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�0��.0479� <br />20120666� <br />(�� <br />�oo�o��o� <br />�,,,., <br />Regislsf c�f DePCIs of t-lall Cnunly, Nebraslca, such amouni shaH constitute <br />a lien prior and preforrarJ over all oll�ar liens and encumbrances except <br />assessm�nts, liens �nd ci�ar�es far �axes due an�l �m�aid an a unit and <br />except prior duly recarr.lecl mai�lc�a�as,an�1 {i�n insiruments. <br />�acl� owner af a unit shall be responsible; <br />(1 } Ta mainfaln, repair anci ra�lace at his ar h�r expense, �II <br />�artians of Itls or her unik whlcl� are nat included in tl�e <br />d�finition and context ��f cD��t�i��ai� elsmenis and �ach owner <br />shall Ue respansll�le 'fnr Ih� rapair', mainienatice and <br />replacemenl c�f ali exlerinr daors, (ncludinc� garage daors and <br />the mecl�anical o�aralrars U�ereof appiirt�r�anl lo sald Qwne�s <br />tlfiit; 'lt l�einc7 undersloocl Ihat iltie unly Assoc(aliorl <br />rr�ainienance �f exierior iioo►�s shafl l�e il�e pa(nting or <br />flnishlnrJ af lh� exterlar surfacos iherec�f ff arty Awner �ails <br />lo repair, malntain ar replace Ihe oxteri+�r doar�, including <br />r�aracae daors of I�is dr her unil as s�t fortl� in th� Masler <br />Daed and Declarallnn ar �mendmsnts tliereto and Ihe 8y- <br />Laws or amencimenls lhereia �iascri�ed hereln, Ihe <br />Assaclallc�n may perform s��ch worlc, Invoice lhe awner <br />thereof and seGUre and �ntarco a clalm ancl lien ►I�erefor <br />agatnsl Iha awner ancl his ar hef unit in lilcQ manner as a <br />de{Inquent assessmer�l fnr comi��an �lement expense. A�� <br />all�cal'ton af malNanance res�oi1siUilif4es Is allached herela <br />as Exhil�it "C'� and incor�araleci herein by ihls rsference, <br />(2) Ta maintain anrl rapair nr re�laGe as necessary all t�tilt�ies <br />wlthln ihat awner's unii and any d�mag�: fo 1t1e cammQn <br />ul'tliiias r,aused tay us� wilhln thal uNt. <br />(3} To refrain fram palntin�, decnratir�r� or changing the <br />a��earance of any po� af Ihe exlarlc�r of tho unit unless <br />apprnvacl lay the Assacl�lln�7 In Writlt�g. <br />{�{� To properly repart tn lhe Associallan ariy defeck or s��ec! for <br />repa(rs wi�ich a�e it�e res�,ansibillly c�f iha Assacfalion. <br />(5) �tilhin sixly (60) clays after r�cc�i��ying a Unit, each �wner <br />shall InstaN permanent �reE�erles or nlhar suilable windaw <br />trealmenls an aft exteriar windows of thn unit. In no event <br />shall wind�ws be cov�r�d wllh pa��er, newspaper, aluminum <br />foil, or olher materlals not specifica{ly inten�iscl far such <br />purposs. � � <br />{e} esidenlial Lise, Each i�ni1 sh�li 1?a used a��d occu�led only by one family <br />canslslin� of persnns ac�e 55 a�7r1 nver, ils servaf7ls and �uests and be �3sed <br />fa� residenllal pur�oses ot�ly. No �irii� �71ay be sitUdlvl�ei{ into a smaller uriik <br />nor ar►y parliQn lhereaf salcl ar li ansferred wilhout first amendii�g this Masier <br />Deed artd Declar�li�t1 an�l atala'Irtinc� !he wrillen consenl oF lhe Associatloi� <br />sa{lin� farlh ihe ci�ange In Ihe ti��til lo be s��lxlivicic�d. An indiuidual can lease <br />a unit s�jt�Ject ta all covena��ls, canclllians, and �'esirfcti�ns, alonc� with any <br />rLlles and re���latioi�s now on c�r�afler enacta�l � <br />(f) Co erc a tJae. Na Inc{uslry U115I1166S, lracle, nccurat(�n, professiar► of <br />any kir�d, wi��ther commercial, relic�ious, edur,a►ional or otherwise, shall �e <br />conducted, maintained, nr permlllecl, oxcepl ihat reserved UY a$claranl for <br />salss {�urposes. ' . <br />(g� S'��g�s. No si�n c�r bi1lt��ard af any kind (I��cl�icling h�it not limiled lo "Fnr <br />Rent" nr "For Sale" sic�ns) shall tre dlsplayed to tl�e ��jl�lic vlew on any <br />portion of Ihe candaminium, excepl one sign for aach �init of not more Ihan <br />eighteen (18) incl�es by iwonty-fo�u� {2a) inches aclveriising ih� �.intt far sale, <br />with respoct la whlch lhe colar, �fesir�n, malerial, coy�y, and baal{nn shall <br />hava Uesn approvec� Uy tha Assacialian ��r axce�t si�n us�ci by pec{arant <br />� <br />