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EXHIBIT A <br />� ! <br />�o12os4i2 <br />A iru��t of luad compr[slug a purt of tbe North Halt ot' the Northea�t Qnarter (Ni/Z NEl/4) u! Section <br />T�venty Five (Z5)� T„wnship Eleven (11) North, Runge Nine (9) West of We 6th P.lbi., Hali County� <br />Nebraska, mure pa�ticularly de.ccrtbed as foltows: Beginnin� at a paiat on the north llne safd North Une <br />Half of the Northes�st Qus�rter (Nl/2 NEi/4}, said point being Nine Hundred Filty Nine and Forty 7'hree <br />Hundredths (959.�i3) leet west o[ the aorthesst corner of said North One Holf of the Nurtheast Quarter <br />(Nl/Z NEl/Aj; thence S9Q°�0'00"W (assumed bearing) nloag and upun the north Iine uf ssaid Nortb Une <br />lialf oi the Northetist Qut�rter (Nl/2 NEI/4), u dist�nce of T6ree Hundred Sixty (36Q.0) 1'eet; thence <br />SDi°i!Q'40°E� a distance u[ One Thousand 'Itro Nundred ThYrty p�30A) feet; thenee N�QOU'IMl'E.parallel <br />with the north llne of suid Narth Oae Half of the Northrsyt Quurter (NiJZ NE!/4), a tlistan��e of Three <br />Hundred Slxty (36U.U) feet; thence NOl°(NI'QQ"W, a dtstanc�e �f One Thousand 1�vo Huodred Thirty <br />(1,23U.0) feet to the pc►int o[ tre�iantng. <br />*0049601685 016* <br />