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<br /> If the aaiount of the Funds hald by Lendcr,togather with the fbture montbly installinents of Funds paynble pdor
<br /> to the due dates of taxos,assessments, insurance pnmiums and ground nnts,shall exceed the amount requlred to pay
<br /> �d �es�assesymettts, insurnuce premiums and ground rents as they fnll due, such excess sball be. at Borrower's
<br /> option, either promptly repaid to Borro►ver ar creditad to Borrower oa monthly instalivaents of Funds. if ttae uuuunc
<br /> of tho Funds hcld by Lendar shall not be sufficiant to pay taxes. assessmenta, insurance premiums and gr�uad raats
<br /> as�t►ey fall due, Honowar shall pay to Lendor any nmount necessary to mu1cB up the deficiency In an�z ar mAr.�
<br /> payments as I.endar may require.
<br /> Upon paymeat in full of all sumc secured by thia Dcod of Truct, Lender shall pmmpdy refiu►d to Bar3c+aar any
<br /> Funds held hy Lcnder. If under pamgraph 17 hereof the Propcm� ia sold or the Properry ia otherwise aaquired by
<br /> I.endar,L.eader shall apply. no later thnn immediataly prior ta the sale of the Propect}r or its acquiaitioa lsy I.ender.
<br /> any Funds held by l.cnder at ihe time of application as a craiit againct the suma secured by this Doed af Ttvet.
<br /> 3.Applicwtion af Paymmts.Unless applicable law pmvides othonvise,ali payments received by Ixnder under —
<br /> thc Noto and paragraphs 1 aad?,hcreof shall be applied by Lender first ia payment of amotutts paynble to l.endet by
<br /> Borrower undet parngraph 2 hereaf,thcn to laterest payable oa tAe Note,and then to the principal of the Note.
<br /> 4. PrtQr Mo�tgages and Deeds ot Trust; Charges; Lienv. Borrower shatl perform ail of Bortowcr's
<br /> obligatioas under any martgage, dced of trust or other securiry agreement wlth a liea wbicb has prlorlty over this
<br /> Doed of Ttust,includtng Sonower's covenants to make payments when due. Borrower sha11 pay or cause to be paid
<br /> all taxes, asscssments and other charges, fines and impositions attrlbutable to thc Property which may a!tala a
<br /> priority over this Uad of Trust,and kasehold payments or ground rents,if any.
<br /> s.Hwr�rd Ias�e. Borrower ahall koep the improvements aow exist{ng an c�rcafter erected on the oroperty
<br /> insured against loss by f c�.hazards included within the term"eatended coverage,"and such other hazards u I.ender
<br /> may requin and in such amounis and iur nuct,�,a�iut3s as L,�ndec may r�ui.:,.
<br /> Tde iasurance carrter providWg the insurance shall be chosea by Borrower stibject to appmval by Leuder;
<br /> providarl� thet such Approval ehall not�uareasonably wlthh..ld. All insurance policlea end renewala theroof shall be
<br /> in a foms•accepcable to Lender and sftaI�include a etauderd mort�age clauae in fsvor of and in a fordi occeptable to
<br /> I.ender. Lender shall hava the r�ght to hold the policiea and nnawats thereof, subject to the terms of�ny mortgige.
<br /> deed of m�at ar ott►er sacudty agrament with a lien which hus pr�ority over this Dad of Trust.
<br /> In�tlta eveat of insa,Borrower sh�ll give pmmpt notice to the insurana cerrler and Lender.Leader �y make
<br /> proof oF toss if not made prompdy by Borrower.
<br /> If the Property is abaadoaed by Borrower. or lf Borrower fails to respond to I.ender within 30 d�ys fto�►the
<br /> d�ce notIce is mailod by Lender to Borrower that the insurance carrler offera to settle a claim for insuru�ce beneRts,
<br /> Lender ia iutLorized to collat uid apply the inaurmce procads at L.eader's optioa either to restoration or reprir of
<br /> the Propeny or[o tha sums secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br /> 6. Presavation ana Moistauwace of Property; :.�:,l:o!�h; rcr.�oraiNums; Plwnned Udt DeveWpmente.
<br /> Borrowar sb.at!keep the Property in 8�wdrepair and shall not commis weste or permit impairment or deteriontion of
<br /> the Prnpsrty and eha11 comply with the pmviaions of any lea9e if this Deat of Tnut is on a leasehold. If ttaIe Dad of
<br /> Ttust is on a unit in a condominium or a planned unit devclopmcnt, Borrower shail perform all of Borrowcr'a
<br /> obligations wndar tbe declaration or covenants creating or governing the condomininm or planned unit d�velopment,
<br /> the by-lawa and regulallons of the aondominium or planned unit development.and coastituent documenta.
<br /> 7.protectton ot Leader's Sacurlty.If Borrower fails to perform the covenants aad agrxmeats contained in this
<br /> Deod of Trust, or If aay xdon or proceeding Is commenced which materIalty affects Lender's iaterest in the
<br /> property� then Lender, at I.eader's optioa, apon uotia to Borrower,may m�3ce eucII appearaoces. disburse such
<br /> sum�, includmg reasontble attorneys' fas. u►d talce auch xtion as ia necessary to pmt�t I.ender'a iaterat. It
<br /> Lender required mortgage insurance as a caadldon of making the loan secured by this Deed of Trust,Borrower shall
<br /> pay the premtums requiral to mainta[n such iasurmce in effect until sacb dme as tha requirement for sucl�fosucance
<br /> termivata in�ccordu►ce with Borrower's aad Lender's written agnement or appliazblC law.
<br /> My uzwuntti disbursed by Lender pursuant ro this paragraph 7,with interest thereon, at the Note nte. shall
<br /> beoome addidonal iadeModness of Borrower secured by this Dad of Trust. Unless Borrower and I.cnder agree to
<br /> other tern� af payment, such amounts shall be payable upon nodce from Lender to Borrower requesdug payment
<br /> thereof. Notbing contafned in this paragraph 7 shall requlre I.ender to incar aay expense or take aay action
<br /> hereunder.
<br /> 6,It►�pkction.i.ender may make or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and inspocttons of thc Property,
<br /> providaf that Lender shall give Borrower notice prior to any such inspcction sptcifytng masonable ca*.ase therefor --
<br /> nlatod to I.onder's interest in the Propeccy. Fam 3828 �
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