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<br /> �'�`��""_�l 101399 09/15/1997
<br />-_�?q'�j CIIiDY I�IDI.IN�
<br /> ...S��S-=!Il!�
<br /> r.,,,,.. . !.Ca�onodlo+�.7b�e pcaceed�of u►y awud ox claim far d�m�ea,direct or comequenti�l,in c000�ealc�n wlth any
<br /> �'"��� condemo�doa or other t�klni ot tho PmpertY, or put tl�eroof�or �Or coavcyance in lleu of coudemuda, ue beirby
<br /> �����:��t
<br /> w1��ed�wd�ll be p�td w l.�nder,subJtct to the temte of my mort���e,dred of aust or otber eecurity a�nernent wlth a
<br /> , lien vrhich hae pdodty over this Deed of Tcust. �_
<br /> -_,�,� 10. Boerowee Na ttde�ued; Forbaranee B� l.endee Noe a Wu�er. Bxte�nion of tbc tlarc ttit paymept or
<br /> moditiq�Non of�mortiradon of tbe swas eecured by thlt Deed ot Trust�ru�ted by Leader to�ay a�ocess�or ln 1�ereat of�
<br /> ',,�(-`� Barrower ahaU eot operue w rsle�se, tn nny m�aner�tGe W b Wty o f t u e o d�n t l B a n�a v r i r a n d B o n n w e r'�n s c c e s wrt ia �� —
<br /> lnterert. Leadet tb�U aot be requlred to coma�euce pmceedluYs tNnst�uch�a�cceswr or roti�se w es¢eud time Cvr p�ywent �
<br /> ..`"� or otbe�ee modity umniztdoa of the swns mocured by thie Deat ot Trwt by reawa of aay demaod nude Dy the ad�Intl c.
<br /> gp[[�pyYe��od gp�uwer'9 SuCCesso�s Iu 6u�CC�sl.Aay forbearar,:o by Ler�dsr in execci�lag�uy dght or renntdy hereundGr. �.0
<br /> or atLnvvl�e affocde4 by�ppUrab�e Lw�etall aot be�wtiver oi or pralude t6e exe[cite of any akh d�ht ate�aoedY•
<br /> =.--� 11.SuoceMOn�nd AMlpr Hou�di Jolat wd 6e�eeai Ii�bliMyt Cotlp�en. Ths ooveu�aq aad�o�aoena henln
<br />''�� oo�nined ihaU bind��ad tLe ti�hts heceu.oder thtU iauze to�tbe teapecdve succeseore and�as of I.ander iod Borrowet�
<br /> � ;� sub,�ect to tde pravlstom of pRn�raph 16 bereof. All coveaants and a�reemente of Hocxovret�hill be jcsiat and�e�eni.
<br />,, ��.�:^� Any Bormw�er who co-si�as thig Deed of Teust�but does aot eaaute the Note�(a?ls co-sl�niq�this Dad of Trut only to�
<br />�;,,-: .; �rant�uxt oonvay 11ut Borrowcr's interest in the Pmgerty to Ttuatee under the oams of tWe Deed ot Tmt.(b)Is uot
<br />` �•;�:`� person�Uy 19able on tbe Note or under thts Doal of Ttust�wd(e) �roes thu L,ender uid sny aher Borrorer bereunder
<br /> �:�� miY�g�ce to ext�nd,�odify.focbear,or m�ice sny aher accommodadons with re�ud ro We terms of difs Da�i of'i�uu a
<br />.._t,•r`�y
<br /> -,..;a: the Note. without th�t Borrower's consent v►d wIthout relasiuy that Bo:cower or modifyln�tWa Deed of Tnist�s o0
<br />'--+i�'• Bomnwer's inurast ln the Ptogerty.
<br /> �_,,..�
<br /> ��� lZ. NaNce. Sxcept For any mtice roquired under applicable law to be�Iven in another msnaer�(a)�aY ��O _
<br />=`.r�i��
<br /> Bormwer prnvkied for in tWs Deed of Tnut s1nU 6C�veu by delivertn�it or by miilin�such notico by cestflied m�il
<br /> -- — .,w.,.�w+M Anrn►wer ac the Pmoem Addcess ar u such other wdttress ae Bouower mty desl�mts by n�tke to I�ender�s
<br /> .�
<br />_°-�" provided 6ereln, a�(b)aaY nodce to Leader shAll be�iven by certi6od u�il w Lenuer's auaress s�ou�aaiu w w e�w
<br />: �;w°;��A ather�ddress�Lender may dtaignue by notice w Bomovrer a9 provlded bereln.A�y aMia pmvlded fo=1�t�Deed of
<br />_=_ — TYust chall be dxmed to Lave baa=Iven to Bormwer or I.eade:whea�tvea in the mtnner desi�ted ha�da
<br /> �'��' 13. Go��rdn=I.aw;Sr►ersbWl7.The sque and load Lwe applic�ble w d�s Deed of Tiust shsU be�e Lws of tbe
<br />���Yp� jurisdtctton in wbich the Property is loaited. The fon�oiu�sentence stWl not limit tLe�pplicabUIty of Fedaal law W tWs
<br />`=`:`--- Deed of TcusG In the avent dut any provision or clzuse of th�s Dad of Tiuu or tme Nooe ooaNcts witb ipplk�ble law,
<br />.�rr,� bvch conflict s6all not iffect other prnvldona of tLts Deed of Tnut or che Note which c�n be�iven e�tct wltbouc the
<br /> ==3ar� confltctin�Pmvislon, �nd w thia ead the prnvlston9 af this Doed of TYust aad tLe Note ara decLrod w lx a�verable. As
<br /> "-' u�ed henia, 'co��. 'exP�as���nd 'auomeye' fas' include�il sum�W the eatent mt prohiblted by sppitcable law or
<br /> lianood herein.
<br /> _.._ is. no�ru�a�'i �vpy. Frin�v;v�s�lt�fur�a coafor�l rAg;Qf�t„l�Tcxe�u,d of this Dxd of Ttuat at tLe
<br /> dme of ea�ecudoa or aRer neordsdon hecwf.
<br /> iS. R�WbUkWan Lwn A�reeme�t. Borrower ehall folfill aU of Botrawrx'e obl�dom uadx my t►ome
<br /> rehabiliudon,iauPmveaoent,repd*or other lwa agrament wWch Bormwes e�aters Into wIth Leader.Ia�t. u Lcader's
<br /> -- optioo, an►Y n4uire Boirower to exxute and deliver w Leacler. in a foian�oceptsbk to Le�er, aa tas�naunt of any
<br /> .__:-- rl�bta,cliime or defemes which Horrov�rcr msy hsve�na Pudes who supply l�bar.muuriaL4 or secvlca in co�mxdon
<br /> wlth im�provemeate m�de to the Property.
<br /> lf.Tear[es o[the Propaty or a Beodfdal Inta+cst in Hor�o�ar. If oll or any part of the Pmperclos my iatencst
<br /> ia it is sold or tna�fened(or if a bencflcLl�ntertst in Borrower is sold or uanskrnd and Borrower L not a n�wrnl
<br /> Person) wttlwut Lenda's prlor wtiuen consent.Leader m►y, u Its opdon, raluire immediste WYment intull of ull euaoe
<br /> ------ eecuml by thia Deod of 1Yust.How�ver.this opdon shill not be ezecrised by T.endec if acar�ae is pmLibloed by fedeni
<br /> 1aw L of the dite of tLi4 Deed of Tzus�
<br /> If I.es�fa exercis�s this opdon,Leader sbaU�ive Bomnwa nalce of acceler�dun.The nodce ah�il provlde t p�rlod
<br /> of mt lesa tlun 30 daya from tbe d�te the nodce ie�{elivend or mailed wltbin which Hormwer must ay dl sumo oeciued
<br /> bp this Deed of Tiust.If Borrower fiils to pay thae sua�prlor co tLe exPindon of tWa pedud, Leader m►y iavote any
<br /> remediw pe�tt�ed by this Deed of Ttust wlthout further aotice or deroaad on Borrower.
<br /> NON-UNR�ORM COVBNANTS. Borrower and Lendet furth�r cm'enmt�ad t�a�s followe:
<br /> 17. AaelerMloni Rea�ed�es. Etiapt ar pro�l8ed ln paap�p5 li Neebot� upon Ha'e'e'wer�s breach ot nW
<br /> oo�ta�nt oe�,rem�eut ot Boreowet In tl�b Deer1 ot 11ru�tr�u��i��'��tdlut+e to py, b7 tlie qs�l of 1�
<br /> �alee8�r da�aRx t6ey�due,aW a�m secue�d b�thi�Deed ot Teurt.I�ntkr i�la'to a�oodet�tloa s1�L=ln
<br /> noaoe to Haro�vrer�pe+odaea in p�r.te.ph lZ ba'eor spx[[ylo�: c1)t1�e ore.c� cZ) tbe+�oa i'a4��ed to n.�e
<br /> - --— suc6 be�el�W C3)a d�te.not leee th�n TA da�a h�om tbe dste the nodce M malled to Boe[�oweer 6�vd��be+aK'!�
<br /> — murt be d�red, �ad(4)th�t faUuer.to cure:uch bi+e�e6 on x be[ore the d�te�pedlkd in t6e aotia mq e+��t In
<br /> �ecdqratioo o[ tbe nar�ecared by th4 Deed ot Teuk and sak of the�ropaty.Tbe notloe �haL hutbee iniam
<br />:,���.: Borrov�ar otthe ri�t to relwtpte�ttec awdaxtion�nd the eis6t to brin�a oouet�ction W awest t1�e wnad�tenoe ot
<br /> :_::3�� a ddauk oe�dlxr detm�ee oi Borrowa to aader�tion�ad ede.If tbe bre�rh ia not cured oa or hdore We d�te
<br /> ----=;� q�fled iri tbe notla. IRnder. at I�nder'�optlon�nW declare W ot tUe sr�ms oeeured b�this Deed o!Tnrt to be
<br /> '""�`�—� hno�edl�N�due aad pqable vdtlwut duiha dema�nd and mq inTOke the powa of�ale�nd us�atLec nmedles
<br />==`�_'�� pe�rkted by apPl�aibk law. Lender ehall be akitkd to oolkct W rasoo�ble oo�b aad acpe�r�s incat�ed tn
<br />::�`` ^• P�pt�reaaedin provlded In this para�raPh 17,inelndiqs,buet eio�t llmlted to�re�eonable attorr�s'[ees.
<br /> u,�'Y,x It t6e ot wle ts invoked.Truetee ehaU rieord�notloe ot dd'aWt in ach oouat!In v�hkb Ihe PevpaR7 or
<br />-�n,::,;
<br /> -"�!a�� �� law to
<br />';�',;;�,;�.� some part teereor b locace�ana e�u roau copks or suce noace m We manner prmaltibea b� appi�a1�ie
<br /> _f .� =.;� ed
<br /> Borrower�od to the otha�personr Pre�crfbed by aPPlicable l�W.Atter the lap�e ot suc6 tlme�s m�1 b�reqWral bY
<br /> � 4w,'Ilruitee�ult d�e publtc notia ot sak to the pereoas�nd In tbe manner prexsib�d bl appliab1e
<br /> �:�'"'.�`' __a �pP�:!� --- ..,�..��....�„�,.�.._.�..0.�,��e prnoe�c.at nubuc wdlon to the W�6eec ad3�r�t tbe tlme
<br /> _ — �... a.�:a,..;:`......:.:...._..__..�._.--•—----- -
<br />'�'�� and piaoe aal mder the ter�ms dee�P�ted in tix notta o�wle in one or mora paroel�and ia sucm ada w Tn�ta
<br /> °:�,i:; ,aq decamine.Tn�ca may pacpone sale ot vi or� paod ot ihe Propeety b�pubUc annomoe�c a tde ame
<br /> . �.�. +� .na plaoe or.n�w+eelou�ly u6edukd e�le.Lwaa�ur I.�ax�s aedo�awr P�����►k aw��+ue.
<br />":'>~`•=,•:=r Upon,�odpt ot pqmmt ot the prloe bld,Tnmtee sh�U ddi�ar to tbe pue�cL�er Tevotes'e dad eon�e�[n�t1�e
<br /> �. � .: propert� eoid. The eeckve in t�e Truetee'e deed shall be prlina ti�de e�ideooe o�the M�th oi tt�e M�tmKnts made
<br /> � � � t6erdn.Tnrt�e�ll�pp1�t6e prooeed�ot the eak in t6e tdlonins or�ler:(�)to�11 reasoioable caepU uad m�peo�a ot
<br /> . ".�`° .. the sak, indudlet.6�uot Wefted ta,Teutee'e[as�ctutlly tncurrcd o�uot�on th�n S 96 ottdep+oM s�k IKiati
<br /> �'.' ..•°�
<br /> ..•• : �: � e+eroo�ble�ttoree�i' C� aed ooets of titk E�Idencei ��to all sua�eecured br tNs 1)eed of'Ilcu�ti md (c) t
<br /> ±;�' e.�ctr.l[aq�,to the pe[3on or pere�d IKally eetkled tha'eto.
<br /> ,�;,,�,,�;�., .
<br /> 'F
<br /> NeEn�26876�3 7197 OriQinsl(R�aord�d) Copy(nranch) Copy ICu�ti��'� Pua 3 0[3
<br /> . . .. .. . .. . . , .-. . ..-- .__.. -
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