> On or about Decembc�29, 199b,Home Fe�eral Ssvings&Loan Association of Gr�d Ieltnd,w
<br /> BenaBci�ry,usigned�11 of its right,title�and beneficlal intatist ia►Y3�e Dead af T�ust to Coma�a�ci�l Feda�al
<br /> iviortgage�;orponrioa �ne Assignmau w�rass recoraed aaauary z, is�o,in mc os�ce of�ae kegiscrr,r of�aos
<br /> of Iia�U County,NebrASka, as Instruraents No. 96-100041 and was rarecorded Jmnunry 29, 1996 ss
<br /> Instcument No. 96-100647.
<br /> The GRANTOR in c�onsideratian of Fo x Three Thousand Si� N �edrPA .c,PVPn y
<br /> Five and 14/100 DOLLARS ---
<br /> (S_ d a,a�� �d )and other v�wble con�daatioa recdved�om Commen�ul Fedenl Mortg�ge
<br />: Co�poratio��ha�an�fkr G�R�INTEE doa haebY 8rant,bar6eu�,sell,convey wd con8rm unt4 GRANTEE
<br /> the following daaibed ral prop�rty in Hall County.Nebraski:
<br /> � The Southerly Fariy-twa and Fow Tenths (42.�3�feet of Lot Five(S), in
<br /> Block Twenty-Two(2z�,in Collage Addition to West Lawn.City of Grand
<br /> Island,Hall County,Nebrasks
<br /> To hsve ad to hold the abov��l�sarlbed premises togethu with a�l te��nasts.hereditama►ts md
<br /> +�PP����uato tbt GFtANTEE,uul to GRANTEE'S�ucceason and aa�igns forever.
<br /> . GRAIdTOR does hGreby cvve�ant with tbe GRAIVTEE�nd with the GItANTEE'S wxess�r�uid
<br /> . assigns:
<br /> (1) That Prwl S.Bon�stnd and rll R Bomstad,as husband and wife,Tn�stors,t3Wed to pay the
<br /> ; Ba�eSciary payrnents which were contractually due�and tha GRANTOR�at the cequest of the Beneficiuy,
<br /> ddctod to dec]�n the eatin unpaid princ�pal balsnc�Q together with interest thcreon�at ortGa irrm�edietdy due
<br /> � nnd payable.
<br /> (2) That a Notice of Defsult was recorded by GRANTOR on Ma��1, 1997. as Instrument No.
<br /> � 97-1039Z6,in the records of the Regista of Deeds,�iall County,Nebrasku. A copy nf the Notice of DefaWt
<br /> was scrved upon:
<br /> � Paul S.Homstad J'dl It.Bomstad
<br /> 2130 North Park � 2130 North Park
<br /> Grand Island,NE 68803 Grand tsland�IVE 68803
<br /> by certified mail,return receipt requested,postsge prepaid,on May 28, 1997.
<br />