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<br /> _ Upan raefpt af pt�yment ot the prirc btd, 'frustce Flwll deliver tu ihe punhaser Trustee'x detd cunveyln� the _
<br /> Pr+operty. Tbe aceltrtl9 In the Trustee's decd sh�ll be prlmse facie evtdence ot ttie truth ut the stWtement�s mpdr tl�rcin.
<br /> Tru.titee stwll aPpIY the pmceed.c oi the wle In the followinK urder:(�1 to wll cmts und expease��►i exercisin the power ot
<br /> syle.�nd the hale,Includinq the pa�yment of the Trustee's fees�ctually incurrccl.nut tu exceecl s•0� 9ir
<br /> ot the princlp�l Amount of the rwte At the time aP the declarAtlon at def�ult,and reasa�wble Wttorneys'fe�w Wy permltted
<br /> by IAwt lb)to all xumy secured by thig Security In+tirument;and(c)�ny exc�ss to the perwm or peru►tv,�IeR�lly entitled to
<br /> it.
<br /> Z2. ReconveyAnce. Upon payment of all sums secureci by this Security Instrument, l.e�xicr shall request 'frustec to
<br /> rccanvey the Property und shall surreixicr this Sccurity Instrument anci all ootes evidencing dcbt sccurcd by this S��curity
<br /> lustrument to Trustee. Trustee shull reconvey the Property without wnrranty and without charge to the person or por�ons legally
<br /> rntitlai to ia.Such pcnan or persans shal!pay any rcrc:rdation wsts.
<br /> 23. S�bstitute'fruatce. I.ender,a: iu option. mu�� irom time tu tinx remave Trusta nnd appofnt u succeswr ttusta ta
<br /> any Trustee appointod hcrcuncicr by:ui inst�umcnt rerorded in thc counry in which this Socuriry Instrument is recurdcd.Without
<br /> conveyance of t4xe Property,the successor trustee shalil sucoced to ull the tide, puwer und duties conferred upon Trusta hercin
<br /> and by applirable law.
<br /> 1A. Request[or Nottc�.Borruwer requests thae capies of the natices of default und sule be sent w Borrower's edd�+ess
<br /> which is the Property Address.
<br /> 25. Ridns to thb Securlty Instrummt.If one or morc riders are executed by Barrower and rceo��led tagdher with this
<br /> Securi�y Iiutrument, the covenunts and agreements of each such rider ehal!be incorpotated inta and s6a11 arnend and supplcment
<br /> the rnvenants and agroements of this Security Instnrment as if the ridar(s)were u part of this Security Instrument.
<br /> [Check�pplicable bnx(es)]
<br /> ❑Adjustable Rate Rider �Condom{nium iRider 0 1-4 Fami{y Rider
<br />' �Gcaduated Payment Ridcr �Planned Unit U;��elopment Rider �Biw��kly Payment Rider
<br /> R�l400n Rider �Rate Improvemeert itider []S��rnd Home Rider
<br /> ❑ V.A.Rider �Other(s)(spxify]
<br /> BY SIGNIN(i BELOW.Eorrower acapts and a�rees to the tern�s and covrn��ts contaiix�in this Security Instrument and
<br /> dq any ridcr(s)executed by Borrower and recorded w•ith it.
<br /> 0'Vittxsscs: �
<br /> . . �� _(�)
<br /> R H T T TAYLO -eotrowcr
<br /> � .n� (seal)
<br />_ ARBARA J TA OIi -lbrmwer
<br /> (Seal) (�)
<br /> •�nrrower -Ilortnwer
<br />�
<br /> STATE OF NEBAASKA, County�: HA;i.L
<br />' The foregoing�inuruc�nt was acknowledgod b�.�re me this i sTg day of SBPTBMBER , 1997 ,
<br /> � Witness my h�rid and ncxarial sra!ot d�� I SLAND, NEBRASKA in said County.the date aforesaid.
<br />• My Commissian ExFins: �/u� �
<br /> ; ��ENEkllUOTARr•SWfMMlONSU NowryPubik
<br /> wa��r.w�.�,zooa
<br /> v.y.o oe e Form 3028 DP90
<br /> i
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