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• 4 � ` . <br />, <br />.__..__..._.-"_____'__' '____'_ _.. . �,.. _. __"_ .___ '_. __'___'_"_---.-.---_'_.. ___"`_ _ .._'_' .'-.'"-- _ � n,�-.�-_--_ ._ <br />EXHIBIT "A° <br />A tract of land compris�ing a part of the South Half of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter <br />(S1/2 NE1/4 SEl/4), of Section Three (3), Township Ten (10) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th <br />P.M. in H�11 County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at a point on the south line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NEl/4 <br />SEl/4) said point being 1�vo Hnndred Forty One and Seventy One Hnndredths (241.71) feet west of the <br />southeast corner of said Northeast Quarter of the Sontheast Qnarter (NEl/4 SEl/4); thence westerly <br />along the south line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NEl/4 SEl/4), a distance of <br />One Thousand Eighty Nine and Fifty S�tx Hundredths (1,0895� feet, to the southwest corner of said <br />Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NEl/4 SEl/4); thence northerly along the west line of said <br />Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NEl/4 SEl/4), a distance of Three Hundred Sixty Seven <br />and Fifteen Hundredths (3671� feet; thence easterly parallel to the south line..of said Northeast Quarter <br />of the Southeast Quarter (NE1/4 SEl/4), a distance of One Thousand Three Hundred 1�venLy Nine and <br />Six Hundredths (1,329.0� feet to the east l�ine of said Section Three (3); thence southerly along the east <br />line of said Secdon Three (3), a dlstaace on One Hundred Fifty Eight and Fifty One Hundredths (15851) <br />feet; thence westerly parallel to the south line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Qnarter <br />(NE1/4 SEl/4),a distance of Two Hnndred Forty One and Seventy One Hundredths (241.71) feet; thence <br />southerly parallel to the east line of said Secl3on Three (3), a d�tstance of Two Hundred Eight and <br />Seventy One FIundredths (208.71) feet to the place of beglnning. <br />