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Z��Z� ��`�/ <br />9902200453 NE <br />A tract af land comprising a part nf Lnt H in J'oehnck's Subdivtsian ot the Sout��ast Qtiarter (SEl/4) <br />of Sediou 15, Towns�ip 11 Narth, �ange 9 West o[ �6e 6t� P.M,, more particularly �escribed as follows <br />Be�inning at a paint on the Southeasterly iine a[ MacArthuur Avenue in tLe City ot Grand Is1aAd, Hall <br />Cannt�, Ncbraska safd polnt being Thirty threc (33) feet SontheagterI�► and � Hundred Ninetyseven <br />(39� tcet Southwesterly &om tLe Nortiieast carner of said Lot H, Joehnck'� Subdivision; thence <br />Southeasterl� paraUel to the Nart�easterly line of said Lot H, a�Istancc of One Hundre� Foriyone and <br />sa tent�s (141,� feet; t�ence Sout�vrestcrly parallel to the Northr�e,sterly ltnc ot said Lot H, a distance <br />af �ljr�eight and fil�y�si� hundredths (S8,S6} [eet to t6e Northeaste�c�y iine of Walker's Subd'tvision; <br />thence Nort�v�terly alang and apon said Nortfieasterly �ne of �alker's Sabdirision, a distauce of One <br />Hundred �orty�one and six•teuths (14f.b} feet, to the Northeast corner o[ Lot One (1), Walker's <br />Su6didsion; thenc� Nartheasterlj parapel to the Northwesterip line of said Lot H, a d�st�nce of <br />�ity�e�g6t and wnet�•three hundredt�s (58.93} feet to the place af be�twing. <br />