<br /> �,.ti . . . .._..... � _,S' J�;w `�`� , _-`
<br /> �:� �'�,''��°�� _-
<br /> �rL.�a4.L1,z►:�;S;i'.,���r}�'�!... - .. .., s. _�T.�,w�S�.C��1W�n�=�_
<br /> .- ___—.���e�1T311�1�C �_��!���IE.:��l,]�]�87lPl�a�wsviTIrSn-��.•.�..�.��—..
<br /> -- � _�=�■�r,ra�u.•:ai�c�nrvr,�n�e�resaarsr,�.ru�a�..---
<br /> .=-;3_��. _
<br /> 97- i�7sz�
<br /> cc�c,d�ulauott or Ineere.,c R�te c�w,�s
<br /> Befare •.ach Cbaage Data. Lender will calculate a aeN iaterest rate by adding � margln of
<br /> 17ro n1�n 8�etntrT•sxc�s percentage point(s)
<br /> ( �.875 ffi)W tlu Current Inclex and rounding tLc sum to thc nwrest ane-eighth af one
<br /> perantage poini (0.125;6). Sl�bject to the liinita stated in Par�gcaPh (D) of this Rider, this munded
<br /> amount will be the new inlerest rate unNl tlee next Change Aate.
<br /> (D)Lmtts on Inte�est Wite Chan�es
<br /> The existlag interest nte wlll never imte�se or decnase by more ttuw one pencenttge point(1.0�)on
<br /> any slqgla Cl�e Dxte. The interess rata wIU n�ver be more than five perceuwgo poiats(5.0;6)high�r ar
<br /> lowrr tinn the initiwl iaurest rAte,as stAted in P�r�gr�ph 2 of tl�e Note.
<br /> (E)Cslailatlon otPa�rna�t Chan�e
<br /> If tbe tntenat rate clianga on R Ct�e D�te.Lender will calculaoe tbe�ruount of montblY P�Y�
<br /> oP pcincip�l and iatenst wbich wnWd be nACea�uy w repay tLe uop�id princlp�l b�4nco ia !Wl�t tbe
<br /> Mat�rity Date at tho new Intera�t r�ro throa�hh xubaaatWlY�P�Y�tue. In m�ldn��uch calcul�Non�
<br /> Lender w111 we H�o uup�id pdncip�l b�lance which would be owed oa tLe Chtt�e Date U there 1ud ban
<br /> no def�ult la pa�ymeat oa ttn Note,r�aluced by thse�motuk of�u►y prepayment�to ptincIp�l. The na�lt of
<br /> thia cticuLdoa wIll lfe the anu►tmt of the r�ew mnnthly nalnr�rnt�f nrjr�cl�,ul anA i�er�.
<br /> (P')Notla ot Ch�nsee
<br /> L�eader wW�ive notice tc�Bomnwer of any cLaoQe Ia the Intenat rate wd montblY PiY����.
<br /> The aodce m�st be Qlven at last 25 days befon tLe uew montWY MY�a�mount le d�e��rod�uat �et
<br /> forth(i)the d�oe of tt�e notice�(ll)the Ch�e Date.(13I)tLe old lnterest rate�(iv)the�w interrst r�te. (v)
<br /> the�w monthlY PzY�nt amount.(vi)the Current Indw�and tLe date it was publlsl�ed�(vIi)tls�method af
<br /> c�lcul�ting the chan�e in montWY D�Y�nt amount,and(vlii)any other Iaformuioa whicb m�y be rcquired
<br /> by Lw fmm dme to dme.
<br />' (G)EtEatl�e Date ot CWn�c+�
<br /> A new interest r�te cakuLted in uconLoce wIth Pan�:aphs(C)u�d(D)of tLls Ridu will became
<br /> effecdve oa tbe Chu►ge Dxte. Bormwer sLsll mike a paymemt ia dre new montLly amo+�nt beglanin� on �
<br /> tbe&st pRyment dste which occura�tt least 25 days�fter L,wder hss givea Botroarer the notice of ch�a�ra
<br /> : ��bY P�SnPh (� of tLis Rfder. Borrower shaU Lave m obll�sdoa W WY �3► ixc�aise In tLe
<br /> monihl9 PwY�w�nt calc�kted in�ceordu�ce wlth par�ghph(B)of thia Rider for aaY A�Y��
<br />{ accurrinB lesa thsn ZS dsys aRer Lenckr Wia g[ven tLe nquired noNce. If the mont6lY P�Y���
<br />� cilciiltted in rcc:ordance with P+�B�Ph(fi)of Wie Rider da�rasod.but l+euder fiiled to gIve tlmely not�ia
<br />; of the da7aso a�l Borrower made any mnnthlY P�Y�at wwunts rxcad�ng the psyment�mount afiich
<br /> should hAVe been suted in s tinaely mdce�tben Borrower lus the opdon to dd�er(i)demaad tb�a retum W
<br /> Bormwar of aay excess gayme�t, wtth inunst thenan at thc Nota rnte(s rAte cq�al w We interest tar,e
<br />� wluch should bave been sated in�t tjmely nodce). or(li)resNest tlut aay excess 1saYnient� wlth lnterett
<br /> tLeroon �t tLe Note r�te. be�pplied �s payment af p�i�ipal. I.enckr's obUg�don to murn any exce�s
<br /> p�yment wlth jnterest on cie�ud ls not asslgnAble aven if the Noto ls otheivviae asst�ned be5on tLe
<br /> dan�ud for retuan i�m�de. /p�
<br /> Inftlals: �
<br /> �6�1U t87051 P�p�2 of 3
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