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<br /> t� •w'4.- . . .., r r. • , .�.�`1�1i,`.�K)":',T�(1';'7�:ti�. .vt.._ . . :�r.Y��"'YIt1M�
<br /> ..n.,,,.,.� . . . *' ... . ����
<br />_ .. =� [�:._s•
<br /> - 0�-0��9�7 DEED OF TiiUST � ��� `�c-�
<br /> Losn No 666847 (Continu�d) 9?�'�«�`�i�r. ;,;,�;:-
<br /> ��.
<br /> � ..�_.,
<br /> -�,-:----
<br /> obNp�9om�d�bb�nd IIabINtNs�P�u�InIKKt Mu�on�af Tru�ta lo LMdu�a�ny orr a mon o1 MNn.a wM as 1N cNJms by L.lndM�p�irrsl `�=-
<br /> Truala,a my on�a mon of M�m,wANtw now�tlnp a MrNIN► QwhNhrr ni�bd a unN�Nd b It�purpoN d Ih�NoM.wNMMr ,•r:-;
<br /> vduMrry a otMrwlW,whNhK dw a nd du6 absoluM or Conllnp�M�M�diUd a'uNlquid�Md�rb wMthM Tru�lor rrKy G M�W�k�Ndu�ty ,'�-'
<br /> or jols►ly wNh ofh�rs, oDIIp�Md u puaanlor a oth�rwlw.and whMtw ncovwy uPon such Ind�bMdr�rrKy b�a h�n�fNr may ;'-;,�;�
<br /> b�com� of ImiGtlons��nd whetMr iuch Ind�bMdr�tt mty b�or IMrNiMr rtwy Wcom� olhlrwlN un�r�la'oMbM. •,•r,s:_.'
<br />_ (I�NqM!Mn
<br /> L�ntlN. 7h�wor 'L�ndw'rt�rw UNRED NEBRASKA BA�AC Ib wooatai�nd at�IprM. —'•�.
<br /> Nata. Tha wor�"Iluta"mstrfs tM itot�datcd St►ltsmbit Y�109'!.ld11RlC�fIDCh?2! Q11tOlAtlt 0}ad?,OU0.00 kom Tn»ta to LortcMr� �`_,°'_�.
<br /> � �,.� S�p�Mmb�r 9,2002. w��xl�ndona. nadfllcdlorn�rMlnanctrqt,and wbsMluMau(or fh�Not�. TM matu�flY d1N of thM DMd of TnKt R —
<br /> •�••��� �y T��nd now or IMnttIM atf�h�d a a�Mix�tl �RW�RapMM.abG�wlta h��II aoc�s�b��pora,and addllor�s b,M
<br /> �,+ nptawrt�nh of�and�11 sub�lftuqons ta.any of wch prop�ly;and�oOMha wllh�M GrocMdt(Indudinp wHhout Imitatlon�N Intunrsa
<br /> procwda and n(undt of oromiurt�tl Irom�ny�W a otMr dlsPa►tlon o1 th�Prap�rb• —
<br /> • Proprly. Th�word'Propaty'm�ns coN�aHwly dN Red PrapKry and IM PMwrN�l Pro{�iy. .a__
<br /> ' � FNaI Prop�rty. 71�words'liwt RopuN'mun th�prapery��and dphk dMCrN�d�bow b tM"Conwri�uid Onnl'Nalloa.
<br /> RNal�d Docum�nts. Th�w«cN Ti�I�Md DocurtNnb•mMn�nd k�without WnNallon aN aort�uorY no1w. cndlt�prNrtwr��btn _
<br /> ;t� apr��b��nvkonm�nUl aprwrtNnb,pwnnli�.�curitY Wr�ns�,maq�p��dwd�01 tu�t,�nd Y othK krbum�nl�,apr�+�b and --
<br /> doaum�nta,wtwthK now a Mn�INr�ktinp��x�ouMd In oonrnolbn MMh th�Ind�bMdnNS.
<br /> . R�nU. 17M ward'4imb'rtwans�A P►w�nt�nd fufun nrib.nvanuw,Incom�.Istws,roy�Nrs.D►olib�and oth�r b�lib daiwd ltom ItN
<br /> . PropKty.
<br /> � Trualee. The word'IYU..nae'means UNrtED AIEBA0.SiU LMIK�nd any eubsNluM a a��or h�utlws.
<br /> :r .' Tnata. Th�word'Trustor'maant�ny tnd�11 Paraons�nd�ntitl��x�cuYnp thii Dwd of Tiwt.incktdinp wfthout Imifatlor�al Tnntas n�m�d :�:.�
<br /> ,... abow. -
<br />_- PAYMENT AND PERFORMANCF. ExaPf as oihNwta Providad In H�k OMd W Tnxf,Tn�tor sh�l WY b L�nd�r Y amounk s�cund by 1hk DMd
<br /> Ot Trutt at thBy WCWIw dIN.and th�sYic11Y and Ml a tlrtl�iy fMnnM pwfomi aN of T�wtors oAYWYorM und�t M1�NoM�this DMd Of Tn�1t.u�d YM =
<br /> � RNdW Docurr�da.
<br />� POSSE891W�!AMD M1UIiTENANl�OF TF�PROPIERTY. Tnntar apn�s th�t TnKtors Po�sston and us�of th�Propwty th�l b�powm�d Uy
<br /> th�lo�owkp Pro►�kion�:
<br />"` ' .°. . PaM�Nou MW liM. Untll tlw accurrana of an Evont of DMauM,Trwta may (a)nrrwin In poss�slon and conlrol oi dw Rop�rly. (b)ua.
<br /> ,� op�ate ar n�n�W th�P►opwty.and (o)coM�ot any Fi�nb kom th�PropMty.
<br />'',:'x-,��..;.�`•���: am t1 rep�ira,ropi�cam�nes,and rtuintwwna
<br />-•.; �;,,,`,•� �M�r�w��th�Y mtlntaln th�Praperty in tenan4bN conditla��nd pramDtly prf
<br />-?� .: :t`,,:. M p
<br />_�.:�;;,:iY-.: FMsaMOw BubetanCts. T1N iwrtq'Mnrdout wast��'111�LL�dW!!iUb1Ut1C�'"dffpOpi�'riiNl��i11d"th�MtMNd fIM�Ni if IMOd b 1M{
<br /> ��� � W�d ol Tru�t,sh�M have th�sartw m�adrps as s�t torth In th�Compr�Miw Enwronmu►W R�paw.Canp�atbn.and LJ�1bl�ly Acl of
<br />'- . •'. � , 1900,as ammd�d.4p U.S.C.S�ctlon 9801�N a4.(''�CLA'��th�S��1w►d M»ndm�nb snd RMUthartntlan 11d of/9b0.Pub.t»No.
<br />�;`;%.`.,�` �;{ 9D�-�99 l'SARI►'�,th�HoxWdou�dUMrtoN Tnn�porC�tlon Ad,49 U.S.C. 1001,N w4��tfwi R�soiro�Co�wlbn and R�co�wy Aef,
<br /> ��_'�:::fj''�:.'�'� 42 U.B.C.S�oYon�Ot.M Nq..a oaNr�WPNC�bN staN a F�d�nl law�,nM�.a npukYorw adoPMd D�M b uryr of th�tonpairp. TM
<br />=:`•:�'.'•�;r3� Mrrra•haxlroous w�tM"uW"h�x�rdout wbihna"s?W�lio kwiud�.wlthout IImN�Yon.pNratN�m�nd p�otwm by-�roduC�a�ny kaatfon `
<br />�,.::, tMr�and tsbrsta�. Tnlqot npr�nb and w�rnMs b L�ndK thak (�)Dutinp IM pMttsd 01 Ti�Ntort ownNShip d tf�R'op�rlY�ftwn Iw
<br />,:,_,-.',;_" � bNn no us��O+rnnlion.manuAclun,ttorapr�tre�tm�m�dkpoWl�rNKa a prMbn�d iotMM o1�nY h�x�rdou�wasM a�ubet�no�bY�Y
<br />-�_:�;,�;�. qMSOn on�und�r��bout a kom 1M Pro�t�� (b)Tlusta n�s no k►wwMdO�a�or re�ton b b�w th�t th�n hat bsen��oCrPt Yp
<br />--.•�„�,°_:�. dkcload b�nd�cicnov�lp�d by L�ndr In wrlYnp� (n any uw.W���^•nrn�A�otun.stor��tiatrtMM�dkP��rWMw.a Uirwt��d
<br /> --- ---=.,w,� rNwt�of anY h�nrdous wasM a wbstano�on�und�►.�bout a kom th�a'op�AY bY�N'P�►owrnrs a oecupanl�d Ih� a p)anY
<br /> � aotwi a krwMrNd MMptNon a cMlms of anY kk�d bY�Y P«���b sud�matMrs�tnd (o)E�Pt as D�f���0 b and
<br /> �...y.eir.�":� ���py��M�w�illrp, (11 nNtha Trwtat tar any Mnant,conttctar��nt a oltNr luihafa�d upr of th� PropMly t1toA ua,
<br />_=—•�"�.'� OmaaM�nrnul�ctun�ston�hat,dl�poa of,a rN�as�any hwrdo�a watM a wbst�na on,und�r.�bout a kom th�R'apub�nd (q any
<br />_•+Rw-.:r�. iuCh aCWlly�tW ba ConduCMd M CompNtnC�wah dl�ppNC�bl�Nd�rMl,stnM�Ilnd IOaI law"a.r'rGulatlons and ordrMnoM.M�dud�p wMhout
<br /> -.�__.n•...
<br /> -_:�rAcx.�_ Nmitalbn thoa wws�npuhYorK�u�d ordinanoos d�saib�d�bow. Trutfor tuthalm L�ndK�nd Ns p��b�upon IfN Rrop«ty b
<br /> ; .�.�,�
<br /> -,,....�Y�, m�k�suCh kap�CYo�t and f�ts.�t TnntO�'��rKS�at LNldu maY dM�n rWProA li t0 n0� Ih� Wllh lhit
<br /> `..��i4_::,, Ncfton cM�Dwd W Tnnf. My IrMp�ctloos u Wb rt�d�by L�nd�r sIW M tar L�ndws P�P�o+'�Y a ttW not b�ConrttNd to a�aM
<br /> -�" aeY n�porwlbWty or Y�bWly on th�part of L�nd�r b Tnxtor a to any olh�r PMSC�. TM npr��tlar�nd w�mnMN conl�kMd hWNn an
<br /> 1 -�::,;:'� bas�d on ii�u�tor'�dw dilp�r�In hvwNpNinp 1M Prcp�rty ta Mardow w�sM and h�rardous substanoM.Trusbr hwby(�)rM�afM and
<br /> -�-x.;�;.'� w�iv��ny fiitun cYtma�pdru!Und�r br Ind�mnily a con4ibuYon in dM�wnt TnKtor b�canM I�bN br d�nup or ottkr oalt undrr�ny
<br /> .•--.-.:�.-..— auch taws�md (b)aprNS b Mdlmnify and hold FMnN�tf L�ndK�plltrqt any�nd M CWrtN�basel,N�blftlM�d�m�DN� quyMlM�and
<br /> ---`.".-'"S,"• �xp�s wNch L�nd�r msy dk�ctly or Indir�cllY tusyln or suM�r rwultl►p kom a bmch of INS twYon of Ih� D»d of Tn�6t a p a
<br /> °:�� corwqu�na of any ua,p�rNntlon,mmuhctun,ttor�.d�Woal�nMas�or Ur�aMn�d nl�s�occurti�p priar lo Tnntars own«shlp a
<br /> =_�°^� -:; InMr�t In fh�P�rapKly�whNh�►or not fh�tan�wa a shouW haw bMn known to Trwtor. Th�provislaK d ihis�.�tlai af fh�DNd d Tn�t,
<br /> -'�'a4i� �' k�dudln0 tM obYpafbn b sMN wMw th�p�yr W Ih�Ind�bNdrws a+d tM aWwcHan�nd nconv�ymo�of th�Y�n of 1hN —
<br /> �a�;�;4i;��T•� DMd W Tiud and sh�M oot b�atN �d by l.�ndt�s acqukiYa�i of any k►Unst In Ih�Rrop�rty.wh�tlwr by fa�dotun or olh«wltt. !
<br />— -� �.-: NWw�C��W�M. Trutta th�M nd caua�conduct a p�rmk any nufsana nar commM.PKmM�or wffK�nY stipDinp W a w�sN on a to iM R-
<br /> - ' . `. " Pro�iy a my porlion af tM PropMy. Wlthouf Nmltlrp Ih�p�nKdib of tlN lapokp�Trusta wil not romow�or prant b any oth�r W�Y�
<br /> . . ' ripht to nmowe.any 8mb�r�minanb pndud�np oi��nd Ws).sotl�Onval a rodc praducb without tM prior w�itt�n co+u�nt of l.�r�. �"'=
<br /> RNnovM of ImprovNrNnt�. Trusfa ah�Y not d�mollsh or romow any ImprowrtNt�b kom lM f't�l P'ropKty wNhout tM prfa wrNMn cons�M �'��
<br /> � d L�ndn. At a condltlon to th�nmov�Y of any Improwrtwnb,L�nder may nquin Truttor to m�k��rra�nb s�tlsfactory to L�ndK W ��''
<br /> ' . ripiqOS suCh ImptowrrNnb wNh Improvbmenb d et IMSt�qwl v�lu�. ���;•�-
<br /> LMder'�RI�!to EnNr. l.�ndn�nd Ils�pmts md ropre�ntativas mty�nt�r upon th�Rql Prop�rly at�II rwson�W�W�ws to aif�nd to r-",��
<br /> I.�ndwa In4nsb and b intp�ct tM Propwty tor purposa�ot Tnnlors complkna wlth tM Mrrtw and conditlorw of thls D»d oi Tru�t.
<br /> CompN�r�with GovemmenlM Rrqultomints. Trustor sh�M promptry comply with W kws,ordintnqs,ltnd rpuktlans. now a MnafMr in ���� '
<br />_ �,� .x.�+,a a oown,�»�,w amn�+��avwc.aw�o�n.�n.a occ�v�y a m.aroa«�►.u�aua� w�nou�wmi.uo�,tn.�cam wnn �
<br />_ � ::_::.. � OhabAlUas Act. Tnnta may oonkst tn paod falth any suoh M�w.adin�no�.a nGutNlon�nd v�lhhdd cornpNana dain0�nY P���O.
<br /> ��'�' �� Indudirp�op�t��ppMb.so lonp a Tnntor Aas ratllNd l.�r►d�r In wrlHnp pda to dotnp so and io larp a,in L,�nd�s soN opM�ion.
<br /> - t....1✓� L�M t:,�G.wn..A...�.uJ�___'r'...� 1....1...wu.rn�ir�Tn�}�v fn nnaf�elduul�rmuNu iv��iwAi Mnil w�n�ww�IJu
<br /> - _. __ _ _, - ..R�..� ...���+.�. �..�.. ...�� .^�� ..�._. � .�_� ��_ • _.��.�y ��'--. �..+..� --_-.---
<br /> � s�tlshatory to L�nde►.b proNct L�ndK's Inbrot. ,
<br /> , Dury to Prohct. Trusta aprNS riNlhK b abmdon nor Iww unatt�nd�d tM Proparly. Trusta shol do�1 ottw�ds.in addltlon b tho�acls
<br /> aot torth abow In ihit»ctbn,whfch hom th�clw�cNr and us�of tM RopKly u�r nl�sonobry n�atluy to protoot�nd pr�saw tM Pirop�rty.
<br /> � DUE ON SALE-CONSE?!T BY LFNDER. L�nd�r rt�ay,at Ib optbn,d�clan Imrtwdieiaty dw and pay�bb�M surtn s�cund by this D«d of Trust
<br /> upon lh�s�N or Innstor.wilhout lM Lendar'f pria wrlHan Cor�nl,of�M or tny p�t of th�Raol PropKly.a any Intanat In Ih�Rwl Prop�rly. A
<br /> 'Sat�or tantfar"mwra th�COnWyanq W R�I Prop�rty or any dphf,tl1N or Inbnst 1h�nin;wh�th�r I�pal,l�fk�al or pW�blr,wlNtMr vdunfary .
<br /> a Involuntu�r,wlatMr by outrlpht ata,d�d,Insfallrtwnt eaN confnct,I�nd Con6act,contacl for doad,I�as�hold Intarost wNh a Nrm pnat�r than
<br /> throa(3)yNrs,Nnw-optlon contract,a by zala,�aalpnm�nf,or tranafK of�ny banNlcW Intar�t in a to�ny tand trust hddinp tliM to ttN RaW
<br /> Ropxly,a by�ny othK rn�thod ot conwyana d Rwl Propwty Intanst. It tny Trusta it�co�paadon,putnwlhtp a Nmllad Ikbllity comptny,
<br /> Uartttar slso I�cludas�ny chanpa In ownershlp of mon than lwanty-thn p�rCant(2b%)of tM votlrp atock,D�rtnNShIP�nt�rosb a Nmtbd N�bWty
<br /> company Int�rosb,u tha case may be,of Trostor. Mowovar,this optlon sh�N not b�sxaclsod by Lendor H auch ucercfs�b prohfbttad by kcforql
<br /> t�w a bY Neb►aslu I�w.
<br /> ' • �
<br />