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<br /> _?:;�I m�y result In pcctlerwtbn o�thr�umx uecured by twls Deed of Trust and sale af the Property.T6e aottce s6A11
<br /> further Intorm Borrower u�the ri�ht ta reinatwh oner Acceleration and the right to brtng a court Actton to
<br /> �saert the nonexlatence ot a detwult or�ny Mher dttense of Borrower to acccleraUon and sale.Ei the brwch Is
<br /> not cured on or be[on the date speclfled In the notlre,Lender,at Leader's optian,may declare aUof the sums
<br /> ..�:��,,,� aecured by thts lked of Trust to be Immedl�tely due and payable without further dem�nd and rn�y inroke the
<br /> power ot sale wnd any oQhcr remedte� penaltted by�PPIIcAble law. Lender shall bc eptltleil to collest All
<br /> "� reasan�ble casta�nd expensa Incurred In pureuing the remedles provtded in this paragraph 17, including,but
<br />����+�� not Iimited to�rauonable Attorncy�' fea.
<br /> �f,tN;4
<br />" "��' If the power ot swle b tnvoked, Trwtee �luill record o aot(ce of de[ault 1n eacb county (n which the
<br />;��:` Property or aome pAe�t thereot u Ma�ted tnd shdl mall rnples of such noNce in the maaner prescdbed bY
<br /> �;:�� �pp8cable I�w to Borrower Rnd to the Mher penons prac�ibed bY aPPqcable l�tv�.After thc lapse o[ such time
<br /> � as mpy be requtred by�pplkible I�w,Tnatee�11 �Ive public aotice ot sale to the�ersons and in We maaaer
<br /> prescrfbed by�ppllcable law.Tn�tee�wltbout dan�nd on Borrower,s6a11 seGl the 1Property at public auctiou
<br />:,,�;�� to the hl�hat btdder pt the ttme�nd pbce tad under the ter�ns deslguated In tD�e nutice of eale daone oe'more
<br /> __-= pw�+cels wnd tn�uch ordar a�Tnrta n�sy detamtne.Truuee may postpone sale of all or any pa'cd o[the
<br />—"""'� �P��S'bY Publle�nnouacement�t the time�nd pl�ce ot aQy previously scheduled a�le. I.eucicr or I.enda�a
<br />:-�.;�;�� da+lgna m�y purchase the Praperty st any Mle.
<br /> ��,�� [Jpon recdpt o!p�yment oi the prlce bld,Trusta ahwll deliver to the purc6aser Tragtee's dad conveying �
<br /> the Property sold.The rxltwl9 In the Trux4e�'s deed ahall be prlmA tACIe evidense o!the truth of the statements
<br /> ---- mnde thereln.Trustee�hall apply the proceeds of the e�le in the tollowing orders(a)to aU reasorable casts aad
<br /> expense� ot the wle. includin�, but not Umtted to, Trwtee's feea wctuslly tacwred ot �vt more t)wn
<br /> -�-�— 5.000 'Ji ot the g�eAle prlce. ra►wnrble�ttorneys'tas end casts o!tttic�vldence; (b)to
<br /> � sU suma secured by thu Deed of Tru�; �nd (c)Rhe excae� It any, to the perROn or persoas IegAlly entitled
<br /> __ thereto.
<br /> _`.;� ie.�x.v��'i�i :ta r��::.Nati;�l�SOS�z2�1A�L�i'4�Clk[�Si�n�f the sums seCUied bV Sh15 DCCd Of
<br /> �-''� Trust. due to Bomower�i bcench,Borrower ah�ll hAVe the N�ht to have any proceedin8s bcBwa by Lender to enforcc
<br /> -� tb.is Dad of Tnut discoatinued �t�ay time prior to the eiulicr to occur of(i)the fif�h day beforc the sale of the
<br /> --- Property purewnt co the power of e�le coatainod in thia Deed of Trust or(ii)eatry of a judgment eng'oniag this Dxd
<br /> --=-- of Tcust if:(a)Aorrower paye LeAder al!aum�which would be then due uader thia Deed of Trust and tho Note had
<br /> -- no �cceleruion occurnd; @) Borrower cuns dl bn�ches o! uAy other covenanta or agraments of Rarrow�r
<br /> -_-= cont�►ed in this Dad of Troat; (c) Borrower pzye dl re�son�bla eapeaaes Wr�rcod by Lender aad Trustes in
<br /> enforcing the covenenta wd agreements of Borrower cantdned in thii Dad of Trust
<br /> and in eaforcing I.ender'e w�d Trustee's remedies a� provided in par�raph 17 hereoP, inciudlng,but not limital to,
<br /> reasonable xctorneys' fas; uid(d)Bnrrower tdces such�ctton a�[.ender may cexsoaably require to msun tt►at the
<br /> ••— lien of this Deed of Tcust. Lender's interest In the Property�nd Borrawer'n obllgadon to pay the sum� aecured by
<br /> this Dcat of Trust sh�il contInue unimp�irod.Upon such payaxnt emd cure by Borrower,rhie Dad of Tru�t and the
<br /> obligation�exnred hereby ahall nmai�n la fult force u�d effect�s(f no�cceleration h�d axurnd.
<br /> . 19.Aeel�nment of Rent�;Appotntmeot ot Rxdver;La�der In Powealoa. As addlttona�secwiry hereunder,
<br /> Borrower hereby assigas to Leader the renta of the Propetty, provided that Borrower ahall� pdor to acceleration
<br /> under paragraph 17 hereof or abaadonment of the Property.have the dght to collxt �ad reta�n such rente as they
<br /> bocome due uid p�ynble.
<br /> • Upon acceleration under paragrapd 17 hereof oi•a6mdonmeat of the Property,Lender. in person, by agent or
<br /> by)udicially appointed recelver ab�ll be entitlai to enter upon. ukc poasession of u�d monage thc Property and to
<br /> � coliect the renta of tbe Property iar.ludiag those past due. All rents collxted by Lendor or eho reaiver shall be
<br /> applIed firat to payment of the cos�a of mauagement of the Property and collcedon of rence,lnclud[ng,Dut not limitcd
<br /> to,receiver's fees,premiums on receiver's bonda and re�+onable�ttorneya'foes,and thcn to tha aums accured by this
<br /> Dad of'Y'ivst. Lender nnnd the receiver nhall be li�ble to�ccount oaly for those rents ectuelly rcceived.
<br /> 20. Reconveyanca Upon payment of all aums secured by thli Deed ot Tcust,Lender ahaU request Tmstee to
<br /> reconvey thepc�p�rty and shall surrender this Dad of Truat�tnd�1!nota evldeming indebtedness secwed by th9s
<br /> Dad of Tnut co'frustee. Trusta ahall reconvey the Propeny without wuranry and without chazge to the person or
<br /> persons legally entitled thereto. Such person or persons eh�11 pay all corts of record�tion,ff any.
<br /> Zl. Sut�stltute'lY�usta. L.eader, at Lender's option, may from timo to time remove Trustee ead ap�oint a
<br /> - successor miata to any Truatee appointal henunder by nn lnstcument recorded in the couaty in which thts Deed of
<br /> ___.__�s Tn�st is recarded.Wit�out conveyance of We PropeRy,the successor trustee nhall aucceed to all the tide.power and
<br /> — duties conf�aed upon the Tmstee henin artd by applicable law.
<br /> -_= 22. Request for Notices. Borrower requests that wpies of thc noticc oP dcf'ault and notIa ot aale be sent to
<br />��_a—...� Bortowei's address WhICh is tha P[ope[ty Address. Fam 3628�.,
<br /> -_-_�� . �J8lNE1 tseoYi ►p�6 0�6 hiNaU�,���J� _.
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