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<br /> , � y.� ---...��:�__ __..._..«t.,,_
<br /> �r �..,. . �;,,�.,.;��.:�-�. .__ . - `�—-
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<br /> M0.OAA�WA1111A11Tr 0[�O.V[�TIM� itNTlll�TIT6[ IM �YIIVItl011. ��'' 1r�7s2`��MA�tIM�IM���M/!M�
<br /> �1i0p �J. �11 D? T8�!t��Rll,Tha� Mlchael L. Butner and Jolene R. Butner�
<br /> husband and wife
<br /> i0000�tderatioaot Seventy-Eight Thouaand Five Hundred and AO/100-------($78,500.00)�L��
<br /> in hsad paid�d�hereby Qnnt�bR�in,nRU,eonvey and eoeflrm unte
<br /> Jacob H. Ripp and Terri J. Ripp� Hueband and Wife, as �afnt tenants and not as tenante
<br /> in canman
<br /> �e JOI11T '1'511�11T8, aod aot a Lea�at+ta common; the fatlowtng daodbed real eetate.�itu�te Ia thc County of
<br /> Hal l and Bt�te of Nebnuk�,to-wie:
<br /> i�
<br /> II �ther wlth all the tenemente,hereditameate,and appwrteaancea to the eaone belonging,md all the eettte�title,dowee�
<br /> right af homette.�d, olaim or demwd w6steoever of the eaid grxntor s .ot, in or to the eame, or any p�rt thenof,
<br /> �� 'ip-hl"-^�t^
<br /> ��
<br /> ��
<br /> ,' rr ssYxa�nrrs�riox oa�r.L r��se as�erro, zaaT m�rss Evra�r or ras asrrs or
<br /> �; srrs��e ot � a�rrssa, T� SNTI� ?i� lIIMPIS TIT7.� TO � $LI+ �fT�TS DZBCRIB�D
<br /> �' Hl�Ilf MB�LL Vi�IT A�'1'� BIII�VIVINa QR�lIT�.
<br /> � TO B�VS�liD TO SOLD the sbove deeeribed pmmisee, with the appueteasuoee, unto the e�id�ntee� u�
<br /> I! JOIIIT Ti1�i11T�{,and not nr teawta in common,and to their�eeIgm,or to the heies md�wigou of the�urvlvor ot .
<br /> �� them, foeever� aad they the�aatArs namod hereia for themselves and their �� exeautca, and �
<br /> �i adminietntore,do daveaaat with the granteee named herein aad with their aeei�e�nd�vith the heire aad aeei�of
<br /> i i the eurvivor of them,tlu►t they a re lawfnlly eeised of esid premi�ee;that they ere free from iaeumb»uoe exoept :
<br /> ,; M tt�ted hereia,wad that they the eatd�antor s hnve good right and lsaful�uthor�ty to eeU the same, wd
<br /> i, �� they � �d their b�, ��u�� �d admiaiet,�atore ehall warrant aad defend the eame
<br /> �: unto the�raateeu aemed herela aad unto their itesigne aad unto the hoire and aeei�e of the eurvivor o[them�forever,
<br /> i I �0°t�°���°�°°°°f all penone whomsoever�exoluding the exceptione uamal herefa. ,
<br /> � � 1PITlfisl� p�0! they h�ve hereunto eet Lhei r � 6and s thie 12th dsy oE
<br /> .,
<br /> '� September 1997 ��u '
<br /> .� .�. A. D., -- -- �..�..�----------------
<br /> Michael L. Butner
<br /> � I oe ------------------------•------------•------•------
<br /> .
<br /> ° wc�' !�?._�...._
<br /> . . _ �..- ----—•----------------- ------olene.R: 6utner -----------••------•------
<br /> �TATE OF�� innesnta
<br /> _ �.
<br /> �• County o�--- Dakota----- Oa thi.---._s�P_t€fipR�__1,e2._�92Z----••---dy�mt•-•...--•-------------
<br /> .� AtX�•--------•-------------, betors me,s NotM►PubHa ia and iur�d County. Penanally oeme the Above nemed
<br /> -----------------1�11Ch1�1_1...9usner.�n�.J41�r�._g._.E�y�P�r:_r.U.Sbapd_�nd_wife---------------------
<br /> who...�Y'�..._per�on�ll,�r 1moNn!o ms to be the identioal penon S--whu�e a�me.s_a re
<br /> s9s�ced to the abo..ia.taument ae Qan�or S..__,and----_3he.X._-----•------------•--
<br /> NICOI.E Il IUPA owledred�aid ia�truoo�L t�o b�_.�h€a r------�duntary aot aad daed.
<br /> �ao�rRnrruK�e.w��e�vr� WIT1R8d�haad and N ' 6a1 t�date I�t atoraaid.
<br /> rr eerw� aw u�A sN. t �oot ---. _�C:S�?�l_�:���Notary PuWi�.
<br /> M�r aomm�oo MspirM oa th�---,.��-:�--dy ot--� _A.D.,.��.�.�-----
<br /> . su�u�
<br /> . Q
<br /> 257396
<br />