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� t �� �4ill�o4lC�llr( 2oO9O 0 �� <br />20120666� . <br />(b) Any sl�ullers, awninc�s, windaw boxes, dnnrsleps, sfoops, porches, <br />balconles, patios ai��i all exlerlor d��ars and windows or other fixtures <br />desiflnaci lo serve a sinc�le unll, �ut Incalecl nu{side Il�at unit's boundaries, <br />are limiled Gammon elemen�s ailacated ta that unif <br />. � �.,... .. .�� <br />AF�7ICLE V�. SF'EC AL D�CL.AR!1N R G-�ITS AND DEVELQPMEj�1T RIGH� <br />Declaranl shall reserve ancl I�ave Ihe folfowinc� davefnpment ri�h►s: <br />(a) Qeciaranl shall Gonlrol Ihe Associallon and ma�f appoint and remove Ihe <br />�fficers �nd memb�rs �f Iha �xec��tiv� Doard af Directors until Ihe earlier af: <br />(1) Sixty (6tJ) days afler conveyanae Qf ninely �ercenl (90°l0) oP <br />Ihe ��niis which may he craaleci IQ ianil awners oth�r Ihan tl�e <br />Dsclacant; ar <br />(2) Two (2) year� afler �acfarant 1�as coasecl lo offer uni(s far <br />sale in lhe ordinary cnurse af business, <br />Not latar than sixty (GO} days after c�nveyance af iweniy-five percenl (25%�) <br />of ihe i�n(ts which may be crealer! In �»�il nwners nther ihan the Declarari►, <br />al leasl ane (1) member and noi less lf�an Iw��nly five percant (25%) of the <br />members of lhs Exocutive 8oard ot Direciors shall be eler.ted exclusiveiy hy <br />unii nwners otl}er 117an fhe C�acl�rant. N�t later lhan sixty (60j days aft�r <br />conveyance of fifly �ercent (50'%,) of the unils whlch may tae created l� unit <br />nwners alher than lhe peclarant nal less Ihan lhiriy ihree and one ll�ird <br />percent (331i3°!p of lha membei�s of lhe �xecutive t3oard of Direclors shall <br />be elecled exclusively Uy �inil awners olher Ihan lhe Declarant. <br />�14t la►�r lhan the ierminaUon of lhe period of the Qeclarant's control, the <br />unll owners shall �1ecl an E�ecullue qaard af �l Isasl �hraa (3) members, at <br />least Ihe majorily ,�f wham m�.ist be unii owners. The ExeGUtive f3oard shaN <br />elect the officers Tha �xacu��v� aoard n��emUers anc� officers sl�all tak� <br />atfice u�on elaclion. � <br />(b� peclar�nl reservss, wilhor�t assenl of owners of units, Ihe right to astat�lish <br />easements, reservalicans, axca�,lions anrl axcluslons co��sisi�ni wilh Ihe <br />candominium dwnership a��d for lha besl inler�sls of all the owners in ti�e <br />c�ndominium, and to su���lei7�eni c�r �m�nd lhis Masler �eed and <br />peclaration, nr as amendad, or tl�e altacl�ed L or as amended, unlil <br />peclaranl releases cQntrql c�f the Assc,ciatfan as set fnrtti in (a) of lhis <br />Arlicle. <br />(c) peclarant further rasetves fhe rlt�ht t4 add to ih� cQndomini�m� up to <br />se�enly-yeven (77) more ur�ils and � cli�bhc�use ta Ihe condominiuri}. <br />peclarant further raserves tl�e ric�l�t to add acJditional lands or lois heinc� <br />Lots Twp (2y thrQUC�h Twenly-nins (2�), Inclusive, Vil{aga Thlrtl �ubdivisiun <br />lo lhe City af Crand Island, Hall County, NeUrasl<a, ln I{�e event that <br />Declarant exercises lhis rir�hl, the re�llacatlon af ccammon alements an�� <br />expenses shall Ue accarn�fisl�ecl by usirlg lhe f�rmula sel fnrlh in Article VII <br />hereln. � � <br />(d) peclarant res�rvas Ihe ric�ht tQ tise any units r�wned by it aa modals., sales <br />affices, and managament Until completian of salas by Dec►�rant of <br />ali arttfcipated �jnlls the condominium lhe raservatian af ric�l�ts in lhis <br />paragraph shall ba applicable IQ any unils added lQ the can�ldminium. <br />(e) Deciar�nl �eseNes lhe rlghl (a h�ve�sic�ns af any size and whatever nature <br />arlveilising Ihe candominium and easements Ihrau�h tha common elemenls <br />for Ihe purpose �f Ganslrucllnc� ad�lltlonal unlls. <br />� <br />