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<br /> (dl a writ of ��ion a�tt�chmmt oi sny simlla►procna� b� ent�red �p�irut Trunor wMch sh�ll
<br /> ' become a tlen cn ths 7rust Es�ta o��ny portion thereot or Intereat therain and Auch execuUen, �ttachment or simflar
<br /> prac�ss of JudQm�nt ii not nla��d, band�d,atisfied, wc�ted or it�ytd witi�in sixty i80{daY��ft�r itc ont�y or I�vy;or —
<br /> p) th�n M� occurnd �hre�ch of or defadt under mv t�rm,cov�n�nt, �qnem�nt, cond�tlaR,provislon,
<br /> npr���nUtlon o�warnnty conUlned In any prlor de�d o}trutt or moKp�o��fbatinp th�T►wt Ett�te.
<br /> 10. Ace�Mrilbn rpon Od�ultr a��M MeN�. �f+n w�nt of d�fault occurr, 8�n�fJct�ry m�y d�ctue th�
<br /> Indwbtedmss seGwed hereby to be du� enE p�y�ble and ths um� th�ll thereupon beCOms due an� peysble without any
<br /> pna�ntrn�nt, d�m�rb, proUst or notic�ot�ny kfnd. 'rhenaft��,Atnefici�ry m�y:
<br /> (I) elther in parsan or by op�nt,with or wfthout 6dnplrp sny acNon or procndin�,or by a�ecefver�ppointrtd
<br /> 6y a cowt a�d wlthaut rep�rd to ths ad�qwcy of tta steurity,tnt�r upon�nd rika pot�assio�of the T�wt Eat�ts,or my
<br /> p�rt thereof,tn fts own name or in the ntm�of Trustae,and do�ny iats which It duem�necss�ry or desinble to presenre
<br /> tM v�lue,mukat�bility or rentibility ot the Tru=t Esbte,or psR thareof a Interest thersin,t�crease the incom�thtretrom
<br /> or protect ths security hereof snd.with or wtthout tskiny poss�ssion of the Twst EsUte,sw for or othervvise colleat the
<br /> rents,issu�s and profiu thereof, inciudinp those past due a�d unp�id,�nd apply Lha same,�ess costa�nd expense�oi
<br /> operadon and aollecUon tncludtnq actameYa'tees,upan any tndebtedneai secured hareby,all tn such order as 9aneficiary
<br /> m�y determine. The anterfnp upon and riktny passession of the Truat Est�te,the collect(on of auch ronts,Iasues and
<br /> profits and tha applic�tion thereof as�faressid sh�ll not cure or waive sny dehuit or notice of default hereunder or
<br /> treatidate any act done i� reapo�se to �uch default ar purswnt to =uch nodce of default and, notwfthstmdfnp the
<br /> continuance i�poasession of the Trust Estate or the coitection,recelpt and spplicadon af renta,iasues or protits,Trustee
<br /> or Beneficiary �hail been entitled to exerctse every rlpht provided for in �ny of the Lo�n Insi►umants or by law upon
<br /> acunence of any event of default, includinp the tipht to exercise the power of aele;
<br /> (iil commence an aCtien to foreclose thts Deed of Trust as A mortpape, appoint a receivar or apaclficaily
<br /> enforce any of the cavenants hereof;
<br /> pip aetiver to i►ustea a wriiien deciaraoon af dniuuii u�w'�ier�i�s'�tar oafa assd:i:siitsn nrstics a!dsfau!2 and
<br /> election to cause Trustor's fnterest in the Truat F.state to be sold.whtch notice Trustee ahall C�use to be dWy filed for
<br /> record in the�ppropriate officea of tha County in which the Trust Estate is located; or ,
<br /> (iv) exerctse such other dphta or remedies �t law or in equity.
<br /> 11, fonebs�w byPbrwr ol SaRi. Ii 8eneticiary electt to forectose by exercise of the Powor of Sats h�rein contained,
<br /> Beneficiary sh�ll notify Tnutee and shsll depoatt with Trustee this Second Deed ot Truat and any note svidenc(np the Indebtedness
<br /> and auct�roeelpts and evidence of expenditu�es rnade and secured hereby ia Trustee may require.
<br /> (�i Upon rncetpt of such ratice irom Benefici�ry,Trustee shalt causo to be recorded,publiahed and delivered
<br /> w Trustar auch Notice of Default and Nottce of Sale as then raquired by law ond by thfs Seeond Oeed of Trust. Trustte
<br /> eh�tl,without demand on 7rustor,�fter such tims as msy then be require�by law end sfter�ecn►datton of auch Notice of
<br /> O�fault and aftnr Notice of Sale h�vinp been piven at reqdred by I�w,sell ths T►ust Estate at the time and p�acs ot a�te
<br /> fixed by it(n such Nottce of Sale,efther as e whole,or tn separate lots Ar parcels or itema as Trustee shall deem expedient,
<br /> �nd in such order as it m�y determine,et p�blic auctlon ta the hiphest bidder for cash in Iawtul maney oi the 4Jnited Ststes
<br /> • p�yabls at the time of sala. Trustee shall deiiver to auch purchaser or purch�aers thereof its poad and sutticlent deed or
<br /> deedi conveytnp the property so sold.but without any covenant or wsrr�nty,expresa or implied. The reciUis in such deed
<br /> of am matters or faCts shall be conclusive praof of the truthiuinesa thereof. Any person, tnctudin� without limitation
<br /> Trustor, Trustee or Beneficiary,may purchase et such aale.
<br /> (bl As may be permitted by law,after deductinp all costa,fees and expenses ot 7rustee and of this Trust,
<br /> tncludinq costa ot evidenee of title in con�etion wtth sale,T�ustee shall appiy the proceeds ot saie to payment ot(i)the
<br /> Indebtedneaa pi)all other sums then secured hereby,and(Hi)the remainder,iY any,ta the person or persona lepally entitled
<br /> thereto.
<br /> (c) Trustne may in the menner provided by law postpone sele of sil or any portion of the Trust Estate.
<br /> 12. Ran�d9�is Not Exclasivt. Trustee and Benefiaiary, and each of ttsem, shall be entitled to enforce payment and
<br /> peMOrmance ot aay Indebtadness or o6lipations secured hereby and ta exerctse�II riphtt md powers under this Second Daed ot
<br /> 7rust or under�ny Loan Instrument or other aqreement or any lawa now or hereafter in torce;natwithstandtnp, some or ail oi the
<br /> suah(ndebtedness and oblipations seaured he�eby may now Ar hereefter be otherw(se secured,whether 6y mort�aye, deed of trust,
<br /> pledpe, tlen, asaipnment or othervvise. Neither the acceptance of thls Second Deed ot 7rust nor its entorcement,whether by couR
<br /> oction or pur�uant to the power oi saie or other powers herein contatned, shall prejudice or in eny manner siteci Trustee's or
<br /> Beneilaiary's rlyht to reatize upan or enforce any other security now or hereafter hetd by Trustee or Benetiaiary,it beinp�preed that
<br /> Trustee +�nd Beneficiary, and car,h of them,shall be entitied to enforce this Second Deed of Trust and any other aecurity now or
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