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<br /> �•�.,�•. �: py tW�l�[o�g�.l[oatp�or�Lal!py to 1[o�tp�+�th��ouaat o!aqy d�tloi�noy between 1h�aotwl t�.iMMr
<br /> , r� �
<br /> n►�ats,inw�no�Pmdums wd�ratmd rrs��t and th�d�qo�la �und�r witbfa 10 dyr�att�s dsmwd b mad��pon
<br /> ),[o�os rpuMti�p�y9swat th�o�
<br /> : �• �. �afr.yrvrt�a�a sad Up,T,c prc�ippuy try�tr.rMtor�or rsbuild�uy bulldin�s ar i�pror�meaL�uowr er
<br /> • ! h�rs�har oa tA�ProMxqt to lowp th�ProA�=Ct�►�oonditloa aod rpdr�witDout wr�t�.and icM�om m�ohanb'�or
<br /> F�� t"I�at •miaf.h�o:impds��ryNw o:���Prulwr4�hi�o�o omai��iiou�to�s�Lo o�om t�with r�wlr+me�na�i..�.
<br /> �} ' wtth rMp�ot 6o Rlu Prop��
<br /> � r° -
<br /> �, �ouu�emnalloa.Im th6 event t�e Prr�pe�. or�ry gurt thereof, �hwll b�t�k�a by�min�at domaln,Ah�
<br /> t
<br /> ...�.:�a;�+,� ��[A:�pis..i�.myow.e.a to oowot.sd ne�h..0 ooemp.n.af�{oa�b.foh�q►b.p.w ror ws P�'oP�Mi►wo.o cr por aaar
<br /> �to prop�eq aot txbn.�d lYtort�yw rhall�pP4�uoh�D��on.at iL optioa.�1tL�r ta�nduotion ot t�
<br /> ,. � • iad�bt�da�Monr�d!h�aJ►or to r�piis�ad rMlo�n tb�prap�e�y ro�d.
<br />.:'`•, �. lrrpoe�aaa 1�/1[oe�.Yo�ip�s�Y.but�Lall Dnw no obliptloa.to do aAy aot wWoh th�ltortp�ar
<br /> �' ha��ewd but btls to do.and xos�w my rbo do w�wol it dMm�n�'y to Prot�ot th�li�n L�eaot]itory�or
<br /> yews Io rapq.upon d�maad.n�r sum� �o�ndb b�t6� ldostsa�toz th�sbon puspaM.� W�sums w
<br /> � ��!na�fn�PasonallWaiU4 b�owM ot��it m4 d�o os om���b t�Wn hu�
<br /> _ f. DMwi�A�IP�at d�aU.Tlm�L of Sh�ewnoe L�r�o��ad upoa ll[ort�o��dWwn in aq�onwa�nt
<br /> r�.. os�ewm�at o!tW�iufor�.tnolndins oo�n�ntt�o py wh�n duw th��um��our�d l�f thls 1to��.th��toei��
<br /> � � �all b��ntlti�d.�t id aL option and without mtio�.Lo dwLev al�um�Monnd b�1'l�fr 1[osfp��to th�1mm�d1aM4
<br /> � dw and py�b1��nd m�y oommn►os�or�oloiur�ot thi�3Ia�b�tudt�lal ProcsediaP��ad.Pro�ld�d Nefb�r�tl�t
<br /> •s,- upoa nwh ddlwlt�llory��s.or a a�a�i�nr�PPotatsd b�y s owu:k m,Y at ib optloa aad�rltbout s�y�ttd to th�wd�w
<br /> o�oI th��wu:ifi/.�aar npon�ad Ss1n poweNton of th�Ptop�zty�od oollwt th�r�t�.lsiuM and pa�uQt��nf[nm and
<br /> r �AHk/tb�nrst to ths oo�t ot oo1l�Loa md np�eation o!Ws Prop�sq�ad th�a upon th�iad�btWa�Moue+�d�t�i�
<br /> . �u 1[ort�r w1d r�nt�.UsnM and peo4h b�iai a�l�n�d W ih� Yor�a�a�fuxih�r wousif,�br�pym�nt ut t�
<br /> ,
<br /> _ ind�bt�dn�0siotusd h�r��yr.
<br />-,, :. '. i�. �'e�rhe ot�u�tl o:�y part af th�Pro�ti so18 os tr�arbrr�d wlibous th�Rp[�wrltt�n ooa�
<br /> Mat ot th��taatp��.lWs�o�my�ip wl�oplfon.deoMx+Yl�om�r�r�d by tLb itorf�to b f�aa�dl+t�4
<br />- A:�` dwwdp�rsW�.
<br /> .';:,:ti:��.r 11. 1�tan Ad�s�•Upoa r�qus�t oi�[art��or. �Qo�a�my m�l[��dditional�nd fntu� �d�unoM to
<br /> "�'"' : - ' af w.. • 1. .r...sw s�.nn aotd�e�!K m+mstrenr nAfY
<br />-.s_.,�°.�-:.,:n; 'aiosi�or.ouuo iri��ww.i-.'a:a`i Lsi�..::i�-,�.S^...-.'.�....�i'rili'��.��Q.�.�_------------
<br /> _:-�_t ..�:., � �attns sn�t a.w aoh.ass Mour�a h.svE�At nA nm..bYl sbs p�inoipwl smouas ot th.faa.eaaaN:Maurd tq sby.
<br /> '�:y;':�.�,��;' �toii��.not taolndiar�uaw�d�ano�d to pt�hat th�Mourl�o!tht�Hort��aa�d t1�orl�lnal IdoN.
<br /> _,.,�..�..
<br /> :r-;�� 1�.Kl�otll��a/�ro�Woas.
<br />.�.`�.����
<br /> ___„�,��� (�,1 �7 Lor�ba�raaos in���a7 siqht or rtm+df'sb�il aot be a waiwr thsr�oL
<br />-_�y�2"� .lb)_ Att r.arai�.�►w.a n.t+.lb.rr dlrtlaa wa r�um�utw.r to�.qy otD.e r�h!�mn3.a e�!sw os.qrtQ.
<br /> _:.1'.�,=�,� � .. . ..'adt m�/t���d croaounwtq►.i�a8�p�nd�ntc�'or nroo�lt��Y• .
<br />_ _�.LL=:�s (o) T!u oowaw9��nd�nte ooataia�d h�ln�h�ll b1nd,�nd th�rS�hts iaur�to.t�iwp�oliM Mw
<br />— owor and aMd�ottlw�Iatt�ot and th�Yo�p�.
<br /> �•a�sa (d� A11 no�wnsnS�wd�+r�m�nb otth�I1[os'q��or wr1 f o1n!and�ral.
<br /> --- {�) 'iL�hw!►np o!t�e p1�e�ph+�ot t3�1�l�etfi�p�n tos ooa�uo�onl�and�hall aot b�viod b iat�►
<br /> pant orAMt�s sb�pxorrlwdon�D�arot .
<br /> � is.��. Upon pq�m�nt ot�all sa�m�seour�d b�tLf�l�tort�.Ir[o�N�bail d1�o�e1��thN Irta�l�y��ad
<br /> --'_ - �La�l worM and d�ltne a�stl�w�wy rdw�tt�b::
<br /> _,-��:j IId W![rT�68�iVEiE4REOF.Mor�oz lus�oorout�d thls lfbotiw�on thr,.tth_dq►ot Sr+pt��h�r _10 Q7 -
<br /> 'r �� ((Rict�ard C. 5herman) �""'�-� @.�,,.,,,�
<br /> _���' 4My �J�Yf�+1/ ��
<br /> -•'�' "'" �. (Sheri A . Sherman� 1'' n"''
<br /> .„ ::,.ri �onoo.r
<br /> "�;� �- eaantN.b�.to.. Hal1 coun�rw:
<br /> - ... - ;• pn�y 122,�, -dyr c!S gnten b er _ 10 97-befor�m�.ths uadsnlQasd.i Notaxy Publto -
<br /> , ' dub oommis�dond and qualifled for satd ooua�.Pe��IY�e '�ii1 i1.
<br /> .� �,�D�' Chori A Chav�man hueha^ n^,�,a�, W�FP -LO�Ab10'RIIZOMLh�
<br /> •� "'r'" r. W�ntloal pnson(t)wD.as nams(�)are sub�odbed to ths fors�otn�fnstrument�nd solmowlW�sd the eao�outfoa th�s�wf
<br /> �- �_
<br /> '„_ ; �� yq p� Tnf7/C witanti�'iiiri wnu a'wwi. _
<br /> , " Witnws�►Land sad notaii�l�eal at in�atd aou�r�th�
<br /> daL�ufoneMtd. •
<br /> 1(y Commirioa apiree: �A1tIqTAA1'3'rM M N�Oratlu � �
<br /> . Mf►O�w.D�.Drc.�Q,119s NoSar.y Publlu
<br /> tJeC toM vod
<br /> owro�w e«+�a ca�n«o.rn,a a�+a s+w�+o.a.oc�on.u,00r,.a.a.w�.
<br /> _ .. . . . .. ,
<br /> . .
<br />